An historian who sticks to his field.
From theo-pedia:
Gerald Lewis Bray is an Evangelical theologian, writer, and research professor for Samford University. He previously taught at Beeson Divinity School, where he continues to teach specialized courses. Dr. Bray is an ordained minister in the Church of England.
"Prior to coming to Beeson in 1993, he served as lecturer in theology and philosophy at Oak Hill College in London and was visiting fellow at General Theological Seminary in New York."Bray has an M.Litt. and D. Litt. from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. :
I am interested in the study of early christianity, especially the creation and formative years, perhaps the first 200. Although in recent years, I have taken a greater and greater interest in Patristics. To show you some of the stuff I have been collecting, and trying to organize, take a look at these two pages, and see if anything interests you;
I am interested in convos on anything in the early christianity general area, If this kind of thing interests you, feel free to contact me by email.
Cheers! RichGriese.NET
Unable to get into/at the two URL's.
Yes, although not working in that area, much interested in patristics.
Not sure what a "convo" is.
Hopefully, can access the URL. Currently, at the local college computer lab. Perhaps it is a firewall? Don't know. Will try when I go home tonight.
re; Reformation said...
The server, if you noticed the address is run on port 8080, instead of the standard http port 80. So if the local college computer lab shuts off port 8080, then you cannot hit the site from there.
"Convo" = "conversations".
Cheers! RichGriese.NET
Thanks Rich.
Will give it an effort later tonight. No promises, since I'm a techno-dinosaur.
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