Reformed Churchmen

We are Confessional Calvinists and a Prayer Book Church-people. In 2012, we remembered the 350th anniversary of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer; also, we remembered the 450th anniversary of John Jewel's sober, scholarly, and Reformed "An Apology of the Church of England." In 2013, we remembered the publication of the "Heidelberg Catechism" and the influence of Reformed theologians in England, including Heinrich Bullinger's Decades. For 2014: Tyndale's NT translation. For 2015, John Roger, Rowland Taylor and Bishop John Hooper's martyrdom, burned at the stakes. Books of the month. December 2014: Alan Jacob's "Book of Common Prayer" at: January 2015: A.F. Pollard's "Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation: 1489-1556" at: February 2015: Jaspar Ridley's "Thomas Cranmer" at:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

SGM-Mahaneygate: Tweets about Twats

Tweets about these twats in SGM.  I've never seen anything like it.  They're allegedly hosting 60-80 defrocked clerics plus maybe 100 more, at a reconciliation event, being run by Lutherans, while CJ is "center-stage" at their Conference, 10-12 Nov 2011. We're thankful for the tweeterizers, in this case, SGM Nation.!/sgmNation

We need to connect dots – [explicit] about "we used to believe this, now we believe this" - DH
Address. polity particulars: clarity on how is board appointed, where does board member derive authority, qualific of board member-DH
We've identified 3 broad categories – polity particulars, pastoral practice and communication - Dave H
We realized we had to win back confidence…Some pastors had no lack of confidence...any lack of confidence is too much- Dave H
We realized we couldn’t adjudicate and defend SGM at the same time - Dave H
[when Brent's docs were released] pastors were thinking, “what else don’t I know” - Dave H on the loss of trust amng SGM pastors
Our most immediate problem was not critics or polity–it was a shaking of confidence in leadership of SGM – Dave H on managing crisis
Some see systemic prob, others see need for refinemnt w impulse 2 defend [SGM/CJ]..pastors of SGM are far from monolithic on issues-DH
Seeing you (CJ) up here, reminds me that I miss your leadership... Dave H
We need to be courageous-we do humility well, we don't do courageous well.. [went on to speak of tackling slander & the divisive] CJ
SGM is a gospel preaching movement, by God’s grace, we will continue to be gospel preaching movement - CJ
.It would not be good leadership to leave u w areas of deficiency. Do we have problems? Yes..they do not define us & our churches -CJ
I’ve acceptd a managerial role and I’m not a mgr, I’m a pastor.For past 8 years, I havn’t been an elder..I hope that changes soon.- CJ
I can change quickly..hv no prob making decisions quickly. doesn’t serve an org..some thngs require discussn, questions & mor discussn.
"I wish I had defended myself – I wrongly concluded it wouldn’t be humble of me to defend myself"- CJ
"I am hopeful because any or all deficiencies will be and can be is our history to do so" - CJ
Updating quotes from CJ & Dave H coming up shortly - ones I missed from last couple days
Not at conf - skipping last session but will be posting more quotes from CJ, Dave H that I didn't get to yesterday.
Perspective- CJ Family Update most disappointing session. IMHO-Wrong tone,wrong attitude. Disclaim: not judging or being divisive ;-)
Perspective -Purswell and Kober sessions so far the most positive signs of change and right direction. Right tone, right attitude
sorry-not meant to be disheart. would you rather not know?
Ex: Change to statemt_faith will be reviewed by all ordained pastors & req. 2/3 agreement...instead of handed down like 10 cmmandmnts
Proposed church partnership agreement is a decent start- still open issues but at least putting practices to involve member churches
We’re in a period of institutionalization – it will help make our relationships healthier - JP
JP speaking of desire to broaden board composition – also covering how grievances against board members will be included in procedures
JP affirmed a couple of times in outset that extralocal, apostolic function is still valid and biblically supported
JP going over draft church partnership agreement meant to capture refinements, bring more specificity to our relationship w member churches
We are meeting w each pastoral team to discuss this on your turf, not just have you come to Gaithersburg…. JP
Polity is not just theology – there are structural elements to this - when we have 90+ churches, we need your input - JP
We’re not looking for polity fixes – we want refinements, structures that are durable - JP
Although polity is not our most important doctrinal commitment but it matters to how we work together - JP
Jefff Purswell up - polity discussion starting
Bob K - closed worship w Amazing Grace - enthusiastic singing. When dismissed, a few claps..somewhat muted - maybe everyone's tired.

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