Reformed Churchmen

We are Confessional Calvinists and a Prayer Book Church-people. In 2012, we remembered the 350th anniversary of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer; also, we remembered the 450th anniversary of John Jewel's sober, scholarly, and Reformed "An Apology of the Church of England." In 2013, we remembered the publication of the "Heidelberg Catechism" and the influence of Reformed theologians in England, including Heinrich Bullinger's Decades. For 2014: Tyndale's NT translation. For 2015, John Roger, Rowland Taylor and Bishop John Hooper's martyrdom, burned at the stakes. Books of the month. December 2014: Alan Jacob's "Book of Common Prayer" at: January 2015: A.F. Pollard's "Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation: 1489-1556" at: February 2015: Jaspar Ridley's "Thomas Cranmer" at:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Against Heresies: Trueman on Packer part 2

Against Heresies: Trueman on Packer part 2

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Additional information on the "aging Packer," a polite phrase as he heads into the twilight. In the Marine Corps, we had a saying, "One `Aw shucks' can undo 1000 `Attaboys.'" Packer has a whole bunch of "Aw shucks" that has overturned his writings. He says one thing, but does another when it comes to the Gospel, Rome and Tractarians.

This will go over Anglican heads since we require reading in this forum.

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