CA Moves to Strip Boy Scouts, Christian Youth Groups of Nonprofit Status

In a move that foreshadows the radical left’s plans for churches should gay marriage become the law of the land, the California legislature is moving to strip the Boy Scouts of America – a private organization – of its non-profit status for refusing to allow gay scoutmasters. The Youth Equality Act, created by Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Long Beach), would deny nonprofit status to any youth groups that “discriminate on the basis of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion or religious affiliation.” This would invalidate any Christian nonprofit that does not accept non-Christians, any youth group restricted to boys or girls, or any similar group.
The Senate Governance and Finance Committee voted 5 to 2 to send the bill to the Senate Appropriations Committee. The Senate would need to sign off with a two-thirds vote.Should same-sex marriage be ruled law in the state of California by the Supreme Court, undoubtedly the left will move immediately to strip churches of their state nonprofit statuses if they refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
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