August (202?) Remembering Irenaeus, Greek Churchman, Auditor of Polycarp,
& Confuter of Gnosticism and Montanism
Irenaeus (pronounced eye-ren-EE-S) was probably born around 125. As a young man
in Smyrna (near Ephesus, in what is now western Turkey) he heard the preaching
of Polycarp, who as a young man
had heard the preaching of the Apostle John. Afterward, probably while still a
young man, Polycarp moved west to Lyons in
southern France. In 177, Pothinus, the bishop of Lyons, sent him on a mission
to Rome. During his absence a severe persecution broke out in Lyons, claiming
the lives of the bishop and others (see 2 June). When Irenaeus returned to
Lyons, he was made bishop. He died around 202. He is thus an important link
between the apostolic church and later times, and also an important link
between Eastern and Western Christianity.
principal work is the Refutation of Heresies, a defense of orthodox
Christianity against its Gnostic rivals. A shorter work is his Proof of the
Apostolic Preaching, a brief summary of Christian teaching, largely
concerned with Christ as the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy. An
interesting bit of trivia about this latter book is that it is, as far as I
know, the first Christian writing to refer to the earth as a sphere.
of the earliest heresies to arise in the Christian church was Gnosticism, and
Irenaeus was one of its chief early opponents. Not all Gnostics believed
exactly the same thing, but the general outlines of the belief are fairly
were dualists, teaching that there are two great opposing forces: good versus
evil, light versus darkness, knowledge versus ignorance, spirit versus matter.
Since the world is material, and leaves much room for improvement, they denied
that God had made it. "How can the perfect produce the imperfect, the
infinite produce the finite, the spiritual produce the material?" they
asked. One solution was to say that there were thirty beings called AEons, and
that God had made the first AEon, which made the second AEon, which made the
third, and so on to the thirtieth AEon, which made the world. (This, Gnostics
pointed out to the initiate, was the true inward spiritual meaning of the
statement that Jesus was thirty years old when he began to preach.) As Irenaeus
pointed out, this did not help at all. Assuming the Gnostic view of the matter,
each of the thirty must be either finite or infinite, material or non-material,
and somewhere along the line you would have an infinite being producing a
finite one, a spiritual being producing a material one.
Gnostics were Docetists (pronounced do-SEE-tists). This word comes from the
Greek word meaning "to seem." They taught that Christ did not really
have a material body, but only seemed to have one. It was an appearance, so
that he could communicate with men, but was not really there. (If holograms had
been known then, they would certainly have said that the supposed body of Jesus
was a hologram.) They went on to say that Jesus was not really born, and did
not really suffer or die, but merely appeared to do so. It was in opposition to
early Gnostic teachers that the Apostle John wrote (1 John 4:1-3) that anyone
who denies that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of antiChrist.
claimed to be Christians, but Christians with a difference. They said that
Jesus had had two doctrines: one a doctrine fit for the common man, and
preached to everyone, and the other an advanced teaching, kept secret from the
multitudes, fit only for the chosen few, the spiritually elite. They, the
Gnostics, were the spiritually elite, and although the doctrines taught in the
churches were not exactly wrong, and were in fact as close to the truth as the
common man could hope to come, it was to the Gnostics that one must turn for
the real truth. They remind me very much of the Rosicrucians. When I mention
this, I often get blank stares, but not many years ago many popular science magazines
carried their advertisements, with assertions that Shakespeare, Benjamin Franklin,
Leonardo da Vinci, Plato, Archimedes, and so on had all been members of a
secret society called the Rosicrucians, and owed their achievements largely to
this fact. Was there any evidence of this aside from the traditions of the
group itself? Of course not! They were a secret society. Why were they secret?
"Because our wisdom would be misunderstood by the common man, and so must
be reserved for the tiny handful of mankind in every generation who are
spiritually advanced enough to appreciate it. So send us twenty bucks and we'll
spill our guts."
opposition to this idea, Irenaeus maintained that the Gospel message is for
everyone. He was perhaps the first to speak of the Church as
"Catholic" (universal). In using this term, he made three contrasts:
He contrasted the over-all church with the single local congregation, so that
one spoke of the Church in Ephesus, but also of the Catholic Church, of which
the Churches in Ephesus, Corinth, Rome, Antioch, etc. were local branches or
He contrasted Christianity with Judaism, in that the task of Judaism was to
preserve the knowledge of the one God by establishing a solid national base for
it among a single people, but the task of Christianity was to set out from that
base to preach the Truth to all nations.
He contrasted Christianity with Gnosticism, in that the Gnostics claimed to
have a message only for the few with the right aptitudes and temperaments,
whereas the Christian Gospel was to be proclaimed to all men everywhere.
then went on to say: If Jesus did have a special secret teaching, to whom would
He entrust it? Clearly, to His disciples, to the Twelve, who were with Him
constantly, and to whom he spoke without reservation (Mark 4:34). And was the
teaching of the Twelve different from that of Paul? Here the Gnostics, and
others since, have tried to drive a wedge between Paul and the original
Apostles, but Peter writes of Paul in the highest terms (2 Peter 3:15), as one
whose teaching is authentic. Again, we find Paul saying to the elders of the
church at Ephesus (Acts 20:27), that he has declared to them the whole counsel of
God. Where, then, do we look for Christ's authentic teaching? In the
congregations that were founded by the apostles, who set trustworthy men in
charge of them, and charged them to pass on the teaching unchanged to future
generations through carefully chosen successors.
PRAYER (traditional language)
Almighty God, who didst uphold
thy servant Irenaeus with Strength to maintain the truth against every blast of
vain doctrine: Keep us, we beseech thee, steadfast in thy true religion, that
in constancy and peace we may walk in the way that leadeth to eternal life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
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