1 August 1545 A.D. Andrew Melville
Born—John Knox’s #2 Man in Scottish Reformation
Andrew Melville
Worthies by John Howie
Andrew Melville, after finishing his classical
studies, went abroad, and taught for some time, both at Poitiers in France, and
at Geneva. He returned to Scotland in July 1574, after having been absent from
his native country nearly ten years. Upon his return, the learned Beza, in a
letter to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, said, “The greatest
token of affection the kirk of Geneva could show to Scotland was, that they had
suffered themselves to be spoiled of Mr Andrew Melville.”
Soon after his return, the General Assembly
appointed him to be the Principal of the College of Glasgow, where he continued
for some years. In the year 1576, the Earl of Morton being then Regent, and
thinking to bring Andrew Melville into his party, who were endeavouring to
introduce Episcopacy, he offered him the parsonage of Govan, a benefice of
twenty-four chalders of grain yearly, besides what he enjoyed as Principal,
providing he would not insist against the establishment of bishops; but
Melville rejected his offer with scorn.
He was afterwards translated to St Andrews,
where he served in the same station as he had done at Glasgow; and was likewise
a minister of that city. Here he taught the divinity class, and, as a minister,
continued to witness against the encroachments then making upon the rights of
the Church of Christ.
When the General Assembly sat down at Edinburgh
in 1582, Andrew Melville inveighed against the absolute authority which was
making its way into the Church: whereby, he said, they intended to pull the
crown from Christ’s head, and wrest the sceptre out of His hand. When several
articles, of the same tenor with his speech, were presented by the commission
of the Assembly to King James VI. And Council, craving redress, the Earl of
Arran cried out, “Is there any here that dare subscribe these articles.”
Melville went forward and said, “We dare, and will render our lives in the
cause;” and then took up the pen and subscribed. We do not find that any
disagreeable consequences ensued at this time.
But in the beginning of February 1584, he was
summoned to appear before the Secret Council, on the 11th of that month, to
answer for some things said by him in a sermon on a fast-day, from Dan 4.
At his first compearance, he made a verbal defence; but being again called, he
gave in a declaration, with a declinature, importing that he had said nothing,
either in that or any other sermon, tending to dishonour King James VI., but
had regularly prayed for the preservation and prosperity of his Majesty; that,
as by acts of Parliament and laws of the Church, he should be tried for his
doctrine by the Church, he therefore protested for, and craved, a trial by
them, and particularly in the place where the offence was alleged to have been
committed; and that as there were special laws in favour of St Andrews to the
above import, he particularly claimed the privilege of them. He further
protested, that what he had said was warranted by the word of God; that he
appealed to the congregation who heard the sermon; that he craved to know his
accusers; that, if the calumny was found to be false, the informers might be
punished; that the rank and character of the informer might be considered,
etc., after which he gave an account of the sermon in question; alleging that
his meaning had been misunderstood, and his words perverted.
When he had closed his defence, the King, and
the Earl of Arran, who was then Chancellor, raged exceedingly against him.
Melville remained undisquieted, and replied, “You are too bold, in a
constituted Christian kirk, to pass by the pastors, and take upon you to judge
the doctrine, and control the messengers of a Greater than any present. That
you may see your rashness, in taking upon you that which you neither ought nor
can do” (taking out a small Hebrew Bible, and laying it down before them),
“there are,” said he, “my instructions and warrant, - see if any of you can
control me, that I have passed my injunctions.” The Chancellor opening the
book, put it into the King’s hand, saying, “Sire, he scorneth your Majesty and
the Council.” “Nay,” said Andrew Melville, “I scorn not, but I am in good
He was, in the time of this debate, frequently
removed, and instantly recalled, that he might not have time to consult with
his friends. They proceeded against him, and admitted his avowed enemies to
prove the accusation; and though the whole train of evidence which was led,
proved little or nothing against him, yet they resolved to involve him in
troubles, because he had declined their authority, as the competent judges of
doctrine, and therefore remitted him to ward in the Castle of Edinburgh, during
the King’s will. Being informed, that if he entered into ward, he would not be
released, unless it should be to bring him to the scaffold, and that the decree
of the Council being altered, Blackness was appointed for his prison, which was
kept by some dependants of the Earl of Arran, he resolved to get out of the
country. A macer gave him a charge to enter Blackness in twenty-four hours;
and, in the meanwhile, some of Arran’s horsemen were attending at the West Port
to convoy him thither; but, by the time he should have entered Blackness, he had
reached Berwick. Messrs Lawson and Balcanquhal gave him the good character he
deserved, and prayed earnestly for him in public, in Edinburgh; which both
moved the people and galled the Court exceedingly.
After the storm had abated, he returned to St
Andrews in 1586, when the Synod of Fife had excommunicated Patrick Adamson,
pretended Archbishop of St Andrews, on account of some immoralities. Adamson
having drawn up the form of an excommunication against Andrew Melville and
James, his brother, sent out a boy with some of his own creatures to the kirk
to read it; but the people paying no regard to it, the Archbishop, though both
suspended and excommunicated, would himself go to the pulpit to preach;
whereupon some gentlemen, and others in town, convened in the new college, to
hear Andrew Melville. The Archbishop being informed that they were assembled on
purpose to put him out of the pulpit and hang him, for fear of this called his
friends together, and betook himself to the steeple; but at the entreaty of the
magistrates and others, he retired home.
This difference with the Archbishop brought the
Melvilles again before the King and Council, who, pretending that there was no
other method to end that quarrel, ordained Mr Andrew to be confined to Angus
and the Mearns, under pretext that he would be useful in that country in
reclaiming Papists. Because of his sickly condition, Mr James was sent back to
the new college; and the University sending the Dean of Faculty and the masters
with a supplication to the King in Mr Andrew’s behalf, he was suffered to
return, but was not restored to his place and office until the month of August
The next winter, he laboured to give the
students in divinity under his care a thorough knowledge of the discipline and
government of the Church; which was attended with considerable success. The
specious arguments of Episcopacy vanished, and the serious part, both of the
town and University, repaired to the college to hear him and Robert Bruce, who
began preaching about this time.
After this he was chosen moderator in some
subsequent Assemblies of the Church; in which several acts were made in favour
of religion, as maintained at that period.
When the King brought home his Queen from
Denmark in 1590, Andrew Melville made an excellent oration upon the occasion in
Latin, which so pleased the King, that he publicly declared, he had therein
both honoured him and his country, and that he should never be forgotten. Yet
such was the instability of this prince, that, in a little after this, because
Melville opposed his arbitrary measures in grasping after an absolute authority
over the church, he conceived a daily hatred against him ever after, as will
appear from the sequel.
When Andrew Melville went with some other
ministers to the Convention of Estates at Falkland in 1596 (wherein they
intended to bring home the excommunicated lords who were then in exile), though
he had a commission from last Assembly to watch against every imminent danger
that might threaten the Church, yet, whenever he appeared at the head of the
ministers, the King asked him, who sent for him there? to which he resolutely
“Sire, I have a call to
come from Christ and His Church, who have a special concern in what you are
doing here, and in direct opposition to whom ye are all here assembled; but, be
ye assured, that no counsel taken against Him shall prosper; and I charge you,
Sire, in His name, that you and your Estates here convened favour not God’s
enemies, whom He hateth.”
After he had said this, turning himself to the
rest of the members, he told them that they were assembled with a traitorous
design against Christ, His Church, and their native country. In the midst of
this speech, he was commanded by the King to withdraw.
The Commission of the General Assembly was now
sitting, and understanding how matters were going on at the Convention, they
sent some of their members, among whom Andrew Melville was one, to expostulate
with the King. When they came, he received them in his closet. James Melville,
being first in the commission, told the King his errand; upon which he appeared
angry, and charged them with sedition. Mr James, being a man of cool passion
and genteel behaviour, began to answer the King with great reverence and
respect; but Mr Andrew, interrupting him, said, “This is not a time to flatter,
but to speak plainly, for our commission is from the living God, to whom the
King is subject;” and then, approaching the king; said
“Sire, we will always
humbly reverence your Majesty in public, but having opportunity of being with
your Majesty in private, we must discharge our duty, or else be enemies to
Christ. And now, Sire, I must tell you, that there are two kings and two
kingdoms in Scotland: there is King James, the head of the Commonwealth, and
there is Christ Jesus, the Head of the Church, whose subject King James VI. is,
and of whose kingdom he is not a head, nor a lord, but a member; and they whom
Christ hath called, and commanded to watch over His Church, and govern His
spiritual kingdom, have sufficient authority and power from Him so to do, which
no Christian king nor prince should control or discharge, but assist and
support, otherwise they are not faithful subjects to Christ. And, Sire, when
you were in your swaddling clothes, Christ reigned freely in this land in spite
of all His enemies; His officers and ministers were convened for ruling His
Church, which was ever for your welfare. Will you now challenge Christ’s
servants, your best and most faithful subjects, for convening together, and for
the care they have of their duty to Christ and you? The wisdom of your counsel
is, that you may be served with all sorts of men, that you may come to your
purpose, and because the ministers and Protestants of Scotland are strong, they
must be weakened and brought low, by stirring up a party against them. But,
Sire, this is not the wisdom of God, and His curse must light upon it; whereas,
in cleaving to God, His servants shall be your true friends, and He shall
compel the rest to serve you.”
There is little difficulty to conjecture how
this discourse was relished by the King. However, he kept his temper, and
promised fair things to them for the present; but it was the word of him whose
standard maxim was, Qui nescit dissimulare, nescit regnare, “He who knows not
how to dissemble, knows not how to reign.” In this sentiment, unworthy of the
meanest among men, he gloried, and made it his constant rule of conduct; for in
the Assembly at Dundee in 1598, Andrew Melville being there, he discharged him
from the Assembly, and would not suffer business to go on till he was removed.
There are other instances of the magnanimity of
this faithful witness of Christ, which are worthy of notice. In the year 1606,
he, and seven of his brethren, who stood most in the way of having Prelacy
advanced in Scotland, were called up to England, under pretence of having a
hearing granted them by the King (who had now succeeded to that throne), with
respect to religion; but rather to be kept out of the way, as the event
afterwards proved, until Episcopacy should be better established in Scotland.
Soon after their arrival they were examined by the King and Council, at Hampton
Court, on the 20th of September, concerning the lawfulness of the late Assembly
at Aberdeen. The King, in particular, asked Andrew Melville whether a few
clergy, meeting without moderator or clerk, could make an Assembly? He replied,
there was no number limited by law; that fewness of number could be no argument
against the legality of the court; especially when the promise was in God’s
word given to two or three convened in the name of Christ; and that the meeting
was ordinarily established by his Majesty’s laws. The rest of the ministers
delivered themselves to the same purpose; after which Andrew Melville, with his
usual freedom of speech, supported the conduct of his brethren at Aberdeen,
recounting the wrongs done them at Linlithgow, whereof he was a witness
himself. He blamed the King’s Advocate, Sir Thomas Hamilton, who was then
present, for favouring Popery, and maltreating the ministers, so that the
Accuser of the brethren could not have done more against the saints of God than
had been done; that prelatists were encouraged, though some of them were
promoting the interests of Popery with all their might, and the faithful
servants of Christ were shut up in prison. And, addressing the Advocate
personally, he added, “Still you think all this is not enough, but you continue
to persecute the brethren with the same spirit you did in Scotland.” After some
conversation betwixt the King and the Archbishop of Canterbury, they were
dismissed, with the applause of many present for their bold and steady defence
of the cause of God and truth; for they had been much misrepresented to the
They had scarcely retired from before the King,
until they received a charge not to return to Scotland, nor come near the
King’s, Queen’s, or Prince’s Court, without special license, and being called
for. A few days after, they were again called to Court, and examined before a
select number of the Scots nobility; where, after Mr James Melville’s
examination, Mr Andrew being called, told them plainly, “That they knew not
what they were doing; they had degenerated from the ancient nobility of
Scotland, who were wont to hazard their lives and lands for the freedom of
their country, and the Gospel which they were betraying and overturning.” But
night drawing on, they were dismissed.
Another instance of his resolution is this: He
was called before the Council for having made a Latin epigram upon seeing the
King and Queen making an offering at the altar, whereon were two books, two
basins, and two candlesticks, with two unlighted candles, it being a day kept
in honour of St Michael. The epigram is as follows:
Cur stant clausi Anglis,
libri duo, regina in ara,
Lumina coeca duo, pollubra sicca duo?
Num sensum cultumque Dei tenet Anglia clausum
Lumine coeca suo, sorde sepulta sua,
Romano et ritu, Regalem dum instruit Aram?
Purpuream pingit religiosa lupam!
The following is an old and literal
Why stand there on the
Royal Altar hie,
Two closed books, blind lights, two basins drie?
Doth England hold God’s mind and worship closse,
Blind of her sight, and buried in her dross?
Doth she, with Chapel put in Romish dress,
The purple whore religiously express!
When he compeared, he avowed the verses, and
said he was much moved with indignation at such vanity and superstition in a
Christian church, under a Christian king, born and brought up under the pure
light of the Gospel, and especially before idolaters, to confirm them in
idolatry, and grieve the hearts of true professors. The Archbishop of
Canterbury began to speak, but Andrew Melville charged him with a breach of the
Lord’s-day, with imprisoning, silencing, and bearing down of faithful
ministers, and with upholding Antichristian hierarchy and Popish ceremonies;
shaking the white sleeve of his rochet, he called them Romish rags, told him
that he was an avowed enemy to all the Reformed Churches in Europe, and
therefore he would profess himself an enemy to him in all such proceedings, to
the effusion of the last drop of his blood; and said, he was grieved to the
heart to see such a man have the King’s ear, and sit so high in that honourable
Council. He also charged Bishop Barlow with having stated, after the conference
at Hampton Court, that the King had said he was in the Church of Scotland, but
not of it; and wondered that he was suffered to go unpunished, for making the
King of no religion. He refuted the sermons which Barlow had preached before
the King, and was at last removed; and order was given to Dr Overwall, Dean of
St Paul’s, to receive him into his house, there to remain, with injunctions not
to let any have access to him, till his Majesty’s pleasure was signified. Next
year he was ordered from the Dean’s house to the Bishop of Winchester’s, where,
being not so strictly guarded, he sometimes kept company with his brethren; but
was at last committed to the Tower of London, where he remained for the space
of four years.
While Andrew Melville was in the Tower, a
gentleman of his acquaintance got access to him, and found him very pensive and
melancholy concerning the prevailing defections among many of the ministers of
Scotland; having lately got account of the proceedings at the General Assembly
held at Glasgow in 1610, where the Earl of Dunbar had an active hand in
corrupting many with money. The gentleman desired to know what word he had to
send to his native country, but got no answer at first; but upon a second
inquiry, he said, “I have no word to send, but am heavily grieved that the
glorious government of the Church of Scotland should be so defaced, and a
Popish tyrannical one set up; and thou, Manderston (for out of that family Lord
Dunbar had sprung), hadst thou no other thing to do, but to carry such
commissions down to Scotland, whereby the poor Church is wrecked? The Lord
shall be avenged on thee; thou shalt never have that grace to set thy foot in
that kingdom again!” These last words impressed the gentleman to such a degree,
that he desired some who attended the Court to get their business, which was
managing through Dunbar’s interest, expedited without delay, being persuaded
that the word of that servant of Christ should not fall to the ground; which
was the case, for the Earl died at Whitehall a short time after, while he was
building an elegant house at Berwick, and making grand preparations for his
daughter’s marriage with Lord Walden.
In 1611, after four years’ confinement, Andrew
Melville was, by the interest of the Duke de Bouillon, released, on condition
that he would go with him to the University of Sedan; where he continued
enjoying that calm repose denied him in his own country, but maintaining the
usual constancy and faithfulness in the service of Christ, which he had done
through the whole of his life.
The reader will readily observe, that a high
degree of fortitude and boldness appeared in all his actions; where the honour
of his Lord and Master was concerned, the fear of man made no part of his
character. He is by Spottiswoode styled the principal agent, or Apostle of the
Presbyterians in Scotland. He did, indeed, assert the rights of Presbytery to
the utmost of his power against diocesan Episcopacy. He possessed great
presence of mind, and was superior to all the arts of flattery that were
sometimes tried with him. Being once blamed as being too fiery in his temper,
he replied, “If you see my fire go downward, set your foot upon it; but if it
goes upward, let it go to its own place.” He died at Sedan, in France, in the
year 1622, at the advanced age of 77 years.
article on Andrew Melville is from John Howie’s Scots Worthies, first
published 1775, revised and enlarged 1781. Revised from the author’s original
edition, by Rev W H Carslaw, (Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter and Company, 1870),
pp 91-100.
notes in square brackets were inserted by Rev W H Carslaw, who stated in his
new has been inserted without being carefully marked; and even these insertions
have been made as few and brief as possible, their principle object being to
supply important historical links for the reader’s information and guidance. A
few of Howie’s notes have also been put into the text where this could easily
be done, and several verbal corrections have been made.”
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