October 1829 A.D. Sabbath
Entry—Dr. Jacob Jones Janeway, Philadelphia Presbyterian Pastor
October 25: J. J. Janeway
Learning to Wait Upon the Lord.
Rev. Jacob Jones Janeway [1774-1858] was an early Philadelphia pastor who
served initially as an associate alongside the Rev. Ashbel Green. Rev. Janeway
was also a close friend and supporter of the early Princeton Seminary faculty.
October of 1829, Dr. Green decided to accept a call to serve as president of
Princeton College, and the people in his Philadelphia congregation, out of
respect to his views of duty, made no opposition. Along with this pastoral
bond, a union of the colleagues of thirteen years was to be dissolved. Never
had there been variance, but always peace, friendship, and harmony. The junior
pastor invoked God’s blessing upon his departing friend, and thus it was that
Rev. Janeway wrote in his diary:—
October 25,
day I stood before my people as their sole pastor. Last Tuesday, Dr. Green was
dismissed from his charge. Thus a connection which has subsisted between him and
me for almost fourteen years has been dissolved. My burden is great, my station
very responsible. I feel its importance and my own insufficiency. I am
meditating on the promises, and endeavour to trust in God for all needed aid.
He hath said, ‘Lo, I am with
you always! My grace is sufficient for you. I will never leave nor forsake you!’
Precious promises ! May my faith be strong! What may be the Lord’s will, I know
not. I am praying to know it. Sometimes I think of retiring from this place, in
the expectation of becoming more useful by having more time for study. The Lord
direct me and preserve me from error. When I touched on the dissolution of our
connection, my soul felt, and my voice faltered. I have loved my colleague, and
he has loved me. May our friendship be perpetual!”
separation of the two churches was under discussion. As the one in the Northern
Liberties had increased, and was now able to sustain the gospel, Dr. Janeway
was in favour of the movement. It drew from the people in the new church,
expressions of the most ardent attachment, and they urged as their chief
objection, their unwillingness to leave his pastoral care. The Presbytery
confirmed the separation, and dissolved the pastoral relation. Dr. Janeway was
appointed to organize the First Presbyterian church in the Northern Liberties.
Fourteen years and more had he served them, and he was honoured of God in
building up the church, by increase in the number of their worshippers, and in
bringing souls into his kingdom. When he announced to them that he was no
longer their pastor, a great sensation was produced, and in the afternoon he
laboured to show that the new arrangements were for their good; and finally, to
soothe their feelings, it was required by them, that he should continue to preach
with them, in exchange with the minister whom they might call. Deeply
gratifying to his feelings was the affection manifested, and long was his
memory precious among those who heard the gospel from his lips.
” God
has given me,” he writes about this time, ” a very conspicuous station. But my
ambition is to have a people that love me, and if it were the pleasure of God,
I think I could without reluctance, retire from my present charge to one in the
country. What avails being known, except deriving from it opportunity for doing
good? May I be humble, active, diligent, successful, useful.” So much was his
mind exercised on the subject, that after much prayer, it seemed to him to be
his duty to resign his charge, though he decided to wait until the ensuing spring.
As far as he could see, his mind decided, for reasons which satisfied him then,
to seek a place more retired, and where he hoped to live in the hearts of a
rural population. He did not fail to confer with his venerable preceptor, and
lay his heart bare. In reply, he received the following letter [from Dr.
Green], which, for its excellent spirit and Christian friendship, and as
exhibiting a specimen of that excellent and holy man, we insert:—
” With
much attention and tender concern I have read your last esteemed letter. I
enter fully into your meaning, and I think I know your feelings and views. They
are, I hope, correct and proper. The desire you cherish may be well founded;
and as such, it will meet with the Divine approbation. But let me remind you,
that it is usual with the Lord in His divine providence, to make His children
wait for the accomplishment, even of those designs which He Himself has
excited. In this way, they learn to live by faith, and exercise patience, which
last is one of the most difficult to learn and practise, of all the Christian
graces. Let what passes in your mind remain there undisclosed, at least for the
present; what you impart to me is sacred and secret, but it will not be
advisable as yet, to intimate any fixed design of this kind to your people,
because it might alienate your best friends, and until the Lord opens another
door it would expose you to very unpleasant consequences. Wait for the Lord and
upon the Lord in his time, which is always the best. He will help and provide
for you, and perhaps sooner than you may anticipate. In the meantime be not
discouraged nor uneasy; read the 37th Psalm, exercise trust and confidence in
your covenant Lord—all will be well. But remember, a good place is better than
a bad change; but, if a change for the better can be effected, it will be a
matter of praise and gratitude. It is sufficiently known among your faithful
friends, that you contemplate, if practicable, a removal; they will be mindful
of you, and do all they can to meet your wishes.”
from The Life of
Dr. J. J. Janeway, D.D., pp. 185-186.]
Words to Live By:
A pastor once counseled another, “If you don’t know what you should do, stay
where you are until you do. I am convinced that God has important work where
you are; see it and enter into it zealously until God clearly shows you the
next move.”
“The heart of man plans
his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9
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