Sunday, February 17, 2013

No Room to Hide: Westminster Fathers are Prayer Book Men

Adherents to the Westminster Confession, e.g. PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc., have no room to hide.  De nada, zippo, zero.  De nada when it comes to liturgy and worship.  The divines of the Westminster Assembly, so revered amongst the Scots and Americans, were actually "Prayer Book" men.  Read the following.  This scribe is highly annoyed.  I was trained and have a graduate degree from Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, yet without the slightest notice of these facts.  Yes, the is imputed to Gaffin, Poythress, Frame, the OT men, Shepherd, and others of that era.  The worship in the Chapel was aweful, simply aweful.  Of course, the American Anglicans have no, repeat, no ideas about the Westminster Confession.  Also, I have a graduate degree with "so-called" American Anglicans. They are as ignorant of the great "Confession" as the pity poor Presboes are of the Anglican liturgy.  They are children, really.  Both side.  Oh my, children on both sides.  Bottomline: put the Westminster Confession alongside of and coordinate with the old Book of Common Prayer.  Just like the fathers of the Westminster Assembly.  But, what do that half-heads and half-men know?  Furious here, having been in both traditions with both traditions passing in the night.  "We've been robbed by the leaders."

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