Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Note to a WTS-Escondido Theologian: "Westminster Divines as BCP-Men"

I am offended at my WTS teachers.  Ditto to RES Professors.  Profoundly offended at the massive omissions. Bob in Escondido, get with it.  Forget Philadelphia, what would they know?  Or, the impoverished ACNAers?  The exile continues, although it is refreshing to see the fathers of the Westminster Assembly being thoughtful, scholarly, prayerful and old school Prayer Book men.  You won't hear that in Reformed, Presbyterian or Anglican circles.  You won't hear it in Baptyerian circles like Ligonier Ministries, T4G, Alliance of (Non) Confessing Evangelicals or Mike Horton's outfit, White Horse Inn.  Nope, just here.

Will the entire story be told? What are you fellas teachin’ out there? Or, in Philadelphia for that matter? I never heard this stuff in Philadelphia, but then again, that was during the “Shepherdarian” days. And John Frame’s days too. Chapel services were, well, a bit embarrassing.

Pity poor the fathers and divines of the Westminster Assembly. They were, lo and behold, “old Prayer Book men” including the calendar.

Tell the whole story.
Calendar and all, of all things. Holy moly, hot jacamole, the calendar too? Westminster fathers? Nah, say it ain’t so??!!

I am annoyed at both sides, Presbyterians and Anglicans. I’m an old Prayer Book man with a Westminsterian Confession. I have grad degrees from both sides. I’d be at home with the old Westminster, er, English, divines, although not accepted in Scotland or America. (Never mind the non-confessionalists, enthusiasts and revivalists of America, de nada.)

I know where the “old masters” settled. Ain’t shiftin’ for ahistoric Murikans.


Donald Philip Veitch

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