Saturday, February 16, 2013

Presiding Bishop "Schori" an Open Enemy of His Triune Majesty

David Virtue posted the note below.  The spiritual and Biblical implications, upon amplification and with meditation, are stark and serious--to put it mildly.

Life in the northern tribes of Israel under Ahab and "Queen Jezzie" is hellish.  The "sex and nature deifiers" (idolaters), the essential heartbeat of Baal worshippers, have "exchanged" God's glory for one of their own creation.  Yet, there are 7000 who have not bowed the knee to Baal.  By the way, the parallel to Baal worshipping is not over-extended, but has points of parallel and continuity. 

As an enemy of Christ, Schori is in a most unenviable position.

We must state it and state it boldly; Katharine Jefferts Schori is now officially an enemy of Christ and the Gospel. Her desire is to marginalize orthodox Episcopalians and denigrate them while ignoring the canons and constitution of the church just because she is the Presiding Bishop is horrendous behavior.

It's ironic how things have changed.

At one time the persecutor of Christians were Communists and Fascists like Marx who were famously calling religion the opium of the people. Notable political and literary figures assailed Christianity like the Marquis de Sade, Hitler, Lenin, Trotsky, Novalis, Kingsley, latterly Hawkins and Dawkins ... all of them in turn expressing their frustration at religion. The Christian religion was seen as an insurmountable block to their world designs.

Now we find that the social engineers of our time are from within the church ably abetted by a handful of agnostics and atheists. The result is that the Episcopal Church (one example) has ceased almost entirely to be the opposition that it once was to secular plans for global social dominance. The state has risen up to the point that it can advance any agenda it likes; the church now goes hand in hand without any opposition from the sanctuary. Witness the Episcopal Church's political presence in Washington. It bends over backwards to endorse nearly every initiative of the Democratic Party when it should be a counter culture, a prophetic voice speaking truth to power.

What we have today is a war of ideas, notes layman Michael Voris, the enfant terrible of the Roman Catholic Church. "We have worldviews in which the dominant side...secular relativism has staked out its ground quite completely...with its philosophical assumptions pressed from every side and built upon quite neatly.

"The weaker side...the Church has almost abandoned its own philosophical stance and now converses quite freely in the language and lexicon of the enemy. Church leaders have bought wholesale into the vocabulary of ... feelings, being pastoral, politically correct, inoffensive, non-controversial, tolerant, non-judgmental and in the Church's camp."

So while Episcopal Church leaders think they are talking in theological terms...and develop a smugness about it... they have actually been hoodwinked and tricked into playing on the enemy's turf.

Leaders like Jefferts Schori don't lay out Episcopal teaching any more. Perhaps because she doesn't really believe it ... maybe it's because they aren't trained in it sufficiently themselves, or maybe it's because they are just too chicken and wimpy to want to confront this Goliath.

For Jefferts Schori it might well be, "I don't believe very much about Christianity but whatever I do believe it is sincerely held."

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