Ohio Anglican reports the following at: http://ohioanglican.blogspot.com/2012/02/oswald-of-worcester.html. We are well reminded that the Church didn't begin with 20th century enthusiasts or Americans for that matter. (Don't tell Mahaney, SGM, Mohler, Duncan, DeYoung, T4G, Ligonier or others though.)
Oswald of Worcester

As bishop and archbishop, Oswald was a supporter of Dunstan's reforms of the church, including monastic reforms. He was one of the leading promoters of the reforms, along with Dunstan and Aethelwold. Oswald founded a number of monasteries, including Ramsey Abbey. Oswald also switched the cathedral chapter of Worcester from secular clergy to monks. While archbishop, he brought the scholar Abbo of Fleury to York to teach for several years. Oswald died in 992, while washing the feet of the poor. A hagiographical life was written shortly after his death, and he was quickly hailed as a saint.
Propers for Oswald of Worcester - Monk, Archbishop and Reformer
The Collect.
O ALMIGHTY God, who hast called us to faith in thee, and hast compassed us about with so great a cloud of witnesses: Grant that we, encouraged by the good examples of thy Saints, and especially of thy servant Oswald of Worcester, may persevere in running the race that is set before us, until at length, through thy mercy, we with them attain to thine eternal joy; through him who is the author and finisher of our
faith, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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