Also posted on our Facebook Wall entitled “Exposing the False Prophets—Reformation Christians Against TBN” found at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=308173344359
1. “Hodge’s Systematic Theology," Augustinianism and TBN, Pentecostalists, Emergents, Liberals, Arminians, Church Growthers, Contemporary Evangelicals. A few miscellaneous after-thoughts on “Augustinianism” with help from Charles Hodge, “Systematic Theology, Volume Two” (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1992), 330-350.
2. All Theists admit that God reigns and His providence extends to all events. The church’s prayers have noted this. Augustinianism affects all loci of theology: God, man, Christ, salvation, church, and eschatology. In this section of Hodge, Augustinianism is related to redemption. It is Christian, Pauline, Augustinian and Calvinistic. It has been an uplifting and empowering doctrine in the church when grasped.
3. The Augustinian view: 1) God's glory is the end of everything. 2) This includes creation, providence and redemption. 3) Adam was the probative head-man and his fall affected all humanity by imputation of Adamic guilt and corruption of human nature. 4) Condemnation and corruption brought a corresponding inability to deliver oneself from divine justice. 5) God elected some to redemption. 6) Election is not based on foreseen faith and repentance. 6) God sent His Son to rescue those whom He elected. 7) While there are common operations of God amongst all nations, yet the Holy Spirit redeems only the elect. 8) The elect are efficaciously brought and kept in the way of salvation.
4. The proofs are many: 1) The facts of providence. 2) The varied dispensations (not dispensationalist) but providential arrangements. 3) The facts of Scriptures. 4) The work of the Holy Spirit. 5) Election “to” holiness, not “because” of holiness. 6) The gratuitous nature of redemption. 7) Paul’s irrefragable proof from Romans 9. 8) Arguments from experience. 9) Express statements of Scripture besides Paul. 10) The words of Jesus.
5. We bypass 4.1 and 4.2 above since they are treated elsewhere, although Hodge is stunning at this point. We present the basics from the other points.
6. God is sovereign, is infinitely exalted above His creatures, and man is fallen. That some are redeemed and others not, establishes the fact of providential determinations and applications. Again, Hodge is stunning here. A must-buy and must-read for Churchmen.
7. The Holy Spirit is referenced time and again as the Agent of regeneration and all the benefits thereof.
8. Election is “to” holiness not because of it. Our purpose is not detailed surveys or exegesis. That’s for the reader to do, as we have done through the decades.
9. Romans 9 spells the banishment of any and all non-Augustinian schemes of redemption. TBN, all Pentecostalists and charismatics, Emergents, Liberals throughout the Protestant mainline, Arminians, Church Growthers like Rick Warren and Bill Hybels, and the vast majority of contemporary Evangelicals march off the biblical cliff and fall into the rocks below---they are completely in error on this. Romans 9 is one piece of the Pauline framework.
10. Jesus was equally clear in this quick sample:
(1) Jesus speaks of those “given Him.” Jn.17.2
(2) To these He gives eternal life. Jn. 17.2, 24
(3) For these alone He prays. Jn. 17,19
(4) Of these, He affirms that He will not lose them, but raise them up in the last day. Jn. 6.39, among other references
(5) “No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day.” Jn.6.44
(6) “No man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.” Jn.6.65
(7) “It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.” Mt. 13.11
(8) “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.” Mt.11.25. The Lucan parallel speaks of Jesus "rejoicing" over this two-fold providential determination. Luke is stunning.
(9) Jesus' words are repeated in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John at other places as well. We could add more.
(10) Like Jesus, Luke summarizes it: “As many as were ordained to eternal life, believed.” Acts 13.48. Repentance, justifying faith, persevering faith, on-going sanctification, the intermediate state, and resurrection to come are providentially governed with precision.
11. Are there objections? Yes, a mighty one. The permission and existence of evil. We face a painful limit beyond which we cannot go. Both Augustinian and non-Augustinian systems face the same objection. Yet, the office of theologian, pastor and Christian is to gather the Biblical evidence on this subject and submit to its plain declarations.
12. Get into a Reformed and Confessional Church.
13. Mark and avoid non-Augustinian contexts such as: TBN, all Pentecostalists and charismatics, Emergents, Liberals throughout the Protestant mainline, Arminians, Church Growthers like Rick Warren and Bill Hybels, and the vast majority of contemporary Evangelicals. They do not submit to God’s sovereignty in redemption. They are rebellious in heart and mind. This is my considered judgment after almost 40 years of study and prayer. God help His people and the rebellious churches in this nation.
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Thanks Claudia.
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