4 June 1680 A.D. Henry Hall—Scots Covenanter &
Queensferry Paper
June 4: The Queensferry Paper
The Most Advanced of All the Covenanting Manifestos
It was known simply as the Queensferry Paper, primarily
because it was found on the body of a Covenanter in South Queensferry, Scotland
on June 4, 1680. Henry Hall was his name. He had been
traveling with another Covenanter by name of Donald Cargill. Government
officials had attempted to arrest both of them, but Cargill had been able to
escape. Hall was wounded and later died from his wounds. Searching
him, they found the six thousand word document known ever afterwards as the
Queensferry Declaration. It, as Alexander Smellie stated in his
book “Men of the Covenant,” was “the most advanced of all the covenanting
Summing it up by eight principles, number one covenanted
with and acknowledgement was made of the Trinity and for the Bible as the rule
of faith. Consider the words! “We acknowledge and vouch the only
true and living God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost to be our God and that we
close with his way of redemption by his Son Jesus Christ, and rely upon his
righteousness, as that righteousness only whereby a man can be justified
before God.” Any of our readers would easily say “Amen,” to these words.
It went on to speak of their conviction that the Bible was by divine revelation
and the only object of our faith and the rule of our life in all things.
The second section spoke of advancing God’s kingdom and
freeing the church from both prelacy and Erastianism. The latter was
removing the belief that the state was the ruler of the church in
ecclesiastical matters. They desired that the members of the church would
be able to serve God in holy ways without fear and possess their civil rights
peaceably without disturbance.
Number three covenanted to uphold the Presbyterian Church
of Scotland, with her standards, government, worship — all independent of the
state. They boldly confessed with their mouths and believed with their
hearts the teaching of the reformed churches, contained in Scripture and summed
up in the confession of faith. They pledged to persevere in them to the
The kingdom of darkness was to be overthrown, by their
fourth declaration. The aforementioned kingdom was Romanism, the Anglican
church, and that system of Erastianism. They spoke of being
bound by the Solemn League and Covenant.
Next, and this was the primary part of the Queensferry
document, they indicated their desire to discard the royal family and set up a
republic in their stead. Of the 6000 words in the paper, this point
occupied about 2100 words. This was revolutionary in the British
Isles. And it was sadly used to paint all Covenanters as being disloyal
to the throne of England. The writers of this covenant wrote that in the
light of Exodus 18:21, they could rule themselves.
Sixth, the paper spoke to those who in their minds had
compromised the Scottish covenant by receiving the various deals of the
government of England. They pledged not to listen to such any more in the
pulpits of the kingdom.
Seventh, the covenant promised to refuse the ministerial
function unless they were duly called and ordained. Thus, there were not
promises of a new church, but rather a return to the true church of the past.
And the last resolution was that its adherents will
defend their God-given worship and liberty. They who would assault them
could be assaulted in return. In short, this was the basis for the
battles some of the Covenanters fought in Scotland.
This declaration was never published by the Covenanters
themselves. It was stolen off Henry Hall’s body and passed off as the
real purpose of all Presbyterians in the kingdom, who never signed it as they
had signed previous Covenants.
Words to Live By: There is certainly nothing wrong with advocating
positions for prayer and action. But we must be careful to do so in the
light of God’s Word always. From Ephesians chapter 6, our weapons are to
be spiritual, never carnal. We will never know how many of Scottish
Presbyterians would have signed this covenant, as in God’s permissive will, it
was hindered from being presented to them nation wide. But it is still
part of the overall testimony of Scotland’s spiritual history, and so we include
it in Today in Presbyterian History.
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