June 1835 A.D. Mr.
Guiuseppe Sarto, Pope Pius X, Born.
Melchiorre Sarto).
2 June, 1835, at Riese, Province of Treviso, in Venice. His parents were Giovanni Battista
Sarto and Margarita (née Sanson); the former, a
postman, died in 1852, but Margarita lived to see her son a cardinal. After finishing his
elements, Giuseppe at first received private lessons in Latin from the
arch-priest of his town, Don Tito Fusaroni, after which he studied for four
years at the gymnasium of Castelfranco Veneto, walking to and fro every day. In
1850 he received the tonsure from the Bishop of Treviso, and was given a
scholarship of the Diocese
of Treviso
in the seminary of Padua, where he
finished his classical, philosophical, and theological studies with
distinction. He was ordained in 1858, and for nine
years was chaplain at Tombolo, having to
assume most of the functions of parish priest, as the pastor was old and an invalid.
He sought to perfect his knowledge of theology by assiduously
studying Saint Thomas and canon law; at the same time he established a night school for adult students,
and devoted himself of the ministry of preaching in other towns to which he was
called. In 1867 he was named arch-priest of Salzano, a large borough of the Diocese of Treviso, where he restored the
church, and provided for the enlargement and maintenance of the hospital by his own means,
consistently with his habitual generosity to the poor; he especially
distinguished himself by his abnegation during the cholera. He showed great
solicitude for the religious instruction of adults. In 1875 he was made a canon
of the cathedral of Treviso, and filled several
offices, among them those of spiritual director and rector of the seminary, examiner of the clergy, and vicar-general; moreover, he made it
possible for the students of the public schools to receive religious
instruction. In 1878, on the death of Bishop Zanelli, he was elected vicar-capitular. On 10 November, 1884,
he was named Bishop of Mantua, then a very
troublesome see, and consecrated on 20 November. His
chief care in his new position was for the formation of the clergy at the seminary, where, for several
years, he himself taught dogmatic theology, and for another year moral theology. He wished the doctrine and method of St. Thomas to be followed, and to
many of the poorer students he gave copies of the "Summa theologica"; at the same time he
cultivated the Gregorian
in company with the seminarians. The temporal administration of his see imposed great sacrifices upon him. In 1887 he
held a diocesan synod. By his
attendance at the confessional, he gave the example of pastoral zeal. The Catholic organization of Italy, then known as the
"Opera dei Congressi", found in him a zealous propagandist from the
time of his ministry at Salzano.
the secret consistory of June, 1893, Leo XIII created him a cardinal under the title of San
Bernardo alle Terme; and in the public consistory, three days later, he was preconized Patriarch of Venice, retaining meanwhile
the title of Apostolic Administrator of Mantua. Cardinal Sarto was obliged to wait eighteen
months before he was able to take possession of his new diocese, because the
Italian government refused its exequatur, claiming the right of
nomination as it had been
exercised by the Emperor of Austria. This matter was
discussed with bitterness in the newspapers and in pamphlets; the Government,
by way of reprisal, refused its exequatur to the other bishops who were appointed in
the meantime, so that the number of vacant sees grew to thirty. Finally, the
minister Crispi having returned to power, and the Holy See having raised the
mission of Eritrea to the rank of an Apostolic Prefecture in favour of the Italian Capuchins, the Government
withdrew from its position. Its opposition had not been caused by any objection
to Sarto personally. At Venice the cardinal found a much better
condition of things than he had found at Mantua. There, also, he paid
great attention to the seminary, where he obtained the
establishment of the faculty of canon law. In 1898 he held the diocesan synod. He promoted the
use of the Gregorian
and was a great patron of Lorenzo Perosi; he favoured social works, especially
the rural parochial banks; he discerned
and energetically opposed the dangers of certain doctrines and the conduct of
certain Christian-Democrats. The international
Eucharistic Congress of 1897, the centenary of St. Gerard Sagredo (1900), and
the blessing of the corner-stone of the new belfry of St. Mark's, also of
the commemorative chapel of Mt. Grappa (1901),
were events that left a deep impression on him and his people. Meanwhile, Leo XIII having died, the cardinals entered into conclave and after several
ballots Giuseppe Sarto was elected on 4 August by a vote of 55 out of a
possible 60 votes. His coronation took place on the
following Sunday, 9 August, 1903.
his first Encyclical, wishing to develop
his programme to some extent, he said that the motto of his pontificate would
be "instaurare omnia in Christo" (Ephesians 1:10). Accordingly, his
greatest care always turned to the direct interests of the Church. Before all else his
efforts were directed to the promotion of piety among the faithful, and he advised all
(Decr. S. Congr. Concil., 20 Dec., 1905) to receive Holy Communion frequently and, if
possible, daily, dispensing the sick from the obligation of fasting to the extent of
enabling them to receive Holy Communion twice each month, and
even oftener (Decr. S. Congr. Rit., 7 Dec., 1906). Finally, by the Decree "Quam Singulari" (15 Aug., 1910), he
recommended that the first Communion of children should not be deferred too
long after they had reached the age of discretion. It was by his desire that
the Eucharistic Congress of 1905 was held at Rome, while he enhanced the
solemnity of subsequent Eucharistic congresses by sending to them cardinal legates. The fiftieth
anniversary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate
Conception was an occasion of which he took advantage to enjoin devotion to Mary (Encyclical "Ad
illum diem", 2 February, 1904); and the Marian Congress, together with the
coronation of the image of the
Immaculate Conception in the choir of St. Peter's, was a worthy culmination of
the solemnity. As a simple chaplain, a bishop, and a patriarch,
Giuseppe Sarto was a promoter of sacred music; as pope, he published, 22
November, 1903, a Motu Proprio on sacred music in churches, and at
the same time ordered the authentic Gregorian Chant to be used everywhere,
while he caused the choir books to be printed with the Vatican font of type
under the supervision of a special commission. In the Encyclical "Acerbo
nimis" (15 April, 1905) he treated of the necessity of catechismal
instruction, not only for children, but also for adults, giving detailed rules,
especially in relation to suitable schools for the religious
instruction of students of the public schools, and even of the universities. He caused a new catechism to be published for
the Diocese of Rome.
bishop, his chief care had
been for the formation of the clergy, and in harmony with
this purpose, an Encyclical to the Italian
episcopate (28 July, 1906) enjoined the greatest caution in the ordination of priests, calling the attention
of the bishops to the fact that there
was frequently manifested among the younger clergy a spirit of independence
that was a menace to ecclesiastical
In the interest of Italian seminaries, he order them to be
visited by the bishops, and promulgated a new order of
studies, which had been in use for several years at the Roman Seminary. On the
other hand, as the dioceses of Central and of
Southern Italy were so small that
their respective seminaries could not prosper,
Pius X established the regional seminary which is common to the
sees of a given region;
and, as a consequence, many small, deficient seminaries were closed. For the
more efficient guidance of souls, by a Decree of the Sacred
Congregation of the Consistory (20 August, 1910), instructions were given
concerning the removal of parish priests, as administrative
acts, when such procedure was required by grave circumstances that might not
constitute a canonical cause for the removal. At the time of the jubilee in honour of his ordination as a priest, he addressed a letter
full of affection and wise council to all the clergy. By a recent Decree (18 Nov., 1910), the clergy have been barred from
the temporal administration of social organizations, which was often a cause of
grave difficulties.
pope has at heart above all
things the purity of the faith. On various occasions,
as in the Encyclical regarding the
centenary of Saint
Gregory the Great,
Pius X had pointed out the dangers of certain new theological methods, which, based
upon Agnosticism and upon Immanentism,
necessarily divest the doctrine of the faith of its teachings of
objective, absolute, and immutable truth, and all the more,
when those methods are associated with subversive criticism of the Holy Scripture and of the origins of Christianity. Wherefore, in 1907,
he caused the publication of the Decree
"Lamentabili" (called also the Syllabus of Pius X), in which
sixty-five propositions are condemned. The greater number of these propositions
concern the Holy
their inspiration, and the doctrine of Jesus and of the Apostles,
while others relate to dogma, the sacraments, and the primacy of
the Bishop
of Rome.
Soon after that, on 8 Sept., 1907, there appeared the famous Encyclical "Pascendi",
which expounds and condemns the system of Modernism. It points out the
danger of Modernism in relation to
philosophy, apologetics, exegesis, history, liturgy, and
discipline, and shows the contradiction between that innovation and the ancient
faith; and, finally, it
establishes rules by which to combat efficiently the pernicious doctrines in
question. Among the means suggested mention should be made of the establishment
of an official body of "censors" of books and the creation of a
"Committee of Vigilance".
by the Motu Proprio "Sacrorum Antistitum", Pius X called attention to
the injunctions of the Encyclical and also to the
provisions that had already been established under Leo XIII on preaching, and proscribed
that all those who exercised the holy ministry or who taught in ecclesiastical institutions, as well
as canons, the superiors of the regular clergy, and those serving in ecclesiastical bureaux should take an
oath, binding themselves to
reject the errors that are denounced in
the Encyclical or in the Decree
"Lamentabili". Pius X reverted to this vital subject on other
occasions, especially in those Encyclicals that were written in commemoration
of St.
(21 April, 1909) and of St. Charles Borromeo (23 June, 1910), in
the latter of which Reformist
was especially condemned. As the study of the Bible is both the most important and the most
dangerous study in theology, Pius X wished to
found at Rome a centre for these
studies, to give assurance at once of unquestioned orthodoxy and scientific worth;
and so, with the assistance of the whole Catholic world, there was
established at Rome the Biblical
Institute, under the direction of the Jesuits.
need that had been felt for a long time was that of the codification of the
Canon Law, and with a view to effecting it, Pius X, on 19 March, 1904, created
a special congregation of cardinals, of which Mgr Gasparri,
now a cardinal, became the secretary.
The most eminent authorities on canon law, throughout the world, are
collaborating in the formation of the new code, some of the provisions of which
have already been published, as, for example, that modifying the law of the Council of Trent on secret marriages, the new rules for diocesan relations and for
episcopal visits ad
and the new organization of the Roman Curia (Constitution
"Sapienti Consilio", 29 June, 1908). Prior to that time, the
Congregations for Relics and Indulgences and of Discipline had been suppressed,
while the Secretariate of Briefs had been united to the Secretariate of State.
The characteristic of the new rule is the complete separation of the judicial
from the administrative; while the functions of the various bureaux have been
more precisely determined, and their work more equalized. The offices of the Curia are divided into
Tribunals (3), Congregations (11), and Offices (5). With regard to the first,
the Tribunal of the Signature (consisting of cardinals only) and that of the Rota were revived; to the
Tribunal of the Penitentiary were left only the cases of the internal forum
(conscience). The Congregations remained almost as they were at first, with the
exceptions that a special section was added to that of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, for indulgences; the Congregation of
Bishops and Regulars received the name of Congregation of the Religious, and
has to deal only with the affairs of religious congregations, while the affairs
of the secular
are to be referred to the Congregation of the Consistory or of that of the
Council; from the latter were taken the matrimonial cases, which are now sent
to the tribunals or to the newly-created Congregation of the Sacraments. The
Congregation of the Consistory has increased greatly in importance, since it
has to decide questions of competence between the various other Congregations.
The Congregation
of Propaganda
lost much of its territory in Europe and in America, where
religious conditions have become regular. At the same time were published the
rules and regulations for employees and those for the various bureaux. Another
recent Constitution relates to the suburbicarian sees.
Leo XIII brought the social
question within the range of ecclesiastical activity, Pius X,
also, wishes the Church to co-operate, or
rather to play a leading part in the solution of the social question; his views
on this subject were formulated in a syllabus of nineteen propositions, taken
from different Encyclicals and other Acts of Leo XIII, and published in a
Motu Proprio (18 Dec., 1903), especially for the guidance of Italy, where the social
question was a thorny one at the beginning of his pontificate. He sought
especially to repress certain tendencies leaning towards Socialism and promoting
a spirit of insubordination to ecclesiastical authority. As a result
of ever increasing divergences, the "Opera die Congressi", the great
association of the Catholics of Italy, was dissolved. At
once, however, the Encyclical "Il fermo
proposito" (11 June, 1905) brought about the formation of a new
organization consisting of three great unions, the Popolare, the Economica, and
the Elettorale. The firmness of Pius X obtained the elimination of, at least,
the most quarrelsome elements, making it possible now for Catholic social action to
prosper, although some friction still remains. The desire of Pius X is for the
economical work to be avowedly Catholic, as he expressed it in
a memorable letter to Count Medolago-Albani. In France, also, the Sillon,
after promising well, had taken a turn that was little reassuring to orthodoxy; and dangers in this
connection were made manifest in the Encyclical "Notre charge
apostolique" (15 Aug., 1910), in which the Sillonists were ordered to
place their organizations under the authority of the bishops.
its relations with Governments, the pontificate of Pius X has had to carry on
painful struggles. In France the pope had inherited quarrels
and menaces. The "Nobis nominavit" question was settled through the
condescension of the pope; but the matter of the
appointment of bishops proposed by the
Government, the visit of the president to the King of Italy, with the subsequent
note of protestation, and the resignation of two French bishops, which was desired by
the Holy
became pretexts for the Government at Paris to break off
diplomatic relations with the Court of Rome. Meanwhile the law of Separation had been
already prepared, despoiling the Church of France, and also prescribing
for the Church a constitution which,
if not openly contrary to her nature, was at least full of danger to her. Pius
X, paying no attention to the counsels of short-sighted opportunism, firmly
refused his consent to the formation of the associations cultuelles. The separation
brought some freedom to the French Church, especially in the matter of the
selection of its pastors. Pius X, not looking
for reprisals, still recognizes the French right of protectorate over Catholics in the East. Some
phrases of the Encyclical "Editæ
Sæpe", written on the occasion of the centenary of St. Charles, were misinterpreted
by Protestants, especially in Germany, and Pius X made a
declaration in refutation of them, without belittling the authority of his high
office. At present (Dec., 1910) complications are feared in Spain, as, also, separation
and persecution in Portugal; Pius X has already
taken opportune measures. The new Government of Turkey has sent an ambassador
to the Pope. The relations of the Holy See with the republics of
Latin America are good. The delegations to Chile and to the Argentine Republic were raised to the
rank of internuntiatures, and an Apostolic Delegate was sent to Central
the solicitude of Pius X extends to his own habitation, and he has done a great
deal of work of restoration in the Vatican, for example, in the quarters of the
cardinal-secretary of State, the new palace for employees, the new
picture-gallery, the Specola, etc. Finally, we must not forget his generous
charity in public misfortunes: during the great earthquakes of Calabria, he
asked for the assistance of Catholics throughout the world,
with the result that they contributed, at the time of the last earthquake,
nearly 7,000,000 francs, which served to supply the wants of those in need, and
to build churches, schools, etc. His charity was
proportionately no less on the occasion of the eruption of Vesuvius, and of
other disasters outside of Italy (Portugal and Ireland). In few years Pius X
has secured great, practical, and lasting results in the interest of Catholic doctrine and discipline, and
that in the face of great difficulties of all kinds. Even non-Catholics
recognize his apostolic spirit, his strength of character, the precision of his
decisions, and his pursuit of a clear and explicit programme.
Melchiorre Sarto).
2 June, 1835, at Riese, Province of Treviso, in Venice. His parents were Giovanni Battista
Sarto and Margarita (née Sanson); the former, a
postman, died in 1852, but Margarita lived to see her son a cardinal. After finishing his
elements, Giuseppe at first received private lessons in Latin from the
arch-priest of his town, Don Tito Fusaroni, after which he studied for four
years at the gymnasium of Castelfranco Veneto, walking to and fro every day. In
1850 he received the tonsure from the Bishop of Treviso, and was given a
scholarship of the Diocese
of Treviso
in the seminary of Padua, where he
finished his classical, philosophical, and theological studies with
distinction. He was ordained in 1858, and for nine
years was chaplain at Tombolo, having to
assume most of the functions of parish priest, as the pastor was old and an invalid.
He sought to perfect his knowledge of theology by assiduously
studying Saint Thomas and canon law; at the same time he established a night school for adult students,
and devoted himself of the ministry of preaching in other towns to which he was
called. In 1867 he was named arch-priest of Salzano, a large borough of the Diocese of Treviso, where he restored the
church, and provided for the enlargement and maintenance of the hospital by his own means,
consistently with his habitual generosity to the poor; he especially
distinguished himself by his abnegation during the cholera. He showed great
solicitude for the religious instruction of adults. In 1875 he was made a canon
of the cathedral of Treviso, and filled several
offices, among them those of spiritual director and rector of the seminary, examiner of the clergy, and vicar-general; moreover, he made it
possible for the students of the public schools to receive religious
instruction. In 1878, on the death of Bishop Zanelli, he was elected vicar-capitular. On 10 November, 1884,
he was named Bishop of Mantua, then a very
troublesome see, and consecrated on 20 November. His
chief care in his new position was for the formation of the clergy at the seminary, where, for several
years, he himself taught dogmatic theology, and for another year moral theology. He wished the doctrine and method of St. Thomas to be followed, and to
many of the poorer students he gave copies of the "Summa theologica"; at the same time he
cultivated the Gregorian
in company with the seminarians. The temporal administration of his see imposed great sacrifices upon him. In 1887 he
held a diocesan synod. By his
attendance at the confessional, he gave the example of pastoral zeal. The Catholic organization of Italy, then known as the
"Opera dei Congressi", found in him a zealous propagandist from the
time of his ministry at Salzano.
the secret consistory of June, 1893, Leo XIII created him a cardinal under the title of San
Bernardo alle Terme; and in the public consistory, three days later, he was preconized Patriarch of Venice, retaining meanwhile
the title of Apostolic Administrator of Mantua. Cardinal Sarto was obliged to wait eighteen
months before he was able to take possession of his new diocese, because the
Italian government refused its exequatur, claiming the right of
nomination as it had been
exercised by the Emperor of Austria. This matter was
discussed with bitterness in the newspapers and in pamphlets; the Government,
by way of reprisal, refused its exequatur to the other bishops who were appointed in
the meantime, so that the number of vacant sees grew to thirty. Finally, the
minister Crispi having returned to power, and the Holy See having raised the
mission of Eritrea to the rank of an Apostolic Prefecture in favour of the Italian Capuchins, the Government
withdrew from its position. Its opposition had not been caused by any objection
to Sarto personally. At Venice the cardinal found a much better
condition of things than he had found at Mantua. There, also, he paid
great attention to the seminary, where he obtained the
establishment of the faculty of canon law. In 1898 he held the diocesan synod. He promoted the
use of the Gregorian
and was a great patron of Lorenzo Perosi; he favoured social works, especially
the rural parochial banks; he discerned
and energetically opposed the dangers of certain doctrines and the conduct of
certain Christian-Democrats. The international
Eucharistic Congress of 1897, the centenary of St. Gerard Sagredo (1900), and
the blessing of the corner-stone of the new belfry of St. Mark's, also of
the commemorative chapel of Mt. Grappa (1901),
were events that left a deep impression on him and his people. Meanwhile, Leo XIII having died, the cardinals entered into conclave and after several
ballots Giuseppe Sarto was elected on 4 August by a vote of 55 out of a
possible 60 votes. His coronation took place on the
following Sunday, 9 August, 1903.
his first Encyclical, wishing to develop
his programme to some extent, he said that the motto of his pontificate would
be "instaurare omnia in Christo" (Ephesians 1:10). Accordingly, his
greatest care always turned to the direct interests of the Church. Before all else his
efforts were directed to the promotion of piety among the faithful, and he advised all
(Decr. S. Congr. Concil., 20 Dec., 1905) to receive Holy Communion frequently and, if
possible, daily, dispensing the sick from the obligation of fasting to the extent of
enabling them to receive Holy Communion twice each month, and
even oftener (Decr. S. Congr. Rit., 7 Dec., 1906). Finally, by the Decree "Quam Singulari" (15 Aug., 1910), he
recommended that the first Communion of children should not be deferred too
long after they had reached the age of discretion. It was by his desire that
the Eucharistic Congress of 1905 was held at Rome, while he enhanced the
solemnity of subsequent Eucharistic congresses by sending to them cardinal legates. The fiftieth
anniversary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate
Conception was an occasion of which he took advantage to enjoin devotion to Mary (Encyclical "Ad
illum diem", 2 February, 1904); and the Marian Congress, together with the
coronation of the image of the
Immaculate Conception in the choir of St. Peter's, was a worthy culmination of
the solemnity. As a simple chaplain, a bishop, and a patriarch,
Giuseppe Sarto was a promoter of sacred music; as pope, he published, 22
November, 1903, a Motu Proprio on sacred music in churches, and at
the same time ordered the authentic Gregorian Chant to be used everywhere,
while he caused the choir books to be printed with the Vatican font of type
under the supervision of a special commission. In the Encyclical "Acerbo
nimis" (15 April, 1905) he treated of the necessity of catechismal
instruction, not only for children, but also for adults, giving detailed rules,
especially in relation to suitable schools for the religious
instruction of students of the public schools, and even of the universities. He caused a new catechism to be published for
the Diocese of Rome.
bishop, his chief care had
been for the formation of the clergy, and in harmony with
this purpose, an Encyclical to the Italian
episcopate (28 July, 1906) enjoined the greatest caution in the ordination of priests, calling the attention
of the bishops to the fact that there
was frequently manifested among the younger clergy a spirit of independence
that was a menace to ecclesiastical
In the interest of Italian seminaries, he order them to be
visited by the bishops, and promulgated a new order of
studies, which had been in use for several years at the Roman Seminary. On the
other hand, as the dioceses of Central and of
Southern Italy were so small that
their respective seminaries could not prosper,
Pius X established the regional seminary which is common to the
sees of a given region;
and, as a consequence, many small, deficient seminaries were closed. For the
more efficient guidance of souls, by a Decree of the Sacred
Congregation of the Consistory (20 August, 1910), instructions were given
concerning the removal of parish priests, as administrative
acts, when such procedure was required by grave circumstances that might not
constitute a canonical cause for the removal. At the time of the jubilee in honour of his ordination as a priest, he addressed a letter
full of affection and wise council to all the clergy. By a recent Decree (18 Nov., 1910), the clergy have been barred from
the temporal administration of social organizations, which was often a cause of
grave difficulties.
pope has at heart above all
things the purity of the faith. On various occasions,
as in the Encyclical regarding the
centenary of Saint
Gregory the Great,
Pius X had pointed out the dangers of certain new theological methods, which, based
upon Agnosticism and upon Immanentism,
necessarily divest the doctrine of the faith of its teachings of
objective, absolute, and immutable truth, and all the more,
when those methods are associated with subversive criticism of the Holy Scripture and of the origins of Christianity. Wherefore, in 1907,
he caused the publication of the Decree
"Lamentabili" (called also the Syllabus of Pius X), in which
sixty-five propositions are condemned. The greater number of these propositions
concern the Holy
their inspiration, and the doctrine of Jesus and of the Apostles,
while others relate to dogma, the sacraments, and the primacy of
the Bishop
of Rome.
Soon after that, on 8 Sept., 1907, there appeared the famous Encyclical "Pascendi",
which expounds and condemns the system of Modernism. It points out the
danger of Modernism in relation to
philosophy, apologetics, exegesis, history, liturgy, and
discipline, and shows the contradiction between that innovation and the ancient
faith; and, finally, it
establishes rules by which to combat efficiently the pernicious doctrines in
question. Among the means suggested mention should be made of the establishment
of an official body of "censors" of books and the creation of a
"Committee of Vigilance".
by the Motu Proprio "Sacrorum Antistitum", Pius X called attention to
the injunctions of the Encyclical and also to the
provisions that had already been established under Leo XIII on preaching, and proscribed
that all those who exercised the holy ministry or who taught in ecclesiastical institutions, as well
as canons, the superiors of the regular clergy, and those serving in ecclesiastical bureaux should take an
oath, binding themselves to
reject the errors that are denounced in
the Encyclical or in the Decree
"Lamentabili". Pius X reverted to this vital subject on other
occasions, especially in those Encyclicals that were written in commemoration
of St.
(21 April, 1909) and of St. Charles Borromeo (23 June, 1910), in
the latter of which Reformist
was especially condemned. As the study of the Bible is both the most important and the most
dangerous study in theology, Pius X wished to
found at Rome a centre for these
studies, to give assurance at once of unquestioned orthodoxy and scientific worth;
and so, with the assistance of the whole Catholic world, there was
established at Rome the Biblical
Institute, under the direction of the Jesuits.
need that had been felt for a long time was that of the codification of the
Canon Law, and with a view to effecting it, Pius X, on 19 March, 1904, created
a special congregation of cardinals, of which Mgr Gasparri,
now a cardinal, became the secretary.
The most eminent authorities on canon law, throughout the world, are
collaborating in the formation of the new code, some of the provisions of which
have already been published, as, for example, that modifying the law of the Council of Trent on secret marriages, the new rules for diocesan relations and for
episcopal visits ad
and the new organization of the Roman Curia (Constitution
"Sapienti Consilio", 29 June, 1908). Prior to that time, the
Congregations for Relics and Indulgences and of Discipline had been suppressed,
while the Secretariate of Briefs had been united to the Secretariate of State.
The characteristic of the new rule is the complete separation of the judicial
from the administrative; while the functions of the various bureaux have been
more precisely determined, and their work more equalized. The offices of the Curia are divided into
Tribunals (3), Congregations (11), and Offices (5). With regard to the first,
the Tribunal of the Signature (consisting of cardinals only) and that of the Rota were revived; to the
Tribunal of the Penitentiary were left only the cases of the internal forum
(conscience). The Congregations remained almost as they were at first, with the
exceptions that a special section was added to that of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, for indulgences; the Congregation of
Bishops and Regulars received the name of Congregation of the Religious, and
has to deal only with the affairs of religious congregations, while the affairs
of the secular
are to be referred to the Congregation of the Consistory or of that of the
Council; from the latter were taken the matrimonial cases, which are now sent
to the tribunals or to the newly-created Congregation of the Sacraments. The
Congregation of the Consistory has increased greatly in importance, since it
has to decide questions of competence between the various other Congregations.
The Congregation
of Propaganda
lost much of its territory in Europe and in America, where
religious conditions have become regular. At the same time were published the
rules and regulations for employees and those for the various bureaux. Another
recent Constitution relates to the suburbicarian sees.
Leo XIII brought the social
question within the range of ecclesiastical activity, Pius X,
also, wishes the Church to co-operate, or
rather to play a leading part in the solution of the social question; his views
on this subject were formulated in a syllabus of nineteen propositions, taken
from different Encyclicals and other Acts of Leo XIII, and published in a
Motu Proprio (18 Dec., 1903), especially for the guidance of Italy, where the social
question was a thorny one at the beginning of his pontificate. He sought
especially to repress certain tendencies leaning towards Socialism and promoting
a spirit of insubordination to ecclesiastical authority. As a result
of ever increasing divergences, the "Opera die Congressi", the great
association of the Catholics of Italy, was dissolved. At
once, however, the Encyclical "Il fermo
proposito" (11 June, 1905) brought about the formation of a new
organization consisting of three great unions, the Popolare, the Economica, and
the Elettorale. The firmness of Pius X obtained the elimination of, at least,
the most quarrelsome elements, making it possible now for Catholic social action to
prosper, although some friction still remains. The desire of Pius X is for the
economical work to be avowedly Catholic, as he expressed it in
a memorable letter to Count Medolago-Albani. In France, also, the Sillon,
after promising well, had taken a turn that was little reassuring to orthodoxy; and dangers in this
connection were made manifest in the Encyclical "Notre charge
apostolique" (15 Aug., 1910), in which the Sillonists were ordered to
place their organizations under the authority of the bishops.
its relations with Governments, the pontificate of Pius X has had to carry on
painful struggles. In France the pope had inherited quarrels
and menaces. The "Nobis nominavit" question was settled through the
condescension of the pope; but the matter of the
appointment of bishops proposed by the
Government, the visit of the president to the King of Italy, with the subsequent
note of protestation, and the resignation of two French bishops, which was desired by
the Holy
became pretexts for the Government at Paris to break off
diplomatic relations with the Court of Rome. Meanwhile the law of Separation had been
already prepared, despoiling the Church of France, and also prescribing
for the Church a constitution which,
if not openly contrary to her nature, was at least full of danger to her. Pius
X, paying no attention to the counsels of short-sighted opportunism, firmly
refused his consent to the formation of the associations cultuelles. The separation
brought some freedom to the French Church, especially in the matter of the
selection of its pastors. Pius X, not looking
for reprisals, still recognizes the French right of protectorate over Catholics in the East. Some
phrases of the Encyclical "Editæ
Sæpe", written on the occasion of the centenary of St. Charles, were misinterpreted
by Protestants, especially in Germany, and Pius X made a
declaration in refutation of them, without belittling the authority of his high
office. At present (Dec., 1910) complications are feared in Spain, as, also, separation
and persecution in Portugal; Pius X has already
taken opportune measures. The new Government of Turkey has sent an ambassador
to the Pope. The relations of the Holy See with the republics of
Latin America are good. The delegations to Chile and to the Argentine Republic were raised to the
rank of internuntiatures, and an Apostolic Delegate was sent to Central
the solicitude of Pius X extends to his own habitation, and he has done a great
deal of work of restoration in the Vatican, for example, in the quarters of the
cardinal-secretary of State, the new palace for employees, the new
picture-gallery, the Specola, etc. Finally, we must not forget his generous
charity in public misfortunes: during the great earthquakes of Calabria, he
asked for the assistance of Catholics throughout the world,
with the result that they contributed, at the time of the last earthquake,
nearly 7,000,000 francs, which served to supply the wants of those in need, and
to build churches, schools, etc. His charity was
proportionately no less on the occasion of the eruption of Vesuvius, and of
other disasters outside of Italy (Portugal and Ireland). In few years Pius X
has secured great, practical, and lasting results in the interest of Catholic doctrine and discipline, and
that in the face of great difficulties of all kinds. Even non-Catholics
recognize his apostolic spirit, his strength of character, the precision of his
decisions, and his pursuit of a clear and explicit programme.
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