Fifth Circuit Short Circuits Planned Parenthood

In the abortion debate, there aren't many areas where the two sides agree. But shouldn't women's safety be one of them? Planned Parenthood doesn't think so -- and spends hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees proving it. In one of the greatest ironies of politics, the one thing standing between women and safe abortions continues to be the people providing them. In Texas, the abortion giant isn't fighting the "war on women," it's fighting the war on health care accountability.
No sooner had Governor Rick Perry (R) signed his name to the bottom of HB 2 than Cecile Richards's group was in court, filing for the right to keep the clinics' shoddy standards in place. Despite a five-clinic sting that same month, in which inspectors found everything from rusty suction machines to contaminated medicine in several locations, a lower court sided with Planned Parenthood in its crusade to protect clinics from the accountability they so desperately need.
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