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Yawn, these Atavistic and Backwoodish Anglicans, so backwards, so dignified and so...cough, cough...laughable. |
Old St. Andrew's Parish disaffiliates from TEC. They will follow Bishop Lawrence
By Ladson F. Mills III
Special to Virtueonlinewww.virtueonline.org
February 24, 2013
News Analysis

Old St Andrew's Parish (1706) is the oldest surviving church structure south of Virginia. It is a thriving parish with an ASA of 259 which in 2011 made it four times the national average. The parish recently completed a thorough seven week discernment process in preparation for a vote which would decide its future. Of the 245 ballots cast at the February 24th parish meeting seventy five per cent voted to follow Bishop Lawrence. If there was ever a chance for TEC to make a compelling case to remain in union this was the chance.
As part of the discernment process Bishop Mark Lawrence and Provisional Bishop Charles vonRosenberg were invited to address the parish. By all accounts there was a stark contrast between the two men as well as their vision for the church in South Carolina.
Both bishops were sent advance copies of questions submitted by members of the parish. Bishop Lawrence answered the questions forthrightly and directly. He followed up each answer asking if he had responded clearly to their stated concerns.
Bishop vonRosenberg expressed concern with the format and requested a change. Rector Marshall Huey accommodated the bishop's concern.
In his prepared opening statement the provisional bishop offered an observation that was puzzling to many in attendance. He declared that if they were to look at the Anglican cycle of prayer for May 2013 his name would be the only one listed as bishop of South Carolina. One is left to surmise that the purpose of his statement is to suggest that Old St Andrew's would be wise to follow him because a publication had afforded him the status of legitimate bishop.
He went on to say that in leaving The Episcopal Church the congregation would be unable to call a future rector who is an Episcopalian. While this might prove to be an inconvenience Old St. Andrews existed for its first one hundred plus years with priest who were not from the Episcopal Church. The Rev. Thomas Mills D.D., seventh and last of the English rectors and of whom I am a direct descendant, was a graduate of Oxford University and seemed to do well during his tenure . He was certainly not alone in his success and one suspects they will somehow manage to survive.
I was surprised by the tone of vonRosenberg's address. I expected a charm initiative in the attempt to woo this important congregation into remaining in the national church fold. I would have expected him to present the critical a role they could play in contributing to the health and inclusion of this newly formed continuing diocese. In the images of the recently passed Valentine Season I expected they would receive a message that was loving and reassuring. If there were any roses in this presentation they were surrounded by thorns.
Those in attendance note that Bishop Lawrence answered all questions directly while the provisional bishop was perceived as obfuscating and avoiding any commitment. In this observation they were inaccurate. Bishop vonRosenberg's answers clearly reflect the position of the church he serves. It is sad to see this man reduced to the role he must play in order to represent the Episcopal Church's presiding bishop and the national church.
Perhaps the reason this hand was so poorly played is that there was no hand for him to really play. When examining the transcripts one gets the impression he does believe the arguments he is offering. When there is no bad news people have no need of the "Good News". When there is no sin there is no need of a savior. It is hard to recruit people into an organization where cheap sentimentality is offered as a substitute for genuine love and where the primary concern seems to be control of property.
There was a time when those ordained understood their accountability to the people whom they were called to serve. Whenever I preach at ordinations I remind the ordinand that unlike other organizations their authority is granted from those whom they are called to lead. Bishops and others in authority are not unimportant, but ultimately it was those we serve who determine the success or failure of a ministry.
Mark Lawrence and Charles vonRosenberg offer visions which are vastly different.
Lawrence must continually face the people he leads and make the case for his leadership. He has gained authority by his willingness to relinquishing it. Bishop von Rosenberg must also give an account to those whom he serves. He attempted to gain control through what was regarded as subtle threats and visions of fear. His own behavior reveals that he is answerable not to the people who elected him but to 815 which props up the continuing diocese.
The Episcopal Church has deteriorated to the place where we are forced to behave in a delusional manner in order give legitimacy for our celebrations of the inane. Even with life enriching events as the transgender inclusion resolution passed by the last General Convention there is still not much to cheer about these days. The loss of Old St. Andrews reveals the inadequacy of the arguments presented by those currently leading the Episcopal Church.
Several months ago I reported that many old school liberals have accepted that the leadership from the current presiding bishop is a failed leadership. Many blame her chancellor for the failure or her for listening to the chancellor. These old school liberals are the "old churchman" whose theology is based on what they believed to be the gospel imperative. They love the institutional church because to them it is the incarnational representation of Jesus Christ in the world. When they speak of tolerance and inclusion it comes from the Gospel not the shallowness which is now offered as a substitute.
So here's a suggestion. Read the transcript from Old St Andrew's. Learn from this in preparation to take the church back. For those who think it's too late for The Episcopal Church just remember the thief on the cross.
Ladson F. Mills III is a priest with over thirty years pastoral experience. He is retired and lives with his wife in South Carolina. He currently serves s Scholar in Residence at Church of Our Saviour Johns Island. He is a regular contributor to Virtueonline
St. Andrew's Parish Church Voting
Dear Members of our Old St. Andrew's Church Family:
Today, in a historic vote, the members of Old St. Andrew's present, qualified and voting decided by a vote of 184 to 60, plus one abstention, to amend the Constitution of St. Andrew's Parish Church to reflect our ongoing affiliation with the Diocese of South Carolina under the leadership of Bishop Lawrence. Provisional votes cast (those not fully qualified on the membership registers to vote) were 5 in favor of affiliation with the Diocese of South Carolina and 4 in favor of affiliation with The Episcopal Church, with no abstentions. This vote has been certified by the Wardens, Katherine Adams and Jim Gibson, who counted the votes in a sequestered room with Vestry members as witnesses. Great care was taken in all aspects of the voting.
On the question of the Amendment to the Canons of the Parish, the present, qualified, and voting decided by a vote of 207 to 23, plus 15 abstentions to amend the Canon. Provisional votes cast were 6 in favor of the Amendment, 2 in opposition, and 1 no response.
This historic vote completes a discernment process for our church family that began January 10, 2013. Our prayer is that all of the members of Old St. Andrew's, regardless of their vote, will know that we will always strive to "Welcome All, Worship Christ, and Witness God's Love."
We will continue to pray for Katharine, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Bishop vonRosenberg, Bishop Lawrence, and those in leadership positions who we pray will work for reconciliation and Gospel truth in the future.
We also pray that we will now continue with our God-given mission during our Lenten journey of study and service. All of us, as Christians, know that we all lay our burdens at the foot of the Cross of Christ, who died for all that we all might seek His forgiveness, love and mercy. May God bless us as we continue our three-century heritage of serving Him.
In Christ,
Father Marshall+
Katherine Adams, Senior Warden
Jim Gibson, Junior Warden
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