Update: “Old Ceej” (C.J) Mahaney has bolted from his
flagship church and the home church he established, Covenant Life (CLC), Gaithersburg, MD. If interested, use our search button for C.J.
Mahaney. He has been, is and probably
always will be the proud, little, uneducated narcissist, schismatic, and
sectarian Anabaptist. As a narcissist, Ceej has tossed all leaders who got in his way...the bodies in his wake are in the dozens. Now, he's tossed CLC. CLC is now withholding it's annual $800K contribution to SGM. He's been the rage and glory of YRR Enthusiasts like Ligon Duncan, Al Mohler, and Mark Dever. SGM, or Sovereign Grace Ministries, old Ceej's federation of little Baptacostalist organizations, experienced
disclosure of troubling details of sins and abuse amongst and by the senior SGM
leaders since July 2012. Brent Detwiler, the consummate insider, became a detailed Whistleblower of significant effect. Things heated
up. Well, the upshot, Mahaney “bolted” as his gig was called and his manifold wickednesses were identified; old Baldy
is now shifting operations from Gaithersburg, MD to Lexington, KY. Old baldy Ceej made the decision and “that’s
that.” Bye, bye, CLC. Allegedly, the tire prints are still on the pavement in the parking lot as he sped away from CLC. As per below, Covenant Life has
registered an update; they are taking responsibility for their wicked sins. It’s still a
micro-group of about 28,000 enthusiasts.
Hence, not much of interest, really. They’ve all been proud throughout the years of being in Hillbilly
Heaven. The upshot: CLC is repenting of their stupid sins leaving
their uneducated Hillbilly Mahaney in the rear view mirror. Hillbilly Mahaney is heading to the Baptistic Hills of Kentucky. Yes, another American dumb ass. (His books and sermons are aweful.)
Old Baldy, Ceej (C.J.) Mahaney |
Saturday, June 30, 2012
at 2:56PM
March 17, 2010, I sent C.J. my first document, Response Regarding
Friendship and Doctrine, appealing for repentance and confession. Since
that appeal over two years ago, C.J. has yet to ask forgiveness of the SGM
pastors and churches for any wrong doing.
recently, Ambassadors of Reconciliation published their report about Sovereign
Grace Ministries on April 10, 2012. In response, all C.J. could say was, “I
want to sincerely apologize for the ways in which deficiencies in my leadership
have contributed to the failures catalogued in this report.” C.J. cites morally
neutral deficiencies in his leadership for failures but no morally sinful
deficiencies in his character for sins.
same is true of the old SGM Board (Nov 2007-Jun 2011), the interim Board (Jul
2011–Feb 2012), and the new Board (Mar 2012-present). Joshua Harris being the
only exception. None of these Boards have express any wrong doing to me, the
SGM pastors, or the SGM churches. These are facts not exaggerations.
contrast, I am grateful for the example set by the pastors of Covenant Life
Church. On Thursday night they confessed significant sins in a specific and sincere
manner. I look forward to the day when C.J. and the leaders around him do the
is a transcript from the CLC Members’ Meeting.
Life Church Members’ Meeting (June 28, 2012)
you for coming. We have a lot of ground to cover tonight. I realize that you’ll
need time to think about and process what we’re sharing and in some cases will
want to follow-up with further discussion. To facilitate that we’ve schedule
two “Coffee & Questions” meetings—one on July 15 and one on Aug 12 at 7pm.
These are smaller contexts that allow for discussion and two-way dialogue.
There’s a sign-up on our Members Blog. Hope to see many of you there. And of
course we would love to talk to you personally so please contact a pastor.
Small Things...
Covenant Life App
we get into anything serious, I have a very exciting announcement. Covenant
Life we have arrived as a church: we have our own app. Forgive me for being so
excited about this, I’m a bit of a technology geek. If you have an iPhone or
iPad or an Android phone you can download from the iTunes app store
and at
Google Play. It
gives you easy access to all our sermons—both audio and video—and lets you read
our church blog. And if you hold it over your heart it sanctifies you at twice
the rate of normal spiritual growth. But seriously, this really is a great tool
that makes this content easily accessible. We’ve come a long way since the days
of our tape ministry.
Membership List
when you’re leaving we’ll have a Membership Update list. This is a list of all
the people who have joined and all the members who have departed since last May
when we last handed out an update. Now I realize because of all the issues
we’ve walked through in the past year there will be greater interest in this
list. Let me say a few things: First, please don’t assume you know why someone
has withdrawn their membership. Some are leaving over disagreements. The
majority are leaving because of job changes or God just leading them to another
church. If you know someone on this list but don’t know why they’re no longer
here, don’t talk about them, talk to them. Love all of these dear
brothers and sisters. Continue to reach out to them in friendship and care.
Finally, let’s rejoice in all the new men and women God has brought to our
church. Each of these new members is an expression of God’s grace to us!
Plan for the Evening
let’s dive into our main topics for tonight. You could divide the content of
tonight’s meeting into two main categories: we want to take time to look back
and we want to look forward to our future together as a church.
looking back
we reflect on the events of the past year and as we consider the Report by
Ambassadors of Reconciliation.
looking forward by presenting the draft of our new church constitution and
sharing our proposed church budget for the coming year including plans for
distributing funds given to our Go Forward Fund.
Looking Back
think it’s important that we take a look back, not because we want to live in
the past but because we believe we need to rightly process our past to be able
to move forward in a healthy way. Last July I told you that to the best of my
ability my role was to help you to interpret from God’s Word what was taking
place. I said then and I still believe that the turmoil we’ve been through has
been an expression of God’s loving, fatherly discipline of our church. Hebrews
tells us that God, like a father disciplines those he loves. Hebrews 12:10-says,
“he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. For the moment
all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the
peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”
been almost one year since our church faced an extraordinary crisis. I won’t
try and recount all the details of those events for you. But let me try and
summarize as objectively and simply as possible what has taken place:
1. First,
last July previously undisclosed behavior and personal conflict among leaders
in our movement was exposed in a way that shook people’s confidence in their
2. What
made all this more complicated and painful for our church is that we didn’t all
agree about how to deal with it. There was a difference of interpretation of
our past and a difference of viewpoint on how to best respond. And this created
a strained the relationship between the pastors of our church and some of the
leadership of Sovereign Grace.
3. This
also created tension between some members of our church who saw things
differently. Dear friends have left our church because they thought our church
defended individuals too much. Others have left because they felt we didn’t do enough
to defend them.
4. If
all this wasn’t complex enough, our church movement has also begun an important
process of defining how authority, accountability and church connectivity
should work. Many churches along with ours have sought to speak into this
discussion and express their perspective on what reform should look like. But
in certain ways these differences of viewpoint have further increased the
So the bottom line is that in the past year, regardless of your opinion on
these matters, for some, confidence in leadership has been shaken. Disagreement
has strained relationships. And our church and our movement have embarked on a
significant reevaluation of how authority, accountability and
church-partnership should work.
know that all this has affected each of you differently. Some, because of your
history here and relational connections, have been touched in significant ways.
What I think we all need to acknowledge is that this has been difficult for all
of us. It’s been a real trial for everyone involved and it’s okay to be
saddened. This past year has been a reminder for all of us that we live in a
world marred by sin, that we’re all still in process, and that we all need to
become more like Christ.
Relationship with CJ
of you have asked about my relationship with CJ. The best answer I can
give—which I assume is obvious to everyone—is that it is strained. We are
brothers in Christ, but we have a significant difference of opinion about how
these events should have been handled. I don’t have any personal offense with
CJ and he has communicated several times he has no offense with me. He has
asked my forgiveness for past sins and I’ve forgiven him. I’ve asked his
forgiveness for past sins and he has forgiven me. I’ve listened to his concerns
for me and I’ve sought to share my concerns for him. To the best of my ability
I have sought to live at peace with my brother. But we still see issues and
events very differently. At times our opinions about what faithful leadership
looks like have been at odds. So while there is mutual brotherly love, there is
also mutual disappointment.
of you have told me that you think we should have publicly disciplined CJ or
should speak against him serving as a pastor. I disagree with that. I do not
believe CJ is disqualified from ministry. And so I wish him success in his new
church plant and pray that he will prosper.
are others of you who would like me to give a more ringing endorsement of
C.J.’s leadership and his response to this crisis. But I am not able to do that
either. I am disappointed by aspects of the way he’s related to our pastoral
team and to our church through this process. I share this simply to explain why
it’s difficult for me to celebrate the nature and timing of the departure or to
act as if everything is fine.
I find myself in what I think is a balanced position—not agreeing with C.J.’s
strongest critics nor his most vocal supporters. But before God I have sought
to be a faithful friend to CJ and to fear God and not man.
want you to know I pray for him, I sincerely care about him and want him to
prosper as he continues to preach the gospel. I will always give thanks to God
for his investment in my life and seek to honor him for that. I have entrusted
my relationship with C.J. to the Lord and trust in God’s timing the tension we
currently experience will ease.
Our Relationship with SGM
obvious question this leads to is how all this affects our partnership with
Sovereign Grace Ministries. The answer is that we’re right in the middle of
figuring that out.
where we are now:
we are a Sovereign Grace member church, but because of the nature of our
concerns and the unanswered questions about Sovereign Grace we’ve suspended our
monthly investment in the ministry at this time. We value our connections to
fellow churches and in the meantime we are giving to targeted projects, most
notably the North Africa mission.
we’re going to have a face-to-face meeting with the new board of Sovereign
Grace on July 6th. We’ve had multiple conversations with
members of the board individually and this will be chance to all come together
and listen to one another and seek to better understand each other.
is not a mediation nor an adjudication. It is a context to communicate and we
trust further clarity will come from our discussion.
as I mentioned earlier, Sovereign Grace is in the process of considering and
clarifying its polity. This involves deciding whether there is apostolic
authority outside of the local church, how leadership should be structured and
accountable and how churches partner with each other in Sovereign Grace. These
are very significant issues. Sovereign Grace has established a polity committee
and a process for churches to share their perspectives. Members of this
committee and members of the new board have reached out to our church and
graciously welcomed our participation. We are thankful for this. We are
participating in this process and will be sharing a paper in Louisville on July
10. We’ve been told that a new membership agreement and a defined government
structure will hopefully be shared in November or December.
we process this decision, here is our commitment to you:
we will seek to walk through this with these men in a peaceable, respectful and
God-glorifying way. That’s why our July 6 meeting is so important to us. We
value meeting with these men face-to-face and seeking to understand each other.
Whether or not we agree on every matter or maintain organizational ties, we want
to model gospel-love and Christ-like humility in our interaction. We want to
show the world we are disciples of Jesus by the way we love one another.
we will not just “hand down” a decision as pastors about our association with
Sovereign Grace. When the time comes that we feel as a pastoral team that we
have clarity, when we’ve processed the new membership agreement, we will
present our consensus to the congregation, explain our reasons and ask for your
feedback and questions and counsel before finalizing a decision.
Life, God is just as interested in how we honor him in the process and how we
trust him on the journey as he is delivering us to a certain outcome. This year
has been a year of testing and difficulty as a church family. But God doesn’t
waste difficulty. He’s using all this to produce hope in us!
5:3-4 tells us that we can “rejoice in our suffering because suffering produces
endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope—and hope
does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured into our hearts
through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
realize that on the one-year anniversary of these events we’d all like closure.
The problem is that we don’t all agree on what closure means. For some closure
means leaders agreeing and everybody living in the same town. For others
closure is tied to a certain outcome that you want—staying in Sovereign Grace
or leaving. I guess we’d all like closure in the form of everybody else seeing
it our way.
I think we need to recognize is that “closure” might be the wrong pursuit. I
think the most important and most healthy thing for all of us is to ask God to
accomplish his purpose in us—as individuals and as a church. To fill us with
his Holy Spirit and produce greater endurance, character and hope. To ask him
to transform us, grow us and mature us as disciples. I think we all need to
keep asking, “God what do you have for me in
this? What do you want to teach me about love? About grace? About disagreeing
with fellow-Christians with meekness and compassion?”
don’t just want to get through this trial. I want the Lord to accomplish his
purpose for us in it. I don’t want to waste it. I don’t want to miss what God
has for us.
I want you to know in spite of our difficulties I see God producing endurance
and character and hope in this congregation. I see members who have turned away
from fear of pastors and who are respectfully sharing their ideas, questions
and concerns. I see people praying and hoping in God more than ever. I see men
and women repenting of ungodly speech and learning to communicate disagreement
with grace. And I’ve watched the men of our pastoral team learn to rely on and
hope in God like never before. I’ve seen the Lord produce a greater affection
and appreciation between pastors and members than ever before.
the past year has been painful and unpleasant. I would not wish the past year
on any church. But I would not trade what God has taught us and how God has
humbled us and refined us for anything in the world.
is producing the peaceful fruit of righteousness in us. God has used this trial
to change things in our church that have needed to change. He has used it for
our good.
so I want to call all of us to lay aside blame, to stop finger-pointing and to
mark this anniversary with a renewed commitment to seek the Lord, to walk in
the fear of God, and to treasure God’s forgiveness even as we extend it to
Response to Ambassadors of Reconciliation
want to shift gears now and take time to share our reflections on the report
prepared by Ambassadors of Reconciliation for SGM. AoR’s evaluation of SGM has
important implications for Covenant Life Church.
We Appreciate
are grateful for all the hard work that AoR invested in evaluating SGM and the
hard work in preparation of their report. Ted Kober and Ed Keinath are men of
integrity who have endeavored to serve SGM with their gifts and expertise.
also want to thank and commend the Sovereign Grace board’s willingness to
publish the AoR report which chronicles many historic weaknesses and mistakes.
This is a wonderful expression of grace. We thank them for their commitment to
openness with the report.
agree with and affirm the 12 recommendations that AoR made in the report: the
encouragements to believe the gospel, to develop a culture of proclaiming God’s
forgiveness, to begin a reconciliation ministry, to work on broken
relationships (using impartial people to help), to stop sinful communication
and stop speculating on motives, to stop blaming people or groups but take the
speck out of our own eye, to develop better policies and systems, to provide
training for dealing with sexual misconduct, to keep training pastors, to look
for ways to reinforce the proper use of authority at every level, to avoid the
use of e-mail for sensitive and confidential communications. We agree with
these first 11 recommendations.
it is recommendation number 12 that strikes the deepest chord with this
pastoral team, and for that reason, I want to read it in its entirety:
encourage all the leaders and members throughout Sovereign Grace Ministries to
care for one another in Christian love, including reaching out to those who are
no longer in your churches. Seek opportunities to affirm, encourage and seek
out those who are hurting including members and former members. Call those you
have not seen for a while and let them know that you miss them and care about
them. Pray for one another in each other’s presence. Share God’s gift of
forgiveness with one another. Gently hold one another accountable in love, always
remembering your own forgiveness in Christ. Love one another, especially those
with whom you are not reconciled, so that what Jesus said will be true of all
of you; “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so
you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another” (John 13:34,35 NIV) You have done this so well in many
ways, but there are some in your midst and some former members who have felt
neglected from your love and care.”
Let’s heed this exhortation.
also believe that AoR accurately highlighted many of the blessings we have
shared in Sovereign Grace through the years. We have been blessed by Sovereign
Grace’s theologically rich worship music. We have grown through the many books
that Sovereign Grace has published, and we have gleaned much from Sovereign
Grace’s conferences and the audio and video resources. Most significantly we’ve
benefitted from our friendship with fellow pastors and congregations.
have participated in a rich 30-year-history filled with church planting around
the world. We are grateful for the blessings of SGM and our history with them.
also, agree with AoR’s concerns about our movement’s lack of clear polity
structures. After reviewing SGM’s governing documents, AoR reported that SGM’s “fast
growth has outpaced its development of more formal structures that become
necessary in larger organizations.” AoR observed that we failed to develop godly
processes and policies for dealing with charges, conflicts and grievances
involving members and leaders. We agree with AoR’s assessments and its
recommendations for change and we are seeking to implement these same
principles into our new church constitution.
also agree with AoR’s observation that our leadership in Sovereign Grace lacks
outside input and accountability. AoR noted that SGM has made itself vulnerable
to criticism by failing to provide processes to receive input from its
member-churches regarding its governance, accountability, leadership
qualifications and other leadership responsibilities.
also agree with AoR’s rebuke of sinful speech. Through the past year we’ve seen
people on all sides of the issues tempted to judge, gossip, speak harshly and
lack grace in their speech. AoR’s strong challenge to honor God in our words
and to avoid judgment is something we all need to take to heart. Let’s continue
to examine ourselves and seek to grow. I’ve been made aware of different
individuals who have repented and sought the forgiveness of others for their
sinful speech—be it in conversations or written in online communication. Let’s
continue to ask God to help us learn to ask questions, raise concerns and even
strongly disagree without impugning motives or judging others.
for Improvement in the Report
were some aspects of AoR’s report that we had questions about and at times felt
could have been more helpful. We were able to share these thoughts with AoR on
the phone and it was a very helpful conversation.
we shared the concern that at times it seemed that in the report there was a
stronger rebuke of sinful speech than there was the sinful leadership. In other
words there seemed to be more censures and corrections for those bringing
criticism of our movement’s leadership than rebuke of our leadership practices
that contributed to the hurt and difficulties faced by these people.
told us that part of this reason is they spoke so strongly to the issues of
speech was because many of the people—members and former members—that they met
with were unresponsive when they challenged them about sinful angry speech.
Because of this they felt the need to more strongly speak to the issue. At the
same time they said that many of the leaders they spoke with were responsive
and admitted their mistakes.
pointed out that many members had not yet heard these kind of humble
acknowledgments of sin by leaders and would no doubt be greatly softened when
they did hear it themselves.
we hope our whole movement will remember is that there are many people and
voices calling for reform and sharing constructive criticism who are not bitter
or angry or sinning in their speech. We believe part of growing as a movement
is being able to listen to these voices and not write them off as slanderous.
we shared the concern that morally neutral categories were used in assessing
the removal of former Sovereign Grace leaders. AoR described situations in
which leaders they felt that they were inappropriately removed or pressured to
step down from their positions, often using “secret” investigations to gather
“information that might lead to their removal.”
also reported that other former leaders were disqualified or pressured to step
down because the actions of their minor children were judged sinful, although
the specific kinds of behavior in their children that disqualified a man were
arbitrary and inconsistently applied. AoR concluded that these situations were
handled “inconsistently” because of a lack of written guidelines or policies.
this is true, we think it’s incomplete. We believe that as a movement we should
acknowledge that our leadership in the removal of some men from ministry was
more than a deficient policy—it involved a sinful exercise and misuse of
spiritual authority.
understand, we’re also looking in the mirror. We don’t want to miss this
God-given opportunity to evaluate our own practices.
we think we all need to acknowledge is that when an organization utilizes its
authority and governance to remove men based on non-biblical or arbitrary
categories, this is sin. And wherever this has occurred, we believe our
movement will be best served by calling it sinful, connecting it to leadership
and repenting, believing the gospel and changing by grace.
we interacted with AoR about the issue of Members Meetings that was raised in
the report.
cited “Family Meetings” as one of the significant factors that contributed to
the overall intensity of the conflict. AoR reported that “Family Meetings” in
churches fostered sinful speech because leadership failed to direct members in
godly speech and warn against sinful judgments. As you know we’ve acknowledged
our own sins and mistakes from our members meetings last summer. We’ve sought
to be clear with you about where we failed and we’ve asked your forgiveness.
But we also believe that there were many helpful and important aspects to those
meetings and we couldn’t agree with what appeared to be a blanket dismissal of
them. We talked to AOR about this and they shared some helpful information:
because AoR discourages all open forums in church-wide conflicts, the
information about “Family Meetings” is included whenever they give a report.
AoR also made clear that Covenant Life was not being singled out. They had
other Sovereign Grace church “Family Meetings” in mind, as well. AoR
acknowledged that these meetings are not all bad. That good can come out of
also helped us to learn that AoR had only listened to our first Member’s
Meetings in its entirety. They informed us they only skimmed the transcripts of
the other meetings. They also were given and read a document criticizing the
meetings which selectively quoted from them and presented a different viewpoint
than what we would hold.
we were grateful that AoR acknowledged that their information about our
Member’s Meeting was not as complete as it could have been. AoR communicated
that it was an oversight for them not to talk with our pastoral team more and learn
why we had our meetings, how the meetings served our church and how we had
already acknowledged our mistakes as leaders.
pastors on stage]
What We Can Own and Repent of as Pastors
now let’s turn to the most important category of this report: where it’s helped
us to see where we need to repent as a pastoral team. We’ve asked the Lord to
help us view the AoR report as a God-given opportunity to continue a process of
repentance and reform in our church and our leadership culture.
while in one sense this is a response to the AoR report, in another important
sense, it’s not. This is a response to the kind and gracious work of God. We
don’t want to miss the opportunity God is giving us to humble ourselves and
repent of our sins.
we use the word “sin” very purposefully here. It’s easy for us to want to couch
these issues as merely deficiencies or mistakes. But God has used the events of
the past year to help us see that where we’ve failed to rightly teach and
practice his word and where we’ve been proud we have sinned. And we can admit
that because we have a sin-bearing Savior who died on the cross for our sins.
Jesus didn’t die for leadership deficiencies but there is grace for sins
because Jesus shed his blood for us.
categories we want to share here are ones that we believe that we’ve all
contributed to and participated in to some extent through our leadership, if
not in overt actions in attitude of heart. As the leaders of this church, we
take responsibility for shaping the culture and environment of our church.
We’re going to have several different men come and share on behalf of the team.
And after that we’ve asked some members to read scriptures in response about
God’s grace. Ted Kober from AoR encouraged us to do this...to declare God’s
forgiveness. This isn’t to minimize our sin but to remind us all of the grace
of God.
Kenneth Maresco - An Arrogant View of Our Church
of the categories we want to acknowledge relate to pride. The first is pride in
our church. AoR observed is that we valued humility, which was a good thing,
but that we could also be proud of our humility. AoR wrote, “some were proud of
their accomplishment in humility. They talked about it in such a way as to
distinguish themselves from people outside their fellowship...” (p. 14).
are grateful for all that God has done in our church these past 35 years. And
there is a godly way to be grateful for all that the Lord has done and
continues to do in and through Covenant Life. But, at times, we have also
stepped over the line to think too highly of ourselves as a church. There have
been public and private communications that have put us in a good light
compared to other leaders, churches or denominations. We’ve been proud of the
rightness of our doctrine, the goodness of our practice or the uniqueness of
being Reformed-Charismatics. In pride, we have thought and acted as though we
were better than others. The past year has been particularly helpful in curing
us of this view.
like to speak personally to this issue. I have spoken to numerous men in their
50’s who have been here a long time who have told me that the events of the
past year have had a draining effect on their spiritual lives. I am in my 50’s
and in the past year, I have faced the same temptations. I moved here to work
for People of Destiny International, I was hired by John Loftness and Larry
Tomczak, I came on staff at the invitation of C.J. Mahaney and I worked for
Sovereign Grace for many years. I have been on staff of this church since 1991.
The disappointments of the past year have been very deep and very painful.
I have sought to sort through, issues of grief, disappointment, self-pity, and
guilt, I have recognized that one category in my soul where I have experienced
personal conviction relates to this issue of pride. And this has helped me with
some of my disillusionment because genuine repentance brings hope.
of the pain of this year is that some of my old idols are being displaced. God
has helped me see that I sinned in my thinking about our church and our
movement of churches. I proudly thought we were the best.
as that idol has been removed I have been confused and disillusioned, and
forced to worship God alone. That has painful but it has been good. Whatever is
not for the glory of Jesus Christ must be shaken, it must be removed.
have repented before God and confessed my sins to him. He is faithful and just
to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. But I want to confess to you, because
as a leader I know that my pride affected you in different ways. I want to ask
you to forgive me for my contribution to this error and for whatever ways I/we
as leaders contributed to this sin in your life. I am sincerely sorry. I/we
have repented are committed to leading in the days ahead seeking to remove this
leaven of pride from our leadership and church culture.
Joshua Harris - Handling Disagreements
expression of our pride as pastors is in the area of disagreements. AoR stated,
“so long as you didn’t question leadership, you would not likely experience
difficulties in SGM. But if you disagreed with leadership, especially
publically, you would be targeted for disciplinary action...this contributed to
a sense of fear and distrust of leadership within SGM or its churches” (p. 20).
spirit has convicted us here. At times, we as pastors were proud by not
listening or receiving correction when members brought observations or
concerns. Instead, those who did raise questions or disagreed with pastors
could feel ignored, marginalized or discounted. At times when someone came with
a criticism, if that criticism was not brought “well” with a good attitude, the
critique could be missed and the attitude of the person become the focus.
want to confess that this was part of our culture, it was practiced in our
church, and we take responsibility for this and want to flatly say this is
neither biblical nor right.
pastors, we want to ask you to forgive us for our role in perpetuating,
teaching or affirming this sinful response to others bringing criticisms. It is
not sin to disagree. And we thank many of you for your faithful thoughts over
the past year. We hope we have demonstrated a growing willingness to hear from
people who disagree with us.
Corby Megorden - An Elevated View of Pastors
third area of pride as pastors that the Lord has convicted us of is thinking
too highly of our positions and our own wisdom. (This was not called out
specifically in the AoR report, but it is an area where we have felt the Lord’s
role of pastors or elders is important and clearly given in Scripture. But at
times, we’ve elevated this role in ways that expressed sinful pride. There has
been a culture of honoring leaders that is biblical, but, at times, has been
excessive. In some situations, ministry has been man-centered as it upheld the
specific practices of a pastor to the neglect of equipping the saints with the
Word of God to exercise discernment and make decisions as disciples of Jesus.
also see that at times ministry, became bottlenecked through pastors instead of
ministry being released for members to lead. This created an unnecessary
division and distinction between pastors and members. And lastly, thinking too
highly of our own position and wisdom was reflected in a church government that
did not have member input and accountability. This is something we desire to
change with the new constitution.
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 13 that “love is patient and kind; love does
not...boast; it is not arrogant...it does not insist on its own way.” We have
sinned by not acting humbly, graciously, and lovingly toward you. We ask your
forgiveness for these sins. While we will continue to lead as God calls us to,
we commit to listening to your questions and concerns, to focusing on the Word
and not our own opinions, to networking and learning from other churches and to
creating a polity with appropriate checks and balances.
Grant Layman - Misapplication of the Doctrine of Sin
highlighted the issue of the misapplication of the doctrine of sin in their
report. They wrote, “many described...how small group leaders or pastors or SGM
leaders worked to ‘drill down’...to the root causes of people’s sins....
Although seen as a blessing or strength by many, others saw an abusive
side...when it had the effect of beating people down or unfairly scrutinizing
them” (p. 15).
have always sought to and will continue to hold to a biblical view of the
doctrine of sin. We are not going to whitewash sin or water down the call to
repentance and holy lives. As a church we want to remain faithful to teach what
Scripture does – that sin is real, that God is holy, and that God’s grace is
amazing when we understand all that we’ve been rescued and redeemed from.
that being said, we are seeing ways in which we need to grow and change in how
we apply the doctrine of sin in our care and counseling. In an attempt to
faithfully teach an important and helpful doctrine, we failed at times to teach
and model it in proper proportion and balance.
effects of this have been:
- People
seeing themselves and others primarily as sinners, rather than seeing
themselves as new creations in Christ and sons and daughter of God.
- Another
effect is relationships becoming primarily about confession of sin,
identifying sin and sinful behavior rather than building relationships of
Christ-like love for one another.
- Another
negative effect is more confidence in our ability to help someone to
change rather a confidence in the Word of God working through the Spirit
and prayer.
- And a
final effect has been people being counseled against or being fearful of
exploring medical or professional help with their struggles.
want to grow in caring for people by addressing sin and by learning how to come
alongside and minister to people who are hurting, suffering and struggling.
want to grow in making our fellowship centered on God’s Word, pursuing the
Spirit, and helping people to run to Jesus in the midst of their struggles and
sin. We want to grow in trumpeting all the implications of the Gospel – through
faith in Jesus Christ, our sins have been forgiven, we been raised with Christ
to walk in newness of life, we have been given the Spirit to empower us and the
power of the resurrection is transforming us day by day! And we want to grow in
the appropriate and wise use of medical and mental health professionals in the
care of struggling saints.
Where our teaching and example have been imbalanced please forgive us. Where
you have experienced feeling belittled or judged because of how the doctrine of
sin has been practiced and applied, please forgive us. Believe us when we say
there was no malicious intent—but we are deeply sorry for the way this
immaturity in our handling of this truth has hurt you. We are committed to
emphasizing grace and growing in love...even as we prize holiness.
of AoR Response
as we’ve acknowledged our sins we want to ask you to come to any of the pastors
directly if we’ve wronged in these ways or others. We would like to be able to
hear from you personally and ask forgiveness for specific issues.
like us to take time now to pray together...for our church, for your
pastors...and in some cases God may lead you to pray your own prayers of
confession. Let’s take time to pray in groups of 3-5 and then we’ll conclude
this portion of the meeting with prayer from the front.
Looking to the Future
I want us to turn our attention to where God is taking us. Jesus is building
his church, by God’s grace we are moving forward. And two important parts that
forward progress are our new constitution and our annual budget. Kenneth...
I’m very excited to present the first draft of our new church constitution.
This is an important moment for our congregation. We are not expecting you to
read and affirm it tonight! But we are putting it into your hands so that we
can embark on a several month process of discussing it and understanding it and
sharpening it together.
tonight the draft constitution will be available on our Members Blog and we’re
also making paper copies available (one per household) as you leave.
church’s constitution defines our leadership structures, it clarifies our
mission, and explains what it means to be a member. We hope and believe that
this constitution will help us to remain faithful to biblical doctrine as well
as help us to press forward in our life and mission together.
have described our approach to church government as “Jesus ruled, elder led and
congregationally accountable.” The goal of this new constitution is the health
of our church— and its purpose is to help us preserve the unity and purity of
the flock and to advance the mission of the gospel.
that in mind, some of the ways we hope this new constitution will serve us from
Scripture: (on screen)
A constitution will help us: (on screen)
- Do all
things decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40)
- Protect
the church from abuse and harm (1 Tim. 5:19-21)
- Maintain
proper lines of authority, responsibility and accountability (Acts 6:1-6,
14:23; Eph. 4:11-14; Tit. 1:5; Heb. 13:17; 1 Peter 5:1-5)
- Instill
confidence in the public and members alike (1 Cor. 6:1-4)
- Ensure
that proper procedures are followed (justice) and set the standard of
practice for decades to come (stability)
Key issues a constitution addresses (on screen)
- Statement
of Faith: it is essentially the same, but we have added a section on
marriage and Scriptures to help each of you to understand the biblical
basis for it.
- The nature
of membership – its privileges and responsibilities
- Process
for becoming a member and transferring membership
- Church
- How
“mission” is defined
- Church
leadership – selection, qualification and congregational role in
- The role
of deacons
- Members
- Financial
procedures and processes
- Process
for amending the constitution
What will stay the same under our new constitution?
- Core
- Elder-led
- Practice
of church discipline
What will change?
- Non-vocational
- A
“Governing Board” comprised of vocational and non vocational-elders
- Congregational
affirmation of all new pastor/elders added to the pastoral team
- Congregational
affirmation of key financial decisions, including the annual budget
- The role
of the Financial Advisory Committee
- A process
for the transition of a senior pastor
- A clear
process for amending the constitution, including the Statement of Faith
What will the process be for member input? (on screen)
- Give
access to the draft online.
- Schedule
several pastors’ coffees where members can ask questions or offer
suggestions (July 15 & August 12th)
- Publish an
online form as well as an e-mail address where members can send questions,
comment, make suggestions or even propose amendments
- Respond to
personal e-mails
- Review
members’ input and frequently asked questions and provide answers at the
pastors’ coffees and/or on the members’ blog.
look forward to teaching about and talking through these things with you.
How will we adopt the constitution?
having members affirm key decisions is something new to us. You will see this
in the constitution where we will have members voting. Earlier in the year,
during the polity series, Josh mentioned 75% affirmation for decisions. But
after dialoguing with other churches who have experience in these things, we
have changed key decisions to 66% which is referred to as a super-majority. On
other key decisions like the budget and the constitution, affirmation will
require a simple majority.
once we have had ample time for discussion and consideration of congregational
feedback, including any proposed amendments to the draft document, the elders
will agree upon a final version of the constitution to present to the
congregation for adoption. We will publish this online and then schedule a
members meeting. The following question will be put to the congregation at a
members meeting scheduled a month in advance:
on screen) Do
you, the members of Covenant Life Church, in submission to the rule of Jesus
Christ, the leadership of the Elders of this church, and in wise and prayerful
consideration of the matter set before you, affirm the adoption of the proposed
Constitution of Covenant Life Church?
will allow the congregation to vote to affirm the proposal, and once we have
tallied the votes, if approved our constitution will be ratified and
recognized, under Scripture, as our formal governing document.
Life Church, we are very grateful for the privilege of glorifying God with you.
It is our hope that this constitution process will be an means for helping us
to walk together in greater unity, and that it will help us to strive more
effectively in the mission of the gospel for years to come. We are looking
forward to our dialogue with you in the coming months.
Budget/Mission (Corby and Grant)
I hope you see in both the constitution and our plans for giving is that we are
moving forward as a church. We are moving forward in reform of our church
government. We are moving forward in clear, consistent communication to the
congregation. And we’re moving forward in mission. I hope you’re encouraged as
you see how your generosity is supporting churches and helping to spread the
gospel around the world.
ultimately our hope for our future as a church is not in our plans. It’s not in
our leaders. It’s not in our members. It’s not in our constitution. It’s not in
our repentance. It’s not in our giving. Our hope is in the God of steadfast
love. Let’s go out tonight remembering who we worship and live for...
is our Creator—who says in Isaiah 44:24 “I formed you from the womb: I am the
Lord who made all things who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out
the earth by myself.” He is mighty! He has limitless power! He is worthy of our
God is our Redeemer. He gave his only Son to die in our place on the cross. And
he says to us in Isaiah 44:22 “I have blotted out your transgressions like a
cloud and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you.”
only have a future in the gospel. Our only hope for pressing forward is that
Jesus has taken us as his own. May the Apostle Paul’s words in Philippians
3:12-13 become our heart-cry:
Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to
make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. [13] Brothers, I do
not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what
lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, [14] I press on toward
the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Let’s press forward together toward Christ.
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