"[This is] one more instance of Johnson's First Law of Episcopal Thermodynamics: 'Every joke you make about the Episcopal Organization eventually comes true,'" writes Haley. In short, the liturgical equivalent of the dumb ass American Hillbilly Religion. Upshot: how to destroy a once fairly solid Church and end up like pigs in the mud.
The Rt. Rev. Dan Martins of Springfield told VOL that he has heard nothing from 815 and only learned about the charges second hand.
Each bishop received an email from the Rt. Rev. F. Clayton Matthews, in his capacity as the Episcopal Church's intake officer for allegations regarding bishops of the church, stating that charges had been leveled against them.
He wrote, "I am obliged to inform you that a complaint has been received against you for your action in signing affidavits in opposition to a motion for Summary Judgment made by representatives of The Episcopal Diocese of Quincy and The Episcopal Church in the Fall of 2011 to secure the Diocesan financial assets from a breakaway group. In the next few weeks, I will initiate a disciplinary process according to Title IV Canon 6 Sec. 3 & 4 of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church."
Canon Lawyer Allan S. Haley described the actions as "Stalinist tactics deployed to silence ECUSA Bishops in Court."
Hours later, seven other bishops received notification from Matthews with similar "charges". In a letter to them he wrote, "I am obliged to inform you that a complaint has been received against you for your action in filing of Amicus Curiae Brief in the pending appeal in the Supreme Court of Texas in opposition to The Episcopal Diocese of Texas and The Episcopal Church. In the next few weeks, I will initiate a disciplinary process according to Title IV Canon 6 Sec. 3 & 4 of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church."

"[This is] one more instance of Johnson's First Law of Episcopal Thermodynamics: 'Every joke you make about the Episcopal Organization eventually comes true,'" writes Haley.
"Needless to say, these 'charges' should never have made it past the Intake Officer, and would not have done so without the implicit approval of the Presiding Bishop herself," noted Haley.
"Those Canons spell out the offenses for which clergy may be charged, and would be irrelevant if the charges were being dismissed. Consequently, either Bishop Matthews wanted to dismiss the charges, and the Presiding Bishop objected; or else Bishop Matthews truly believes the charges may constitute an offense under the Church canons, and so he is proceeding with his investigation," added Haley.
Those who know the history of the Presiding Bishop's disregard for the canons will have no hesitation in answering that question, he concluded.
FOOTNOTE: As VOL hears back from these bishops we will post more.
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