Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Together for the Nonsense:" Mountebank Mahaney in a Reformed Pulpit

It is not surprising to see Revivalists and Enthusiasts, e.g. SGM, SBCers, TBNers, Pentecostalists and others, endorsing ignorant mountebanks like Mahaney in public forums.  No surprise there.  They love uneducated ministers.  However, as Joe Coke notes below, it is surprising to see an uneducated Mountebank like Mahaney in a Reformed pulpit.  Joe Coke has it right. Lawyers must be admitted to the bar.  Physicians must get medical licenses.  But none of that matters to the Revivalists, neo-Montanists, and Enthusiasts. Is. 3.12, when children lead and support man-boys.

Together for the Non-Sense

Charismatic Leader to fill the pulpit of Kevin DeYoung’s Church

Young, Restless and Reformed/ The Gospel Coalition Blogger/ Together For Gospel speaker
Kevin DeYoung & his elders to let Non-Seminary Educated Charismatic Leader CJ Mahaney fill the pulpit of their RCA Church on 07-15-12

Most Reformed Churches faithful to our Confessions of Faith [Westminster Standards or Three Forms of Unity] will let only qualified men that have been ordained (or men under the care in prep for ordination) by a Reformed Denomination fill their pulpits.

*More on SGM-Mahaney-Gate - See Tomczak Sets the Record Straight , The C.J. Mahaney/ Sovereign Grace Ministries Scandal , The Gospel According to Your Own Best Interests , THE GROWING SCANDAL OF UNEDUCATED CHRISTIANS , C.J. Still Not Qualified to Lead Sovereign Grace Ministries on the One Year Anniversary of Sending Out “The Documents”

Screen Shot from Kevin DeYoung’s Blog

Screen Shot from University Reformed Church [ Kevin DeYoung's Church]

HT - Reformed Anglicanism

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