Thursday, November 10, 2011

SGM-Mahaneygate: Letter to Dave Harvey

Solutions for the Confused
100  Wha-Wha Lane     
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Phone:  (YES) WEE-CANN  
Fax:  (800) HOT-DAWG  

November 10, 2011

Dave Harvey, Interim President
Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM)
7501 Muncaster Road
Gaithersburg, MD  20877 

Dear Dave: 

Do you know how much money your Church-Money-Machine is losing from the repetitive gaffes, historical amnesia, and abuses by your President, C.J. Mahaney, currently on an alleged leave of absence?  Each day,  offended people are pulling back due to reading, thinking, exposure to the facts, continuing revelations by abuse victims, dissatisfied members and pastors, as well as those nasty blogs.

Solutions for the Confused can solve your problems with our investigative services that will systematize the 1000s of complaints, monitor the 6-digit salaries of your Board members, and provide you with a full public relations distraction-campaign.  Solutions for the Confused will show you how to mitigate your membership losses, stanch those growing and unwanted revenue losses, and put you and Mr. Mahaney back on top where you belong. 

Solutions for the Confused will not interfere with C.J. Mahaney’s current denials of abuse or his efforts to regain the spotlight.  Each of the written exercises and computer-generated recommendations come with audio instructions.  The entire program takes less than 3 minutes and is available for Windows XP and Windows Vista.  For only $1499.00, you can provide a networked version of this valuable software to all those SGM pastors who have not bolted for the exit. 

To help your SGM employees stay at peak efficiency in a gossip-free and happy-clappy environment, please call us at 1-800-HOT-DAWG or contact us at to order our package Solutions for the Confused.

Thank you.

Wee Fixit
Sales Manager

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