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SGM Tactics with Opposition, Long Used by Mahaney, Author of "Humility: True Greatness" (while his insiders and staffers laughed about Mahaney's historic hypocrisy) |
CrossWay Pastors Threatened to Excommunicate Me for being Divisive
They referenced Titus 3:10-11 and Romans 17:17 in support of their actions.
Titus 3:10-11 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. [11] You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
Rom 16:17-18 I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. [18] For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
These are the very verses we used back in the 70’s and 80’s to silence our critics and tell people to stay away from them. The repercussions of that teaching, and the wrong-headed use of those verses, still effects how people are treated in SGM. That is one of the reasons leaders who are “disqualified” or people who leave a SGM church, tend to be shunned or abandoned by SGM. Mickey is stuck in a time warp. His exegesis has not improved. These texts are reserved for heretics and false apostles.
In my case, I resigned from the apostolic team in November 2007. Though I invited C.J. to visit us anytime in Charlotte, I never heard from him again until January 2010 with the exception of a two sentence email. This step by the CrossWay pastors is a throwback.
I’m afraid CW pastors are deaf, dumb and blind to the dealings of God in SGM and their lives. I am not intimidated by their threat of excommunication. They can act like Pope Leo if they want but I will not be silent. There is too much at stake. Like Joshua Harris said, “God is disciplining SGM” and he is disciplining the CrossWay pastors but they refuse to be trained by it. Instead they continue in their heavy handed and self-righteous ways.
Mickey, Joe, Nick and Larry may not like my strong words but that is not the issue. Their threatening’s and claim of perfection are the issue. As with C.J., I’d be glad to meet with CrossWay over the course of several weeks and talk openly about the past and the present. The pastors can present their case. I will present my case but there should be no attempts at censoring and controlling important information that people need to have. That amounts to a cover-up.
Because SGM has done this for so long, websites like Survivors and Refuge sprang up. People could not get honest answers from their pastors. There was no court of appeals for abuse. People were labeled bitter and resentful. There was no accountability by the pastors to the church. People's discussions were labeled as slander. Th0 stayed in their church they learned to be silent.
In response to the CrossWay pastors, I said in part, “The fact of your letter, and the contents of your letter, demonstrate your ongoing willingness to abuse, intimidate, and condemn while showing no openness to any wrong-doing. You once again maintain your sinless perfection and show no evidence of illumination. You appear oblivious to God’s dealings in SGM and your lives. You have provided yet another poignant example of hypocrisy and lording for all to see.
Thank God pastors in SGM are seeing their errors and changing. It is wonderful. I don't know how many. Unfortunately, that does appear to be the case in Charlotte. Excommunication is still used as a weapon but a just adjudication hearing is voted down by Mickey and the other members of the SGM Board. I expect to receive my Exsurge Domine any day by certified mail from the CrossWay pastors followed by one from the SGM Board some time in the future. Can you be excommunicated twice?
Brent should wear his excommunication like a medal of honour for doing God's work and hence making all the right enemies.
Question about SGM structure. Apparently there is or used to be "apostles." Were these equivalent to regional superintendents? What was or is C.J. Is he an apostle?
Then, does SGM control who pastors any given church? Is it centrally structured like the Methodist who select the pastor with, I think, congregational input?
Historically, SGM had "apostles" who had "superior insights" and who could and did "speak words" into any given situations, churches and single lives. These "apostles" were superior to Pastors. Pastors were positioned by the "A-Team" or SGM Board. No congregational input in their selections of Pastors or Elders. All Elders were and are paid. They are all vocational Elders. Dozens were also unilaterally removed by the A-Team to the shock and with the disagreement of the congregation. Historically, there has been intense controls of the congregants, if any disagreements. CLC, Gaithersburg, MD, CJ's flagship, however, in light of the Det docs, may be currently resisting the past SGM practices. Polity issues is one among several issues emerging at the present time.
Does SGM still have apostles or not. Do these men still exists at SGM with possibly a name change.
I will assume pastors are still chosen by SGM hierarchy?
Is Josh Harris an "apostle?"
Was Brent an "apostle?"
1. It appears that the "apostolic" element, in terms of the names, has disappeared in the last 4-5 years. I heard--awhile back--Harvey's disclaimer that the term was capable of misconstrual and that as they "matured" (Havey's word), SGM was not using the word anymore. However, it appears the reality hasn't.
2. SGM still exercises top-down control in "positing and re-positioning" clerics without congregation input. This has been raised in the current discussions.
3. Also, yes, they have "Regional" overseers.
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