Monday, November 21, 2011

Piper's Sell for 2012: Samo, samo

John assures us this is new, as if the Word of God, was new.   Samo, samo, samo.  More reading.  God's Word right is more substantive here than travelling to MN.  Sorry, John.  Sorry, John, the Advent readings of Scripture rules.  Same for the old BCP prayers.  God meets and has met us here, by day and night.  What dost thou offerest John?  We're old BCP folks here. n-building-men?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+DGBlog+%28DG+Blog%29

The theme of our 2012 Conference for Pastors is "God, Manhood and Ministry: Building Men for the Body of Christ" — being held in Minneapolis from January 30 to February 1. We encourage senior pastors in particular to take advantage of our group rate of just $100 (per person) as a great opportunity to build into your elders and lay leaders.

Register Now!

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