Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

Fellow Dads, let us do this with renewed energy and stedfastness.  Let us live it. Where we have failed, we repent in earnest and with correction. Yet, given our manifold failures yet with the assurances of the covering of Christ, we refuse to give up the standards. We continue to hear the absolution of the BCP.  Having said that, these standards are that...standards.  Amazing, how kids understand this.  Even this day, they are merciful and the children love us.  As Marines say, "LBE."  LBE = Lead by example.  Let us be LBE-Dads.  It's our calling, duty, and committment.
Q. 129. What is required of superiors towards their inferiors?

 A. It is required of superiors, according to that power they receive from God, and that relation wherein they stand, to love, pray for, and bless their inferiors; to instruct, counsel, and admonish them; countenancing, commending, and rewarding such as do well; and discountenancing, reproving, and chastising such as do ill; protecting, and providing for them all things necessary for soul and body: and by grave, wise, holy, and exemplary carriage, to procure glory to God, honor to themselves, and so to preserve that authority which God hath put upon them.

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