12 May 1003 A.D. Mr. (Pope) Sylvester II
A pope in league with the devil?
That is what the common folk thought about the first Frenchman to become pope.
What did Sylvester II do to earn this suspicion?
Gerbert of Aurillac had the most brilliant mind of
the day. Trained first in a monastery school, he later studied in Spain where
the Moors taught the works of Aristotle and the lore of their own scholars and
naturalists. Gerbert was a good pupil, who excelled in every study, but
especially in mathematics and naturalism. He also collected manuscripts,
through which he increased his already impressive knowledge.
When Otto II needed a tutor, who should be selected
to teach him but Gerbert? Since he was ambitious man, this imperial connection
served him well.
When he later taught at Rheims, he attracted
students from all over Europe, eager to learn from Christendom's best-educated
and most inspiring teacher. Gerbert constructed novel teaching aids: globes, an
abacus, observation tubes. If popular accounts are to be believed, he also
invented the pendulum clock and introduced Arabic numerals to the West,
replacing the clunky Roman numeral system. But to the superstitious people of
that age, anyone as clever as Sylvester must have cut a deal with the devil,
who they believed was lord of the material world! They did not trust Gerbert's
This was a misunderstanding of scripture which
teaches that all things were made through Christ. Many early scientists
believed with the Apostle Paul that we have the mind of Christ. Given those two
ideas, to study what Christ made is the next logical step.
In his early posts, Gerbert aroused opposition from
monks unwilling to change their ways. But he helped engineer Hugh Capet's rise
to the French throne. Eventually Gerbert was rewarded with church offices. His
first high office was as Bishop of Rheims. However, Hugh Capet had to oust
Arnulf in order to install Gerbert. Pope John XV rejected this. Arnulf (who had
plotted against Hugh) was reinstated. A resentful Gerbert went back to the
Gerbert soon made peace with Rome. Otto III used
his influence to have Gerbert made bishop of Ravenna. Later, when Pope Gregory
V died, Gerbert succeeded him.
Sylvester (as he now called himself) was active and
important in international affairs, but did not perform as well at home.
Although vigilant for the purification of the church, he was unpopular. Rome
drove out Sylvester and his good friend Otto III. Sylvester eventually returned
to Rome as a spiritual leader, but died on this day, May 12, 1003, after an
unhappy reign as pope.
1. Brusher, Joseph Stanislaus. Popes
through the Ages. Princeton, N. J.: Van Nostrand, 1959.
2. Kirsch, J. P. Pope Sylvester II. The
Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1914.
3. Montor, Chevalier Artaud de. Lives
and Times of the Popes. New York: Catholic Publication Society of America,
4. "Sylvester II." The
Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A.
Livingstone. Oxford, 1997.
5. Various encyclopedia and internet
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