Besides the authors, Charles Colson and Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, the original document was signed in 1994 by:
Professor Peter Kreeft (Roman Catholic);
Rev. Matthew Lamb (Roman Catholic);
Dr. Richard Land# ( Southern Baptist);
Dr. Larry Lewis# (Southern Baptist);
Mr. Ralph Martin ( Roman Catholic);
Dr. Jesse Miranda (Assemblies of God, PK);
Dr. Richard Mouw (Fuller Seminary);
Msgr. William Murphy (Roman Catholic);
Rev. Richard Neuhaus (Roman Catholic);
Dr. Mark Noll (Wheaton College);
Mr. Michael Novak;
Mr. Brian O'Connell (World Evangelical Fellowship);
John Cardinal O'Connor (Roman Catholic);
Dr. Thomas Oden (Methodist);
Professor J.I. Packer (Anglican);
The Rev. Pat Robertson; Dr. "M.G." Pat Robertson
Dr. John Rodgers (Episcopalian;
Mr. Herbert Schossberg;
Bishop Carlos Sevilla, S.J. (Roman Catholic);
Archbishop Francis Stafford (Roman Catholic);
Mr. George Weigel;
Dr. John White #.
(# --Have since removed their names)
A second round of meetings and documents results, called ECT 2. Evangelicals and Catholics Together II boasts scholars and Christian leaders who endorsed the original 25-page statement in addition to the original authors Colson and Neuhaus.
They include:
Dr. Gerald L. Bray (Beeson Divinity School);
Dr. Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ & PK);
Dr. Harold O.J. Brown (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School;
Mr Charles Colson (Prison Fellowship, PK)
Bishop William C. Frey (Episcopal Church;
Dr. Timothy George (Beeson Divinity School;
Dr. Os Guinness (The Trinity Forum;
Dr. Kent R. Hill (Eastern Nazarene College;
The Rev. Max Lucado (Oak Hills Church of Christ, PK, author;
Dr. T. M. Moore (Chesapeake Theological Seminary;
Dr. Richard Mouw (Fuller Theological Seminary;
Dr. Mark A. Noll (Wheaton College;
Mr. Brian O'Connell (Interdenominational);
Dr. Thomas Oden (Drew University;
Dr. James I. Packer (Regent College, British Columbia;
Jay Grimstead; Renovaré and the Christian Mystic
Dr. Timothy R. Phillips (Wheaton College;
Dr. John Rodgers (Trinity Epsicopal School for Ministry;
Dr. John Woodbridge (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School)
Roman Catholics:
Fr. James J. Buckley (Loyola College in Maryland);
Fr. J.A. Di Noia, O.P. (Dominion House of Studies);
Fr. Avery Dulles, S.J. (Fordham University);
Fr. Thomas Guarino (Seton Hall University);
Dr. Peter Kreeft (Boston College);
Fr. Matthew L. Lamb (Boston College);
Fr. Eugene La Verdiere, S.S.S. (Emmanuel);
Fr. Francis Martin (John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family);
Mr. Ralph Martin (Renewal Ministries);
Fr. Richard John Neuhaus (Religion and Public Life);
Mr Michael Novak (American Enterprise Institute);
Fr. Edward Oakes, S.J. (Regis University);
Fr. Thomas P. Rausch S.J. (Loyola Marymount University);
Mr George Weigel (Ethics and Public Policy Center); CNP Joint Projects : E-J
Dr. Robert Louis Wilken (University of Virginia).
Bill McCartney of Promise Keepers says:
"We have a plan...Baptists... Lutherans...Roman Catholics...we've been divided...but now we're being reunited...! Nobody can go out of here without the same plan...every man connected to a church; every church connected to each other...! (Washington,DC)
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