Reformed Churchmen
We are Confessional Calvinists and a Prayer Book Church-people. In 2012, we remembered the 350th anniversary of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer; also, we remembered the 450th anniversary of John Jewel's sober, scholarly, and Reformed "An Apology of the Church of England." In 2013, we remembered the publication of the "Heidelberg Catechism" and the influence of Reformed theologians in England, including Heinrich Bullinger's Decades. For 2014: Tyndale's NT translation. For 2015, John Roger, Rowland Taylor and Bishop John Hooper's martyrdom, burned at the stakes. Books of the month. December 2014: Alan Jacob's "Book of Common Prayer" at: January 2015: A.F. Pollard's "Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation: 1489-1556" at: February 2015: Jaspar Ridley's "Thomas Cranmer" at:
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Contra Mundum: The Leopard Has Not Changed Its Spots
Contra Mundum: The Leopard Has Not Changed Its Spots
Here's Andy's report:
The Leopard Has Not Changed Its Spots
Whenever any polemic is made against the Papacy, someone inevitably rides in to save the day with the inane appeal that Rome has changed. Protestants should no longer hold Rome in contempt as they did in the days of the Reformation. Rome, we are assured no longer practices (and thus the insinuation is made that she no longer believes in) her “right” to affect the political landscapes of countries.
History can easily demonstrate what a lie this is. Can a leopard change its spots? Below are citations, mostly from Roman Catholic bishops, cardinals and popes, all made during the first 50+ years of the 20th Century. Rome may not be deposing kings as she once did, but only an idiot could believe that she no longer has her tentacles wrapped up in most of the world’s important political concerns. Moreover, whenever her involvement is discovered, it is always something that is to her advantage, even if it means harm to her own devotees. With every true Reformation Christian, I say, “Good riddance to Papal tyranny.”
Without further ado:
"The claims of the Roman Catholic Church imply a rebellion against modern civilization and an intention to destroy it, at the risk of destroying society itself. To be able to submit themselves to these claims, men need the souls of slaves!" J. W. Draper, Professor at the University of New York
"Germany is the element upon which the Holy Father can and must base great hopes."
Mgr. Fruhwirth
"One has to fight with fists. In a duel, blows are neither counted nor measured…War is not fought with charity." Pope Pius X
On May 30, 1929, Pius XI wrote to Cardinal Gasparri: "A Catholic state, it is said and repeated, but a Fascist state; We note this without any special difficulty, willingly in fact, for it undoubtedly means that, with regard to ideas and doctrines as well as to practice, the Fascist state will not agree to anything that is not in accordance with Catholic doctrine and practice." Paul Lesourd, La Cite de Cisar et Dieu (Flammarion, Paris, p. 28).
“Pius XI is certainly the most German of popes that ever sat enthroned on the See of Saint Peter." Gazette de Cologne, May 31, 1927.
"Nazism is a Christian reaction against the spirit of 1789." Franz von Papen, Privy Chamberlain to the Pope
"Catholicism is hostile to intellectual liberty and incompatible with the principle and trend of modern civilization; it arouses unwarrantable pretensions to govern, and threatens the rights of the family; it tends to undermine the soul's love of truth; it alienates cultured minds in whatever country it is professed, and, wherever it reigns, saps the morality and strength of the state." Gladstone.
"Rome gives one much more the impression of being a great pagan city than a Christian capital…a basilica such as Saint Peter's is disconcerting in its coldness and magnificence. It is so much designed for spectacular demonstrations that the soul is turned away from meditation and love. When I reached the Vatican, it conveyed to me anything but a religious impression… We went in procession through the streets of Rome, singing the Magnificat… An eminent Roman said to me, somewhat cynically: ‘You men from the north believe in dogmas. We make them.’" Raymond de Becker, Livre des vivants et des moris, pp. 73, 74. 82. 101 112 to 118, 134 to 139 and 140
"Germany's war is a battle for Christianity." Jesuit Father Coughlin, Chief of the Christian Front (7 July 1941)
"It is not without interest in characterizing the evolution in the United States in the field of anti-Semitism, to know that the audience of the "radio priest", Father Coughlin, well-known for his anti-Semitism, exceeds twenty millions." Secret archives of the Wilhelmstrasse (document 83-26 19/1, Berlin, 25 January 1939).
"The Catholic Church will give Germany all the moral support she is capable of."
Statement by Mgr. Orsenigo to Herr von Ribbentrop, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
"God wants the Anschluss." Franz von Papen, (March 11, 1938)
"Catholicism and Nazism have much in common and they work hand in hand to reform the world." Mgr. Tiso
"Having become Pius XII, Pacelli is seen to be an out and out pro-integrist and Germanophile. He is called the "German Pope". . . . Germany is, in his eyes, called upon to play the role of the "sword of God", of the secular arm of the Church. . . . In 1943, he refuses to condemn publicly the Nazi concentration camps." Alexandre Lenotre
"The Vatican is one of those mainly responsible for my country's tragedy. I realized too late that we had been pursuing our foreign policy in the sole interests of the Catholic Church." Colonel Joseph Beck, Polish Minister for Foreign Affairs from 1932 to 1939.
"The soldiers of the L.V.F. are contributing towards the preparation of the nation s great rebirth. Today, now that Mr. Doriot is gone, we can but admire his deeds and hold them up as an example.'' Cardinal Baudrillart, (L'Emancipation Nationale, December 12, 1941).
"Hitler is an envoy of God." Mgr. Stepinac
"The Third Reich is the first power in the world, not only to recognize, but also to put into practice, the high principles of the Papacy." Franz von Papen, Privy Chamberlain to the Pope.
"John XXIII sends his best wishes to Cardinal Stepinac." La Croix, 25 June 1959
"In Germany, both in the cathedrals and in the most modest of village churches, Christian priests preached a racial crusade, exalted the Teutonic military virtues and, for reasons that could deceive only the most primitive of minds, encouraged mass assassination and pillage." Lecomte du Nouy, La dignite humaine (Editions du Vieux Colombier, Paris 1952, p. 29)
“The German nation knows that it is fighting a just war. The German nation has a great task to perform - not least of all for our Eternal God. During this year of war, the Fuhrer and Supreme Chief has more than once implored God's blessing on our good and just cause." Mgr. Markoaski, Catholic Almoner General of the Wehrmacht, Extract from a pastoral letter published by Mgr. Markoaski on 6 October 1940.
"Where is the statesman or the sovereign who could remain unafraid while beholding at the very pinnacle of the Catholic Church, a man who, free of all control, was the ruler of consciences and was able, unimpeded, to surrender himself to the abuses, errors and excesses of omnipotence?" Emile Ollivier, of the Academie Francaise, L'Eglise et l'Etat (p. 409)
“The Third Reich is the first power in the world, not only to recognize, but to put into practice, the lofty principles of the Papacy” Franz von Papen
On October 28, 1943 Ambassador von Weiszaecker sent the following message to von Ribbentrop: "German Embassy to the Holy See, Rome, 28 October 1943:
"Although he has been urged on all sides to do so, the Pope has not been led into making any demonstrative reproof against the deportation of Roman Jews. Despite the fact that he must expect to see this attitude attacked by our enemies and exploited by the Protestant circles of the Anglo-Saxon countries in their anti-Catholic propaganda, he has also done all he possibly could in this delicate question not to strain relations with the German Government. Signed: Ernst von Weiszaecker." Document found in the Secret Archives of the Wilhelmstrasse (quoted by Leon Poliakov, Breviaire de la haine, 343
"The 'scala segreta' the secret staircase, is one of the government's great resources… It is the stage door entrance of this pompous theatre called the Papacy, a thousand times more fertile in lies, dupery and immorality than any other theatre in the world." C.S. Volpi, Privy Chamberlain to the Pope
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