February 378-451 A.D. Remembering Monophysiticism
Slick, Matt. “Monophysiticism.” Christian
Apologetics and Research Ministry. N.d. http://carm.org/monophysitism. Accessed 9 Dec 2014.
Monophysitism is an
error concerning the nature of Christ that asserts Jesus had only one nature and not two as is taught in the
correct doctrine of the hypostatic union: Jesus is both God and man in one person. In monophysitism, the single nature was
divine and not human. It is sometimes referred to as Eutychianism, after
Eutyches 378-452; but there are slight differences. Monophysitism arose out of
a reaction against Nestorianism which taught Jesus was two distinct persons
instead of one. Its roots can even be traced back to Apollinarianism which
taught that the divine nature of Christ overtook and replaced the human one.
Monophysitism was
confined mainly to the Eastern church and had little influence in the West. In
451, the Council of Chalcedon attempted to establish a common ground between
the monophysitists and the orthodox, but it did not work and divisions arose in the Eastern church which
eventually excommunicated the monophysitists in the 6th century.
The denial of the
human nature of Christ is a denial of the true incarnation of the Word as a
man. Without a true incarnation there can be no atonement of sin for mankind
since it was not then a true man who died for our sins.
It was condemned as
heresy at the Sixth Ecumenical Council in 680-681.
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