January 630 A.D.
Soham Monastery,
Cambridgeshire—Founded by Felix, 1st Bishop of the East Saxons; Felix Allegedly Had See Here; Destroyed in Danish Raids, 870/871; Parish Church of St. Andrew’s Purportedly
Occupies Site
Churches.” A History of the County of
Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 10: Cheveley, Flendish, Staine and
Staploe Hundreds (north-eastern Cambridgeshire) (2002), pp. 533-542. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=18963. Accessed: 20 November 2014. .
In the
11th century it was believed that Felix, first bishop of the East Angles (d. c.
647), had founded at Soham, probably then within their kingdom, a monastery to
which his body was eventually translated from the see of Dunwich. That
monastery was allegedly destroyed by the Danes. (fn. 39)
Felix's supposed relics, however, remained at Soham, perhaps enshrined in a
late Saxon minster church serving the surrounding area, until Aethelric, bishop
of Dorchester 1016-34, once a monk at Ramsey, obtained King Cnut's leave for
that abbey to remove them to its church. In 1026 its abbot, Athelstan, came by
boat to take them from the allegedly ruined church at Soham, evading on the
return journey an intercepting boat party sent out by the monks of Ely. Ramsey
kept the relics thenceforth. (fn. 40)
The church of Soham presumably belonged to the royal
demesne manor throughout the 12th century until Richard I in 1189 gave both the
parish church and Barway chapel in free alms to the Poitevin Cistercian abbey
of Le Pin (Vienne), whose abbot was his almoner. King John confirmed that
grant, adding the tithes of Henney, in 1199. (fn. 41)
Probably in 1189 the bishop of Norwich approved the appropriation of Soham to
Le Pin, and the establishment of a vicarage, (fn. 42)
although the actual appropriation may have been delayed. (fn. 43) As
late as 1303 a son of a former rector, perhaps the last, released to Le Pin a
rent from rectory freehold. (fn. 44) A
vicarage was established by 1244, (fn. 45) and
the abbey took possession of a substantial rectorial estate, taxed, 1254-91, on
50-60 marks, (fn. 46) and
subsequently considered into the 19th century as a manor. (fn. 47) In
1279, besides arable reckoned as 180 a., probably recently augmented by Le
Pin's buying in land held freely of its manor, including c. 22 a. and
several messuages, it still also comprised lordship over 7 a. of freehold and 8
a. of villein land. (fn. 48) Le
Pin arranged in 1285 to cede its Soham estate, including the patronage of the
vicarage, to its fellow-Cistercian abbey of Rewley (Regalis locus)
(Oxon.) for an annual render of 43 marks. (fn. 49)
During the wars with France in the 14th century and later, payment of the
render due from Rewley was exacted by the Crown, 1324-8, (fn. 50) and
again continuously after 1337, except c. 1362-9. An attempt by Rewley to
evade such payment in the 1370s, because Le Pin lay within Prince Edward's
duchy of Aquitaine, was overruled. (fn. 51) In
1384 the Crown also named to Rewley the clerk whom it was to present as vicar.
(fn. 52) The
43 marks were paid to the Crown or its grantees until the last of them,
Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, died in 1447. That rent then passed, under a
grant of its reversion made by Henry VI in 1440, to Pembroke College,
Cambridge, (fn. 53) to
which Rewley abbey conceded in 1451 actual possession, confirmed by the bishop
of Norwich in 1452, of the rectorial estate and advowson of the vicarage. (fn. 54)
The rectorial glebe, which included 162 a. of arable and 32
a. of grass in 1340, (fn. 55)
comprised as received by the college in the 1450s 114 a., partly pasture, in
Soham's southern open fields and the adjoining several closes, but only 42 a.
in the northern fields. (fn. 56) Much
land, including almost all the northern field land, was lost to local
encroachments in the 16th century, 28 a. passing by an arbitration of 1565 to Edward
Barnes. (fn. 57) By
the 1630s the college had only 93 a. of glebe arable and 7 a. of pasture (local
measure), mostly south of the village. (fn. 58) From
the early 17th century to the early 19th the rectorial glebe and tithes were
let on beneficial terms, for rents partly in corn, usually to lords of Soham
manors or after 1778 to local farmers. (fn. 59) From
1669 to 1703, however, the lease was held by kin of Benjamin Laney, master of
Pembroke 1630-43, 1660-2, and bishop of Ely 1667-75. (fn. 60) The
head lessees usually, both in the late 16th century and the late 17th, sublet
glebe and tithes to local farmers. (fn. 61)
Pembroke's right to choose the vicars was occasionally
challenged in the 16th century. In 1502 it proved that it had presented at the
last vacancy in 1478. (fn. 62) In
the 1540s the bishop of Norwich claimed to nominate whom the college was to
present, and sold a turn in 1542. When, however, Pembroke in 1547 presented its
Protestant master, the later martyr Nicholas Ridley, heavy pressure from
leading privy councillors, including Sir William Paget, obliged the bishop to
abandon his claim. (fn. 63) In
1661 the king sought to present Robert Grimer, the expelled royalist curate of
Wicken. (fn. 64)
Pembroke still possessed the advowson of the vicarage, which it regularly
reserved from 1529 when leasing the rectory, (fn. 65) in
the late 20th century. (fn. 66)
Often from the late 15th century, (fn. 67) and
almost invariably from the mid 16th to the early 19th it presented former
fellows of the college, (fn. 68) and
into the late 20th still chose former Pembroke men. (fn. 69)
Masters and fellows who came to inspect their Soham
property, staying at the rectorial 'mansion house', (fn. 70) were
also, at least in the 16th century, expected to preach in the church. (fn. 71) That
house presumably stood from the 13th century (fn. 72) in a
1 1/4-a. close just south of the church, which Pembroke owned until the 20th
century. (fn. 73) The
tithe barn, 150 ft. long and 30 ft. wide, end-on to the high street, was
demolished, being redundant after the recent tithe commutation, in 1852. (fn. 74)
About 1189 the bishop intended that the vicar, who was to
live in the 'church houses', besides enjoying the small tithes and offerings,
should receive 10 marks yearly from the parsonage manor assize rents. (fn. 75) That
allocation was gradually altered. About 1305 a vicar was in dispute with Rewley
abbey over his claim to receive tithe from some crofts and meadows. (fn. 76)
Later the vicar had no land, save for the site of his vicarage house, until
1664, when to furnish grazing for his horses he was allotted 4 a. of Soham
Moor, north-east of Brook Street. (fn. 77)
Instead he was entitled to the profitable small tithes of a largely pastoral
parish, yielding an income taxed in 1254 and 1291 as 25 marks, about half that
of the rectory. (fn. 78)
About 1340, although Rewley apparently received the tithes of hay and of the
mills, the vicar, besides offerings and tithes from 'curtilages' and labourers,
had those of milk and calves, and probably the income from Barway chapel: that
share alone was worth £8 10s. (fn. 79) The
vicar's income, taxed in 1535 at £32 16s. 4d., (fn. 80) came
in 1552-3 to c. £42 gross, largely from tithes on cattle, taken like
most others by composition in cash at standard, probably traditional, rates,
which were increased by up to fivefold by 1700. In 1552 householders and their
wives moreover paid him yearly offerings at 4d. a head, servants in
husbandry a round £1, and a few craftsmen small sums pro arte sua (for
their craft). (fn. 81)
By the 17th century at latest local custom had established
an unusual division of the tithes. The rectorial impropriator was entitled to
all tithes, great and small, arising from both the open fields and the
severals, partly pasture, just north of them, also from certain long-inclosed
land curving along the north-eastern edge of Soham Mere. In 1814 the area so
titheable comprised 1,152 a. of open fields and 783 a., partly grassland, of
inclosures (statute measure). The vicar could take all manner of tithe,
including that of cropped land, both from the extensive crofts around the
village and from almost all the rest of the parish, including the area around
Barway and the 'lakes' used for fishing. The Mere rendered, however, only a
traditional modus of one mark, nominally for its fishing, to the rectory. That
division secured to the vicar the tithe of all beasts fed on Soham's wide
fenland. When those fens came to be drained and cultivated from the 1660s, he
would also become entitled to tithe all crops grown on them. (fn. 82) In
1669 Pembroke College directed its new rectorial lessee not to hinder the
vicars taking all great tithes from the fen, a requirement still in force in
1827, when its lessee had to leave for the vicar all tithes from the
'homesteads', 'hemplands', and fen dolvers. (fn. 83)
Although 18thcentury rectory lessees occasionally questioned that abnormal
arrangement as potentially illegal, it was never reversed (fn. 84) and
was considered the accepted custom by the 1830s. (fn. 85) The
vicar had been defeated, however, when in 1691-2 he claimed tithe from those
farmers who grew crops on the recently drained Mere. At two successive trials
Cambridgeshire juries upheld the ancient modus as being the only render due for
tithe from the Mere. (fn. 86)
The vicar's income, though only reckoned as £50 in 1633,
was supposedly £100 in 1650 (fn. 87) and
had increased to £250 by the 1780s. (fn. 88) In
the late 1790s he received c. £750, partly from the traditional Easter
offerings by household and the tithe of homesteads and beasts, but mainly from
large sums assessed in cash according to acreage from both pasture and
cultivated land in the fen. The tithe-payers protested in 1802 against an
'unprecedented' increase upon the ancient compositions. (fn. 89) By
1830 the vicar's income from tithe taken by composition had reached c.
£1,300, besides £50 from other sources. With over 200 tithe-payers collection
in kind was too expensive. A new vicar, who had by 1832-3 raised the
composition to £1,800, yielding £1,570 net, hoped to drive it higher still as
cultivation spread. (fn. 90) The
tithe-payers were shortly ready to accept his proposal to commute the tithes.
Under an agreement reached in 1837, but not officially confirmed until 1845,
the impropriators and their lessee, John Dobede (III), were assigned £700
yearly for the tithe of the 1,822 a., including 364 a. of pasture, which paid
them tithe. The vicar received £1,655 a year for the tithe of his estimated
1,950 a. of 'highland' old inclosures and 6,500 a. of fen, a third of both
areas being reckoned as arable. His share amounted to four fifths of the
titheable land in Soham, including double the arable tithing to the rectory.
The tithe award recognized the traditional exemption of 1,317 a. in the Mere,
while the 300-a. Poors' Commons and the 100-a. Horse Commons were also treated
as tithe-free, as was, by prescription, the 10-a. Whitbys close west of
Bancroft field. (fn. 91) The
vicar's income, totalling £1,687 in 1851, (fn. 92) fell
to £1,400-500 net by the 1870s, declining after 1880, by a third by 1900, but
recovered, without augmentation, from the 1910s. (fn. 93)
The vicar's dwelling presumably stood by 1500, (fn. 94) as
in the 18th and 19th centuries, in a 1 1/2-a. close south-west of the
churchyard, taken from the western part of the original rectory close. (fn. 95) One
vicar in 1442 left £5 to repair his house, (fn. 96)
which had five hearths in 1674. (fn. 97)
Reginald Hawkins, vicar 1718-31, rebuilt it as a 'large, handsome' house. (fn. 98)
Though thought c. 1830 fit for the vicar's residence, it was again
rebuilt or enlarged in 1833-4 to designs by Thomas Rickman. The main block of
the greybrick, slated house, dressed in Ketton stone, has a principal south
front of three storeys and eight bays of segmental-headed sash windows with a
pediment over the projecting central bays. The main entrance was by a massive
pedimented mid 19th-century doorway in its east wall. A more irregular rear
part, perhaps derived from the earlier house, extends northward towards the
churchyard. (fn. 99) That
house, occupied by incumbents until the mid 20th century, (fn. 1)
contained in 1866 two studies, one for receiving parishioners, with a large
drawing room, and upstairs eight bedrooms with both front and backstairs,
besides extensive offices and cellarage sufficient to hold the vicar's 300
dozen bottles of port, claret, sherry, and champagne. (fn. 2) By
the 1880s, when the house was already thought too large, the vicar, to enlarge
his garden, leased part of the rectory site of which he had in 1857 obtained 1
a. from Pembroke in exchange for his 6½ a. near Brook Street. That addition was
eventually used to provide direct access from his house to the high street in
1936; then, and in 1957, 1¼ a. there were sold. (fn. 3) The
old vicarage house was sold in 1954 to Clark & Butcher, the Soham millers,
who still owned it in 1997. In 1953 the substantial Cross Green House, at the
junction of Churchgate and Paddock streets, was bought as the new vicarage
house. (fn. 4) That
early 19thcentury house, of grey brick, slated, has a main front facing north
of five bays with sashed windows, with a central doorcase on Doric columns. Its
hall retains its original stone paving and balustered staircase. (fn. 5) The
vicar still occupied it in the 1990s.
Vicars, some at least resident, were recorded from the
1240s. (fn. 6) Six
served successively between the 1320s and the 1350s, one dying in 1349, but
between 1361 and 1410 there were only two. Graduates, including one fellow of
Pembroke, a would-be pluralist, 1420-7, began to hold the vicarage in the early
15th century, (fn. 7) when
there was again a more rapid turnover of incumbents, sometimes by exchanges. (fn. 8) In
1442 one vicar bequeathed 8 marks for a year's masses by a local chaplain. (fn. 9) John
Sly, vicar 1450-70, had as chaplain a kinsman, to whom he left his portifer and
money for masses at Soham; he also sought his parish's prayers by leaving it a
vestment and an altar cloth. Another parish priest in 1502, perhaps one of two,
actually bequeathed a book called Ortulus Artium to be chained in St.
Mary's chapel in the church, probably that containing her altar, mentioned in
1464. (fn. 10) As
late as 1545 a vicar, who devoted the money that was to be raised by selling
all his costly books to his neighbour, the vicar of Fordham, to providing 13s.
4d. for his anniversary over seven years. Any residue of his goods
should help Soham's single young folk marry. (fn. 11)
Villagers had till then given generously to support
traditional pious observances. Bequests were often made between the 1470s and
the 1520s to another chapel of St. Mary, presumably a separate building, called
St. Mary's chapel by the highway. (fn. 12) A
chapel, perhaps that one, with its chapel house, perhaps Our Lady's almshouse
where a chimney had been built c. 1475, and yard, apparently copyhold,
was in lay ownership by 1552. (fn. 13) It
was possibly connected to a guild of St. Mary, recorded 1523-5. (fn. 14)
Other guilds receiving legacies included those of St. Katharine, c.
1444, St. Peter, c. 1467-1521, (fn. 15) and,
c. 1471-1545, St John Baptist who had an altar in the church by 1473.
Money was still left for its light in 1540. (fn. 16) Most
important was perhaps the Corpus Christi guild, founded by 1475, which owned
land in the southern fields. By 1503 its brothers and sisters employed their
own priest, for whom £2 was then left to augment his wage, as was 13s. 4d.
in 1524, besides ½ a. of land. (fn. 17) Much
land, whose rent was collected by 1500 by the churchwardens, was also given for
lights and obits: in 1549 the Crown sold c. 57 a. devoted to such
purposes, including 20 a. called the Parson's land, altogether then yielding £3
a year. (fn. 18)
Bequests had been made in 1496 and 1540 to pay a priest to sing 'Jesus' masses
and in 1502 and 1527 for trentals of St. Gregory. (fn. 19)
Perhaps through its relative isolation in the fens, Soham
remained religiously conservative in the mid-16th century, even though a local
weaver was tried in 1542 for religious errors, (fn. 20) and
probably later. Bequests were made for 'dirige masses' at burials with month's
and year's days to follow, well into the 1540s. A widow provided for ten years'
requiem masses as late as 1547. (fn. 21) In
1541 her husband, who had wanted 'diriges' not only in Soham church, with four
black-gowned poor men attending his body, but in eight neighbouring parishes,
left £3 to be given in meat and drink, perhaps at a wake. (fn. 22)
Henry Seaman (d. 1607) asked for a 12-hour soul's peal at his burial and
ringing for five days following, and, like some others, to be buried under his
accustomed stool in the church, but upright. Two minstrels were to play before
his coffin to the grave, and all the day after while his executors made good
cheer with his neighbours. (fn. 23)
Testators until the early 17th century showed no evidence of advanced
Protestant belief. (fn. 24)
Soham's late 16th-century clergy were not likely to change
such practices. Even Nicholas Ridley, who held Soham vicarage in commendam
with his mastership of Pembroke and two successive bishoprics from 1547 to
1552, regretted after resigning it that he had done little for the parish. He
found his successor of 1552, though promising well, yielding 'to the trade of
the world'. (fn. 25)
About 1561 that unmarried vicar, though resident, could not preach. (fn. 26) The
next vicar, the pluralist Dr. Humphrey Tyndall, who held Soham from 1591, (fn. 27)
served Soham by deputy. A diligent curate acting for him from 1599 found much
to correct, backing conciliation with legal pressures. He obliged marrying
couples to kneel south of the communion table, not in the 'middle aisle', and
persuaded men to take off their hats during services. Those neglecting to
partake at the regular thrice-yearly communions were admonished and some even
presented. In 1600, to make sermons more audible, the pulpit was moved from the
'middle aisle' to the nave north-east end. The seating of men and women around
it, apparently separate, was adjusted in 1602, putting the oldest men and the
wealthiest parishioners nearest. The purchase of an hourglass and the repair in
1602, at Tyndall's expense, of the church clock helped the congregation tell,
and perhaps control, the duration of the hour-long sermons. (fn. 28) In
1603 there were 800 communicants. (fn. 29)
The villagers' opposition to the fen inclosures authorized
for Charles I did not result in any widespread hostility to his ecclesiastical
innovations. The vigorously Royalist Roger Heckstetter, vicar from 1631,
introduced such 'ceremonies' as the cross in baptism, and insisted on giving
communion at the rails. He published the king's Book of Sports and did not
reprove villagers who played and drank in alehouses on Sundays. A few local
Puritans objected, one c. 1640 going elsewhere to hear afternoon sermons
since Heckstetter preached only once, but most villagers apparently supported
their vicar: all but three or four of c. 200 householders required in
1643 to take the Covenant refrained after he had refused it. Soon after
Heckstetter had to leave Soham, where his communion rails were pulled down. He
was officially sequestrated in 1644, on charges laid by ten Puritan villagers.
(fn. 30)
During the anti-Puritan reaction of mid-1647, numerous villagers combined in
July and August, with Samuel Thornton among their sixteen leaders, to expel
from the pulpit and vicarage house a new 'godly' minister, and re-instated
Heckstetter and the Prayer Book liturgy. They intimidated the local J.P.s, and
soldiers from the Isle of Ely garrison had to be called on to repress the
disorders. (fn. 31) The
living was vacant in 1650, when the villagers asked that their acting minister,
who obtained episcopal ordination c. 1655, be continued. (fn. 32) In
the late 1650s his successor, however, adhered to the Cambridge Presbyterian
classis. (fn. 33)
Heckstetter died in 1660, shortly after being again reinstated. (fn. 34)
After 1660 Pembroke men again held the vicarage, at first
for relatively short periods. Robert Mapletoft, 1672-7, held the vicarage with
the deanery of Ely. Drew Cressener, however, served from 1679 to his death in
1718. (fn. 35) In
1676 the minister reported 530 conformists, compared with only 21 dissenters. (fn. 36) In
the late 17th century, as in the 18th, services were apparently performed
regularly, including three communions yearly at Christmas, Easter, and Whitsun,
and the church was refurbished and reequipped. (fn. 37) From
the 1710s the vicars, for whom Soham was usually their sole living, (fn. 38) were
commonly resident, frequently presiding at the annual Easter vestries, (fn. 39)
although curates were also often employed, as in the 1670s, late 1720s, mid
1750s, and late 1780s. (fn. 40)
Henry Fisher or Cooper, vicar 1797-1824, regularly resided at first and was
assisted by 1806 by a resident curate, then paid £40, £120 a year by 1820, when
Fisher was away at Bath through illness. Initially Fisher held, allegedly
according to custom, two services one Sunday, one the next, and four communions
yearly, including one on Good Friday. By 1813, when there were 70-80
communicants, the clergy provided two Sunday services, preaching alternately
morning and afternoon, but parishioners proved utterly unwilling to attend the
long-customary weekday prayers, which the vestry nevertheless asked Fisher to
resume in 1812. He catechized regularly on Sundays in Lent, using a catechism
compiled by himself, but found that many of the poorer villagers failed to
attend any worship. (fn. 41) His
successor, the bibliophile George Haggitt, 1825-32, (fn. 42) in
his will directed that the income, £18 a year, derived from Fisher's redemption
of the land tax on the vicarage house in 1799, be devoted to supporting a
Church Sunday school. His spinster sisters, his legatees, transferred capital
yielding £10 a year in 1833, and Haggitt's charity was thereafter used for such
schools. Half its income initially went to one for boys, half paid the
mistress's salary for the girls' Sunday school, shortly afterwards linked, as
until the 1860s, with the Church girls' day school on Carter Street, where it
was held. Thereafter three quarters of that £5 was spent on other incidental
costs of that Sunday school, apparently maintained into the 1950s. In 1976 the
trust was vested in Pembroke College, which paid the £10 to the vicar in the
1990s. (fn. 43)
Despite the predominance of Dissent in Soham in the mid-19th
century and frequent antagonism between Church and chapels, (fn. 44)
Haggitt's successor, Henry Tasker, the first of three incumbents whose tenures
covered 132 years, retained the villagers' general respect until he died, aged
eighty, in 1874. (fn. 45) In
1851 his curate claimed an afternoon attendance of 600 adults, double that in
the morning, besides 190 Sunday-school children. Other potential churchgoers
could find no seats in the over-crowded church, (fn. 46)
where the pews were reallotted in 1854 to add 300 sittings. In the 1870s it
could supposedly provide 1,000 sittings, half free, with 250 more for children,
the boys and girls in separate galleries. (fn. 47) To
serve the extensive parish and its growing population, even though the 1,400
regular churchgoers were outnumbered, 1885-1900, by c. 1,850 dissenters,
(fn. 48)
Tasker had employed at least one curate in the 1840s. (fn. 49) From
the 1850s there were usually two, dwelling in lodgings, one serving 1857-70, of
whom one covered Barway chapel. There were three in 1864, (fn. 50) then
two again until c. 1890. Thereafter the vicar could afford only one, as
remained the case until the late 1930s. (fn. 51) One
curate, J. R. Olorenshaw, 1883-9, compiled and published much information on
Soham's past. (fn. 52) By
the 1870s Tasker could thus provide three Sunday services, all with sermons,
and two on weekday mornings outside harvest, together with monthly communions
attended by 70-100 of his 200 communicants. (fn. 53)
His successor, J. C. Rust, 1874-1927, (fn. 54) by
1885 held weekly communions, regularly attended by barely 60 out of his 178
Easter communicants. Only two thirds of c. 55 children confirmed, mostly
girls, then became communicants, (fn. 55)
though most of the hundred confirmed 1892-7 at least came to church in 1897,
when there were still three Sunday services. The parish was then visited for
the vicar by his curate and by lay readers appointed from 1882, one serving
1890-1912, with c. 20 district visitors. (fn. 56)
Soham's Anglicans were rallied in a variety of groups, including a Church
Temperance Society started in 1854, when harvest thanksgivings were
inaugurated, (fn. 57) and
others for singers, ringers, and teachers. (fn. 58) The
choir, established by 1843, was from 1882 recruited from a newly organized
men's 'guild of St. John Baptist'. (fn. 59)
Another 'guild' for women, formed by 1891, was named from St. Etheldreda, like
the mission room opened in 1883 in a former schoolroom at the north end of
Churchgate Street, which was possibly still in use in 1911. (fn. 60)
Rooms in houses on Qua and East fen commons were rented c. 1885-92 for
mission rooms and cottage lectures. (fn. 61) A
church hall was planned in 1903 (fn. 62) and
a site acquired in 1911 across the street from the church, where the hall was
eventually built by subscription in 1928-9. (fn. 63) That
redbrick hall, accommodating a church youth club in the 1970s, remained in use
until the 1990s, but was for sale in 1997. (fn. 64)
Rust's successor, P. F. Boughey, served, single-handed from 1945, until 1954.
Soham continued to have its own resident vicars in the 1990s. (fn. 65) In
1969 there were only 175 Easter communicants. (fn. 66)
The parish church, which stands almost halfway along the
central section of the village street on its west side, was named for ST.
ANDREW from the late 12th century (fn. 67) to
the mid 18th. (fn. 68) A
mid 19th-century ascription to St. John the Baptist, probably arising from an
erroneous identification of Soham's midsummer village feast as the patronal
one, (fn. 69) was
corrected from the mid 1880s, perhaps through Olorenshaw's research, and the
church was still called St. Andrew's in the 1990s. (fn. 70) The
church, (fn. 71)
probably cruciform from the 12th century, comprises a chancel whose north
chapel was partitioned to make a vestry, a crossing below the stump of a
central tower, an aisled and clerestoried nave with north and south porches,
and a west tower. It is built of fieldstones, much patched with red and grey
brick, and dressed mainly in clunch ashlar, partly renewed. All its roofs were
leaded by 1746, save for the stone-tiled south porch.
The earliest surviving part is probably the late
12th-century crossing, which retains four wide, pointed arches on separate
massive round demicolumns. The arches to east, north, and south are
triple-stepped. The fourth, to the west, much moulded on its east face, has the
west side decorated with three bands of dogtooth and chevron. There followed,
soon after, the four eastern bays of the nave with double-stepped pointed
arches on alternately round and octagonal piers, also with scalloped capitals.
The chancel, whose south wall retains one side of a blocked, probably round-headed,
priest's door, and the transepts were probably reconstructed in the early to
mid 13th century, from which period survive a pointed arched doorway in the
chancel south wall and a blocked lancet in its north one. An elaborately
moulded and shafted 13th-century double piscina remains in the south wall of
the south transept, which is linked to the nave south aisle by a plain pointed
arch, perhaps cut through the earlier transept wall, like the crooked arch from
north transept to north aisle. In the early or mid 14th century there was
inserted in the north transept north wall a tombchest, with cusped traceried
panelling, under an ogeed arch, also heavily cusped, with a crooked cusped
piscina to its east. Perhaps contemporary were the ornately ogeed, cusped, and
crocketed triple sedilia, beneath a string course with ballflower, and a
matching piscina, installed in the chancel south-east corner, uncovered and
restored c. 1849. (fn. 72)
In the early 14th century the nave, whose earlier arcade
was leaning westward, was extended west by one bay, leaving a short section of
walling between, and the gabled south porch was erected. Most of the aisle,
transept, and chancel windows are also 14th-century, with tracery of several
different patterns, largely renewed externally; the five-light chancel east
window, restored c. 1849, (fn. 73) with
internal niches each side, has an elaborately flowing reticulated design. (fn. 74) Of
the aisle windows, mostly of three lights, both those in the north aisle, with
tall lights and traceried heads, and two reticulated ones in the south aisle,
one at each end, are early 14thcentury, as is a three-light window in the
chancel south wall. The matching window lighting the western portion of the
north chancel chapel is probably late 14th-century, perhaps contemporary with
the four-light, transomed north transept north window; the latter is still
ogeed and has mouchettes in its head. Beyond a wall pierced by a 15th-century
doorway containing a medieval door stands the eastern part of the north chapel
of two bays, possibly also 14th-century. Perhaps built as a sacristy, it was
used as the vestry by 1746, as until the 20th century when it was made a 'lady
chapel'. It contains a stone altar and resited fragments of medieval glass. (fn. 75)
In the 15th century the nave received a clerestory of five
uniform three-light windows, two similar, taller ones being inserted centrally
among the easternmost three in each aisle. Perhaps c. 1500 the north
porch, smaller but more used, outside a 14th-century doorway, was reconstructed
more ornately, being given an embattled parapet with flushwork, like its
plinth, and pinnacles over its buttresses, also stone panelling on its interior
walls. Aisles and clerestory were also embattled, along with the chancel north
chapels. The clerestory battlements have largely been renewed in red brick. The
late 12th-century central tower presumably survived until the 15th century. In
1496 money was left for taking down the 'shaft of the steeple', probably above
it, and building a stone 'shaft' on new foundations, presumably the 'new bell
tower' for whose repair £3 was left in 1502. (fn. 76) The
design of that lofty tower, beyond the west end of the nave, has been ascribed
to John Wastell, who had recently worked at Great St. Mary's, Cambridge. (fn. 77) It
is of three tall stages with angle buttresses and has a stair turret to the
south-east. It is crowned with stepped battlements over arcaded flushwork:
below the string-course flushwork, crowns for St. Etheldreda alternate with
saltires for St. Andrew. There are four angle and four intermediate pinnacles.
The tower's windows are simple save for the renewed main four-light one over
its spandrelled west doorway. Inside, there is a lofty, moulded, tower arch.
Presumably contemporary with the clerestory is the late
15th-century nave roof, which has massive tiebeams with arched braces
supporting traceried struts each side, alternately with angels upholding
hammerbeams. The aisles have simpler contemporary roofs with arched braces,
also alternating on the south side. An ornate, probably 15th-century, parclose
screen with ogeed arches, the outer two subdivided, supporting tracery and an
elaborate cresting, occupies, as in the 1840s, the arch from the north transept
to the north chapel. (fn. 78) The
lower part of a roodstair survives north-east of the crossing, under whose
eastern arch a screen survived in 1746. The nave contains numerous late
medieval bench-ends, whose poppyheads, some floriated, but most of beasts, with
angels and a bishop, (fn. 79) have
been copied on their 19th-century neighbours. Late medieval chancel stalls with
plain misericords, still in place in 1746, were moved c. 1849 to the
neighbouring north chapel and by the 1880s to the nave west end. (fn. 80) A
painting of St. Christopher, facing the nave north door, visible under
whitewash in 1746, (fn. 81) has
since disappeared, but a 15th-century one of a bishop, perhaps St. Felix,
uncovered in 1849, (fn. 82)
survives within the blocked lancet in the chancel. The north chapel contains a
hanging monument to Edward Barnes (d. 1615) with kneeling figures of his
fifteen children ranked below a space from which those of Barnes and his wife
Dorothy (d. 1588) have gone, save for his sword. In the 1740s there were
visible, besides three medieval stone coffins, numerous floorslabs, sometimes
required under wills, to prominent Soham gentry and yeomen of the 16th and 17th
centuries, including John Thornton (d. 1598), and the Dowmans, Hammonds, and
Peacheys, some of which survived in the 20th century. (fn. 83) A
brass eagle lectern, scoured in 1675 and still in the vestry in 1746, was lost
by the 19th century. (fn. 84)
Soham Church in 1797
In the late 16th century bequests continued to be made for
church maintenance, one in 1562 of £5 towards the future repair of the south
aisle. (fn. 85) By
1600, however, the church was in decay, many roof timbers rotting, while birds
flew in through broken windows. The energetic curate enforced substantial
repairs by a rate, despite opposition. (fn. 86) The
chancel, however, towards whose maintenance under an award made by the bishop
of Norwich in 1510 the impropriator had to pay two thirds and the vicar one
third of the cost, a rule still in force in the 20th century, (fn. 87) had
its stonework and glazing in decay in 1619. (fn. 88)
Among the works undertaken by the churchwardens after 1660 was the erection in
1700 of a gallery, probably that recorded over the north aisle in 1746. Its
replacement, projected in 1766, was probably in place over the south aisle in
the 1830s, while a new pulpit, succeeding a stone-based one 'new' in 1746, and
reading desk were installed in 1775. By the 1830s the nave east end, crossing,
and south transept were all occupied by private pews, some under the chancel
arch. (fn. 89) In
1826-7 a builder's replacement of seating customarily used by the poor with 20
new pews, illegally auctioned to householders, led to disturbances. (fn. 90)
In 1848-9 Pembroke College and the vicar had the chancel
restored. It was re-roofed in oak and floored with encaustic tiles, and two
'new' windows were inserted in the south wall, where two-light ones had been.
The chancel woodwork, including reredos, altar, rails, replacing those reinstated
by 1746, and stalls, was entirely renewed in oak to designs in the Decorated
style by Bonomi and Cory, together with a curvaceous new chancel screen carved
by Rattee of Cambridge. A new font was also provided. (fn. 91)
Restoration of the rest of the church, costing £3,000, was effected in 1879-80
to designs of 1876 by J. P. St. Aubyn, which included the renewal of the
transept and chapel roofs. The galleries and pews were replaced by more uniform
seating. (fn. 92)
Another new pulpit was given in 1869. The chancel east window was glazed in
1875 in memory of Henry Tasker. An organ installed c. 1852 and placed by
1869 in a gallery, perhaps at the west end, was replaced by a new organ
acquired in 1966. (fn. 93) The
tower was repaired in the mid 1970s (fn. 94) and
the chancel parapets in the 1980s. (fn. 95)
In 1552 the church had only one silver gilt, chalice and
paten, and only four sets of vestments, mostly velvet. (fn. 96) By
the 1740s the plate included an old silver cup and paten, perhaps the surviving
ones dated 1708-10, a larger silver paten of 1719, bought in 1720, and a silver
flagon, also inscribed with Scriptural texts in Greek, given in 1730 by
Reginald Hawkins, vicar 1718-31. Later there were added a cup and paten of
1761, and cups of 1845 and 1887. (fn. 97)
There were four bells in 1552 (fn. 98) and
probably five in the late 17th century, including a great bell recast, adding
126 lb., in 1694. In 1788 the six bells, in poor condition, were recast as a
peal of six, using £120 accumulated by Bond's charity. Two others were added in
1790 and two more by subscription in 1808. (fn. 99)
About 1800 bells were still rung to signal morning and nightfall, and tolled in
harvest time. (fn. 1)
Besides the local ringers, called from the 1790s the Soham Youth, the peal of
ten attracted teams of outside ringers from the early 19th century. All ten
were still in place in the late 20th century. (fn. 2) By
1600 the church had a clock, given its own bell in 1601 (fn. 3) and
a dial by 1700, and replaced in 1826. The Baileys, watchmakers at Soham,
maintained the clock from the 1860s to the 1980s; one of them left £1,000 in
1988 for having the clock wound by electricity. The existing clock, once an
eight-day one, supposedly came from a Cambridge college. (fn. 4) In
1945 Charlotte G. Morris left £50 for the bells and £800 for a stained-glass
window in the south aisle in memory of her husband, the Revd. W. C. Morris (d.
by 1935). (fn. 5)
Although the vestry still voted church rates in the late
1830s at 2-3d. in the pound, legal stratagems devised by Soham's leading
Radical Thomas Wilkin were by then obstructing their collection. (fn. 6) By
1847 some dissenters were openly refusing to pay such rates, whose levy had
effectively ceased by the late 1850s. (fn. 7) The
dissenting party claimed from 1832 that there were sufficient funds to maintain
the church from endowments. (fn. 8) Since
the early 18th century the churchwardens had received for that purpose every
other year the income, worth £9 a year c. 1830 and £40 by the 1860s, of
Bond's 'church and highway' charity, together with that from Wright's 3-a.
bequest, yielding c. £10 c. 1830-65. (fn. 9) A
Scheme of 1896 finally constituted as a separate ecclesiastical charity the
funds which customarily maintained the church fabric, assigning to it half the
'Soham Charity Estate' income from Bond's original 22 a., a third of the rent
of Bond's 48-a. fen allotment, and all that of Wright's 2 3/4-a. Brook Dam
close, altogether worth c. £36 in the 1910s. (fn. 10)
The parish registers are virtually complete from 1558. (fn. 11) The
churchyard was closed by 1873. (fn. 12)
Following a cholera epidemic in 1853 it had become over-full, and in 1854-5
£2,700 was raised to buy and prepare 3¾ a. south-west of the Fordham road as a
cemetery. It was opened in 1856, the northern half intended for dissenters
being left unconsecrated. (fn. 13) The
cemetery was thereafter managed under the vestry by a Burial Board, controlled
after 1894 by the parish council, (fn. 14)
which in 1911 purchased another 2¾ a. to the south-west to enlarge it. (fn. 15) The
cemetery contains two facing chapels built in 1855-6, (fn. 16) of
black flint dressed in ashlar, to almost identical designs in the Decorated
style. That to the south, for Anglicans, was still in use in the 1990s. By 1965
no clergy would officiate in the cold, damp northern one, which had served
Soham's once numerous dissenters, (fn. 17) but
it still stood, boarded round, in the 1990s, when a charitable trust was set up
to preserve it. (fn. 18) A
Gothic cottage, which by 1861 housed the curator, initially the sexton, (fn. 19) was
sold by the 1990s.
The hamlet had its own chapel by 1189, when its revenues
were given to Le Pin abbey with those of Soham. (fn. 20) By
1340, worth £2, they went to the vicar, (fn. 21) who
presumably provided any priest who served the chapel. Although bequests were
occasionally made to it, the chapel was probably poorly equipped and served in
1523, when a London alderman, Thomas Murfitt, born and christened at Barway,
left for it a vestment, silk and linen altarcloths, and similar equipment,
together with £10 to support a priest to sing mass there for five years. (fn. 22) In
1552 the chapel had four old vestments and its own silver gilt chalice. (fn. 23)
About 1600, when it lacked tiling and glazing, the people of Barway sometimes
hired their own reader. Then, as in 1650, it was recognized, despite some
disputes with the villagers at Soham, that Barway's people were often cut off
in bad weather from the distant parish church, and needed their own chapel,
even perhaps their own minister. (fn. 24) In
the early 18th century the vicar paid £20 a year to a curate serving Barway. (fn. 25)
Under Cawthorne's charity established in 1750, the clerk serving Barway chapel
was to receive yearly 30s., duly paid to successive clerks until the
1950s. (fn. 26)
Services, which ceased for a time in the 1810s when the
chapel was unroofed, were resumed after repairs in 1819. (fn. 27) In
the mid 19th century it was served by one of the Soham curates. (fn. 28) In
the 1870s they celebrated one Sunday service there, alternately morning and
afternoon, and in 1885 five communions yearly, together with harvest
thanksgivings, besides keeping a Sunday school for 20 children. The chapel,
which in 1873 could seat 100, (fn. 29) had
a harmonium installed in 1883. (fn. 30)
Services continued to be held at Barway until 1965. The chapel was declared
redundant in 1972 and sold for conversion to a private house. (fn. 31)
The chapel, dedicated by the 1450s to ST. NICHOLAS,
like Littlemore nunnery which owned Barway manor, (fn. 32)
consists of a medieval nave built of fieldstones dressed in clunch, much patched
in brick, and buttressed, and an almost square chancel in grey brick with
round-headed windows, presumably dating from 1819. (fn. 33) The
existing fabric of the nave is probably mainly 14th-century. The west wall has
a three-light window with reticulated tracery, unblocked after 1850, below a
double bellcote, which presumably contained the two bells reported in 1552. (fn. 34) The
south door is probably also 14thcentury, along with the battered north and
south windows of two lights under straight heads. Slate only replaced thatch on
the roof in 1869. (fn. 35) When
the chapel was sold, the one remaining medieval bell was removed to Soham
church, but the other fittings were left at Barway, including an octagonal
14th-century font, a threedecker pulpit brought from elsewhere, an organ, and
the balustered 17th-century communion rails, used to front an eastern gallery
in the nineroom house constructed by 1974 within the old walls. (fn. 36)
Liber Elien. (Camd. 3rd ser.
xciii), p. 17; Wm. of Malmesbury, Gesta Pontificum (Rolls Ser.), 147.
Ramsey Chron.
(Rolls Ser.), 127-8; cf. above, manors (Ely).
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, A 2, 3; Rot. Chart. (Rec.
Com.), 9.
Eng. Episc. Acta,
vi, Norwich, 1070-1214, pp. 203-4.
Cf. Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, A 5.
Ibid. B 27.
P.R.O., E 40/14373.
Val. of Norwich,
ed. Lunt, 432; Tax. Eccl. (Rec. Com.), 121.
Inq. Non. (Rec. Com.), 214; Rep.
Com. Univ. Income, 99; cf. above, local govt.
Rot. Hund. (Rec. Com.), ii.
501; Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, A 7; B 11, 15-28.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, C 1; cf. Cal. Pat.
1317-21, 525.
e.g. P.R.O., SC 6/1125/2, mm. 1-2; Cal. Pat.
1327-30, 287.
Cal. Pat. 1337-9, 317; Pemb.
Coll. Mun., Soham, C 7-9.
Cal. Pat. 1381-5, 473-4.
Ibid. 1436-41, 401; Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, D 1-11.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, E 1-2.
P.R.O., E 179/240/298, m. 11.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, O 8-9.
Ibid. K 2; cf. ibid. P 8: 3 & 4 Phil. & Mary; P
9: 5 Eliz. I.
Ibid. O 14, 16; C.R.O., P 142/3/16; cf. P.R.O., REQ
2/191/22, bill; above, manors (Pemb. Coll.)
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, Q 5-28; cf. above, manors.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, Q 6-9; cf. D.N.B. xi.
525; and below, char. (Bp. Laney's).
e.g. P.R.O., REQ 2/191/22; ibid. E 134/4 Wm. &
Mary/East. 14, mm. 3, 5: deposns. of Edw. Staples.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, H 2-6.
Ibid. I 1-7; cf. D.N.B. xvii. 390-1.
Cal. S.P. Dom.
1661-2, pp. 41-2; cf. ibid. 1660-1, p. 233; Walker Revised, ed. A.G.
Matthews, 80.
e.g. Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, Q 3 sqq.
e.g. Crockford (1896 and later edns. to 1980-2).
e.g. Emden, Biog. Reg. Univ. Camb. 66, 137-8, 189,
Compare list of vicars, Fenland N. & Q. i.
241, 298- 303, and Alum. Cantab. to 1751; 1752-1900, s. nn.
Crockford (1935 and later
e.g. Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, Q 3 sqq.
Ibid. Q 4.
Ibid. B 6, 24.
e.g. ibid. O 18; C.U.L., E.D.R., G, tithe award 1845 (p.
110), and map (no. 1988); cf. Church Com. file NB 14/205, corr. 1952.
Camb. Chron. 19 Nov. 1853, p. 8;
Camb. Ind. Press, 3 Dec. 1853, p. 5. For the commutation, below.
Eng. Episc. Acta,
vi, pp. 203-4.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, C 5, 6.
P.R.O., E 126/14, f. 347v.; Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, M 3;
O 15.
Val. of Norwich,
ed. Lunt, 432; Tax. Eccl. (Rec. Com.), 121.
P.R.O., E 179/240/298, m. 11.
Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), iii.
503; cf. Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, Q 3.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, N 3 (vicar's Easter bk. 6 Edw.
VI); cf. ibid. O 15 (vicarial terrier 1706).
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, M 2, 3, 9; for 1814, ibid. O 18;
W. Suff. R.O., 800/1/131 (terrier 1706); cf. P.R.O., E 134/4 Wm. &
Mary/East. 14, m. 3.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, Q 6, 28.
Ibid. M 11-12, 17-19.
Cf. P.R.O., IR 18/13362, report 1837.
Ibid. E 134/4 Wm. & Mary/East. 14; E 126/16, ff. 21,
100v.-101; C.U.L., Doc. 1067 (copy 1740).
Pemb. Coll. Mun., O 14; Lamb. Pal. MS. COMM. XIIa/3, f.
Bacon, Thesaurus (1786), 740.
C.R.O., P 142/2/3, 5; Camb. Chron. 9 Oct. 1802, p.
Rep. Com. Eccl. Revenues,
750-1; Church Com. file NB 14/205, return 1832-3.
P.R.O., IR 18/13362; C.U.L., E.D.R., G, tithe award 1845,
pt. i, pp. 1-6; pt. ii, p. 110.
P.R.O., HO 129/189, f. 48.
e.g. C.U.L., E.D.R., C 3/24; C 3/31; C 3/39; Kelly's
Dir. Cambs. (1875-1937); Church Com. file NB 14/205, returns 1887 and
Cf. Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, P 5: 2 Hen. VIII.
e.g. ibid. O 15; W. Suff. R.O., 800/1/131 (terrier 1706);
Palmer, Wm. Cole, 111; C.U.L., E.D.R., G, tithe award 1845 (p. 109),
and map (no. 1990).
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 245; cf. Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, O 14.
P.R.O., E 179/244/23, rot. 74.
B.L. Add. MS. 5810, f. 97; cf. Alum. Cantab. to
1751, ii. 336.
Rep. Com. Eccl. Revenues,
750-1; Colvin, Biog. Dict. Eng. Architects (3rd edn. 1995), 816;
D.o.E. list, no. 13/57.
e.g. Kelly's Dir. Cambs. (1869-1937).
C.R.O., P 142/3/12; ibid. 1026/SP 1.
Ibid. P 142/3/11; Church Com. files NB 14/205, return
1887; 93722, corr. 1935-6; G 14/205, corr. 1957.
Church Com. files NB 14/205, corr. and papers 1953-4; G
14/205, corr. 1957.
Ho. described, C.R.O., 515/SP 2234; D.o.E. list, no.
e.g. P.R.O., E 40/14373, 14380; Cal. Pat. 1313-17,
320. Vicars, 14th cent. to 19th cent., listed, Fenland N. & Q. i.
240-1, 298-303, partly from Norf. R.O., REG/31, p. 1285.
Emden, Biog. Reg. Univ. Oxon. ii. 941-2; Biog.
Reg. Univ. Camb. 104, 137-8; cf. Cal. Papal Reg. vii. 506.
Reg. Chichele
(Cant. & York Soc.), i. 141; E.D.R. (1903), 65.
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 249.
Ibid.; P.R.O., PROB 11/5, f. 208; PROB 11/13, f. 146v. No
bk. under that title found in B.L. Cat. of Printed Bks. Possibly a
mistake for Ortulus Anime.
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 288.
Ibid. iv. 246, 249, 287; P.R.O., PROB 11/8, f. 199v.;
PROB 11/13, ff. 165v., 241.
P.R.O., PROB 11/35, f. 206; cf. B.L. Eg. MS. 2987, f.
214; Norf. R.O., NRS 21984-5.
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 287.
Trans. C.H.A.S. i.
387; Fenland N. & Q. iv. 250, 286-7, P.R.O., PROB 11/13, f. 241.
Fenland N. & Q,
iv. 246, 248, 288; P.R.O., PROB 11/6, f. 36.
Fenland N. & Q,
iv. 246, 250, 286-7, 289; P.R.O., PROB 11/13, f. 241; Pemb. Coll. Mun.,
Soham, O 8; P 9: 8 Eliz. I; Trans. C.H.A.S. i. 349 n, 370-1.
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 248, 286-7; P.R.O., E 318/33/1867, rot. 5; Cal. Pat. 1549-51, 15;
cf. B.L. Add. Roll 67554.
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 249, 287-8; Cal. Pat. 1569-72, pp. 402, 404.
L. & P. Hen. VIII, xx
(2), pp. 158-9.
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 288-9; P.R.O. PROB 11/31, f. 253v.
P.R.O., PROB 11/28, f. 292v.; cf. Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 287.
East Anglian,
N.S. ii. 17-18, abridging P.R.O., PROB 11/116, ff. 3v.-5; cf. ibid. PROB
11/246, f. 242.
36 wills seen, 1558-1660, in P.R.O., PROB 11/42A- 301.
Most religiously detailed, ibid. PROB 11/181, f. 288; PROB 11/221, f. 295v.;
PROB 11/256, f. 23v.
Cal. Pat. 1547-8, 65;
1549-51, 335; D.N.B. xvi. 1172-5; Ch. Guide [late 20th cent.],
p. [9] (source not given; perhaps from an edn. of Foxe's Acts and
Monuments; cf. ibid. ed. S.R. Cattley (1838), vii. 552-63).
B.L. Add. MS. 5813, f. 98v.
Alum. Cantab. to
1751, iv. 284; cf. B.L. Harl. MS. 595, f. 105.
Fenland N. & Q,
iii. 124-8 (from par. reg.); cf. Norf. R.O., VIS/5/3.
B.L. Harl. MS. 595, f. 105.
Ibid. Add. MS. 15672, ff. 21 and v., 65.
Ibid. Add. MS. 15671, ff. 173v., 208 and v.; cf. ibid.
Add. MS. 15672, f. 21v.
Lamb. Pal. MS. COMM. XIIa/3, ff. 275-6; Alum. Cantab.
to 1751, iii. 191, s.n. Mills, Dan.
Bury Classis
(Chetham Soc. xli), pp. 189 sqq.
Walker Revised,
ed. A.G. Matthews, 81.
Fenland N. & Q. i.
298-301; Alum. Cantab. to 1751, i. 47; iii. 139.
Compton Census,
ed. Whiteman, 232.
C.R.O., P 142/5/1, incl. chwdns' accts. 1663-1830s;
extracts printed, Fenland N. & Q. ii. 27-34.
e.g. Alum. Cantab. to 1751, ii. 172, 336;
1752-1900, ii. 126.
C.R.O., P 142/5/1, s.a. 1719 [p. 5] and later; cf. Camb.
Chron. 6 July 1782, p. 3.
Fenland N. & Q. i.
305; Norf. R.O., VIS/13, 16, 18-19, s.v. Soham; C.R.O., P 142/5/1, pp. 35,
41, 68, 72, 115, 121.
Norf. R.O., VIS/42/4; VIS/47/10; VIS/54/4; C.R.O., P
142/5/1, s.a. 1812 (Mar.); Camb. Chron. 19 May 1813, p. 3.
Camb. Chron. 29 June 1832, p. 1.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, S 1-7; C.R.O., P 142/25/27-8; 31st
Rep. Com. Char. 170; E.D.R. (1899), 29; inf. from the vicar, the
Revd. M.G. Shears.
Above, local govt.; below, nonconf.; educ.; char.
Camb. Chron. 24 Jan. 1874, p. 8;
Alum. Cantab. 1752- 1900, vi. 114.
P.R.O., HO 129/189, f. 43.
Camb. Chron. 21 Jan. 1854, p. 8;
C.U.L., E.D.R., C 3/31.
C.U.L., E.D.R., C 3/31; C 3/39.
e.g. Camb. Chron. 30 Dec. 1843, p. 2; 25 Apr.
1846, p. 2; cf. P.R.O., RG 9/1036, ff. 8v., 19; RG 10/1601, ff. 9v., 21.
Camb. Chron. 12 June 1856, p. 5;
13 Mar. 1858, p. 5; 23 Apr. 1870, p. 4; Kelly's Dir. Cambs. (1864).
Fenland N. & Q. i.
305; Kelly's Dir, Cambs. (1875-1937).
E.D.R. (1889), 302. Published in Fenland N. & Q.
C.U.L., E.D.R., C 3/24.
Alum. Cantab.
1752-1900, v. 390.
C.U.L., E.D.R., C 3/31; cf. Camb. Chron. 26 Nov.
1881, p. 8; 16 Apr. 1886, p. 4.
C.U.L., E.D.R., C 3/39; Camb. Chron. 7 Oct. 1882,
p. 4; E.D.R. (1891), 12; (1912), 181-2, 187.
Camb. Chron. 23 Sept. 1854, p.
4; 7 Oct. 1854, p. 4; 5 Oct. 1867, p. 8; but cf. Camb. Ind. Press, 15
Nov. 1901, p. 5.
e.g. Camb. Chron. 2 Jan. 1858, p. 5; 31 Dec. 1859,
p. 5; E.D.R. (1892), 710.
Camb. Chron. 30 Dec. 1843, p. 2;
28 June 1882, p. 4; 24 Apr. 1885, p. 8.
Ibid. 12 May 1883, p. 8; 9 May 1890, p. 4; 17 Mar. 1893,
p. 8; 4 Nov. 1898, p. 8; E.D.R. (1891), 636; cf. C.R.O., 1026/SP 288.
C.R.O., 1026/SP 13; E.D.R. (1892), 685.
E.D.R. (1903), 242.
C.R.O., P 142/6/5-6.
Newmarket Jnl. 14
Apr. 1977; Ely Standard, 30 June 1988; cf. Newmarket Jnl. 24
Aug. 1995.
Crockford (1935 and later
edns.); cf. Burke, Peerage (1949), 231.
Ely Standard, 20
May 1969.
e.g. Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, A 1; P.R.O., JUST 1/95,
rot. 49; cf. winter rentdays in use by 1300: P.R.O., SC 6/770/1; ibid. DL
29/288/4716-18, 4136.
e.g. P.R.O., PROB 11/5, f. 208; PROB 11/46, f. 21v.; Fenland
N. & Q. iv. 248-50; Ecton, Thesaurus (1763), 324.
e.g. Gardner's Dir. Cambs. (1851); Kelly's Dir.
Cambs. (1864-83); cf. Camb. Chron. 26 June 1875, p. 4; and above,
e.g. Kelly's Dir. Cambs. (1888-1937); Crockford
(1896 and later edns. to 1980-2).
Described, 1746: B.L. Add. MS. 5810, ff. 95v.-107
(printed, Palmer, Wm. Cole, 111-112; Mon. Inscr. Cambs. 151-4);
c. 1850: Eccl. Topog. Eng. vi, no. 186; 1880s: Fenland N.
& Q. i. 168-72, 231-4; Kelly's Dir. Cambs. (1883 and later).
Plans, by Thos. Rickman (?), 1833; by J.P. St. Aubyn, 1876: C.R.O., P
142/6/1, 4. Engraving of view by A.P. Moore from N., 1797 (copy, B.L., Maps,
K.8.77); reproduced fig. 9; Nave illus.: plate 8.
Eng. Topog. ii. 90-1.
Drawing in B.L. Add. MS. 5810, f. 95v. suggests Dec. S.
transept S. window has replaced 3-light one since 1746.
Mon. Inscr. Cambs.
159; Church Guide, p. [4].
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 249-50.
J. Harvey, Eng. Med. Architects (rev. edn., 1984),
Palmer, Wm. Cole, 111; Eccl. Top. Eng. vi,
no. 186; Proc. C.A.S. xiii. 68-9.
Cf. Trans. C.H.A.S. ii. 54.
Ibid.; Fenland N. & Q. i. 168.
Palmer, Wm. Cole, 111.
Gardner's Dir. Cambs.
Mon. Inscr. Cambs.
151-4; cf. P.R.O., PROB 11/46, f. 22v.
Fenland N. & Q. i.
231; ii. 32; Palmer, Wm. Cole, 111.
P.R.O., PROB 11/46, f. 22v.
Fenland N. & Q.
ii. 127-8, from C.R.O., P 142/1/1, at end.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, H 7-8; cf. Church Com. file NB
14/205, return 1887; C.R.O., P 142/3/10.
Norf. R.O., VIS/4/3.
Fenland N. & Q.
ii. 27-37; C.R.O., P 142/5/1, sub annis (unpaginated) to 1710, then
pp. 12, 94; Palmer, Wm. Cole, 111; C.R.O., P 142/6/1-2.
Camb. Chron. 29 Dec. 1826, p. 3;
23 Nov. 1827, p. 3.
Ibid. 16 June 1849, p. 2; 20 Oct. 1849, p. 2; Gardner's
Dir. Cambs. (1851), 392-3. Designs, not all executed: C.R.O., P 142/6/2.
Camb. Chron. 23 Sept. 1876, p.
4; 3 May 1879, p. 8; 15 May 1880, p. 8; Fenland N. & Q. i. 234-5;
cf. C.R.O., P 142/6/4; Church Guide (late 20th cent.).
Kelly's Dir. Cambs.
(1883); Camb. Chron. 30 Aug. 1852, p. 5; 2 Jan. 1869, p. 5; Church
Guide (late 20th cent.).
Newmarket Jnl. 19
Sept. 1973; 12 June, 7 Sept. 1975; Ely Standard, 1 May 1975.
Ely Standard, 10
Oct. 1983; Camb. Evening News, 11 July 1984.
Cambs. Ch. Goods, temp. Edw. VI,
Palmer, Wm. Cole, 111-12; Mon. Inscr. Cambs.
277; C.R.O., P 142/5/1, p. 14; MS. list of ch. plate, in possession of V.C.H.
Cambs. Ch. Goods, temp. Edw. VI,
Fenland N. & Q. i.
366-70; W. Suff. R.O., 800/1/131 (terrier 1706); Camb. Chron. 25 Oct.
1788, p. 3; 30 Oct. 1790, p. 1; 5 Oct. 1808, p. 3; Cambs. Bells
(C.A.S. 8vo ser. xviii), 166. All eight earlier bells dated 1788.
C.R.O., P 142/5/1, s.a. 1798, 1812, 1814.
Camb. Chron. 21 June 1797, p. 3;
9 June 1829, p. 3; 7 Jan. 1865, p. 8; Kelly's Dir. Cambs. (1864 and
later edns.).
Fenland N. & Q.
ii. 127.
Ibid. i. 371-3; C.R.O., P 142/5/1, pp. 79, 100; Ely
Standard, 11 Nov. 1973; 25 Nov. 1981; Camb. Evening News, 7 June
Char. Com. file 311421; cf. Crockford (1926),
1083. W.C. Morris not incl. ibid. (1935).
C.R.O., P 142/8/1, s.a. 1834-5 and later; Camb. Chron.
11 Mar. 1832, p. 3; 25 May 1832, p. 3; 15 June 1832, p. 2; 10 Mar. 1838, p.
Camb. Chron. 14 Dec. 1847, p. 2;
30 Aug. 1856, p. 5.
Ibid. 11 Mar. 1832, p. 3.
31st Rep. Com. Char. 172-5; Char. Digest Cambs.
1863-4, 402-3; cf. rentals and accts. in C.R.O., P 142/5/1; P 142/8/2 (from
1860); and below, char.
C.R.O., P 142/25/30-2; cf. below, char.
C.R.O., P 142/1/1-33.
C.U.L., E.D.R., C 3/31.
Ibid.; Camb. Chron. 26 Aug. 1854, p. 4; 17 May
1854, p. 4; cf. above, intro.; local govt.
e.g. C.R.O., P 142/8/2, pp. 2, 29; P 142/AM 1, pp. 8, 28,
192, 243.
Ibid. P 142/AM 1, p. 416; P 142/AM 2, pp. 3, 11, 45, 59,
72, 78, 91, 99; Kelly's Dir. Cambs. (1916).
Camb. Chron. 21 Apr. 1855, p. 5;
28 July 1855, p. 4.
Camb. News, 12 Jan. 1965; Camb.
Evening News, 17 June, 11 Nov. 1971.
Ely Standard, 13
Sept. 1990; 17 Mar. 1994; Newmarket Jnl. 17 June 1993; 15 Sept. 1994; Camb.
Evening News, 4 Nov. 1995.
e.g. P.R.O., RG 9/1035, f. 114v.; C.R.O., P 142/8/4, s.a.
1889; P 142/AM 1, p. 396.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, A 1.
P.R.O., E 179/240/298, m. 1.
Ibid. PROB 11/23, f. 98 and v.; Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 84.
Cambs. Ch. Goods, temp. Edw. VI,
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 95-6.
Pemb. Coll. Mun., Soham, M 3.
C.R.O., P 142/25/13, 22-3; cf. below, char.
Camb. Chron. 22 Aug. 1819, p. 3.
e.g. ibid. 27 Dec. 1856, p. 5; Camb. Ind. Press,
10 Dec. 1881, p. 5.
C.U.L., E.D.R., C 3/24; C 3/31; Camb. Chron. 9
Oct. 1875, p. 4; 18 Aug. 1883, p. 4; 1 Aug. 1884, p. 4; 3 Oct. 1884, p. 4.
Camb. Chron. 19 Oct. 1883, p. 4.
C.R.O., P 142/1/34-6 (from cat.); Ely Standard, 26
Aug. 1971; Camb. Evening News, 12 May, 23 Nov. 1972.
e.g. Fenland N. & Q. iv. 94; cf. above, manors
Described and illus.: B.L. Add. MS. 6752, ff. 273-5; Eccl.
Top. Eng. (1851), no. 187; C.R.O., P 142/6/13 (1964).
Cambs. Ch. Goods, temp. Edw. VI,
Fenland N. & Q.
iv. 97.
Ely Standard, 29
Aug. 1974; Camb. Evening News, 13 Nov. 1982; Cambs. Colln., sale
parts. (illus.), 1976
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