Sunday, January 4, 2015

4 Jan 1960 A.D. Albert Camus, French existentialist philosopher, killed in car accident

4 Jan 1960 A.D.  Albert Camus, French existentialist philosopher, killed in car accident.

Dr. Rusten tells the story.

Rusten, E. Michael and Rusten, Sharon. The One Year Christian History. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2003.  Available at:

Camus was an existentialist.  He was concerned about the meaning of life, a foundation for morality, suffering and evil.  His major novels, The Stranger (1942), The Plague (1947), and The Fall (1956) reflect these revolving concerns.

If God does not exist, the world is without meaning.  How could a good and omnipotent God allow suffering?  If suffering exists, how could God be said to be sovereign?

Camus met a Methodist minister, Mr. (Rev.) Mumma, who was a guest in a church in Paris for several summers. Their conversations were sworn to secrecy.  Mumma saw Camus’ doubt.  Camus told him, “I am searching for something I do not have, something I am sure I cannot define.” Camus began reading the Bible.

Camus asked Rev. Mumma to baptize him privately and secretly.  Mumma declined.  Camus postponed the issue, but kept reading.  They part ways and Camus said to Mumma, “My friend, mon cher, thank you…I am going to keep striving for faith!”

Camus died in a car accident on 4 Jan 1960.


  1. Did Camus ever come to biblical faith and repentance unto life?
  2. Is he in heaven or hell?
  3. How does one square the Reformed faith as expressed in the Bible and Confessions with Albert Camus’ concerns?
  4. What’s the value in understanding Camus as literature and philosophy?


Sire, James W. “Camus the Christian.” CT. 44 no. 12. October 23, 2000. 121-3.

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