January 2015 A.D. 1st Century
Copy of St. Mark’s Gospel?
Burk, Denny. “Possible
first-century copy of Mark’s Gospel discovered.” Denny Burk. 19 Jan 2015. http://www.dennyburk.com/first-century-copy-of-the-marks-gospel-discovered-wallaces-claim-to-ehrman-vindicated/. Accessed 22 Jan 2015.
Possible first-century copy of Mark’s Gospel
It was all very
cryptic at the time, and Ehrman later complained that Wallace should not have brought it up in the
debate. Ehrman argued that bringing up this alleged discovery without providing
any evidence for it was dirty pool. I disagree. It seems reasonable to mention
forthcoming scholarly work with the understanding that independent verification
can only come after publication of the find. In that sense, it’s only dirty
pool if you are making outlandish claims. But a report out today says that a
group of scholars are indeed planning to publish what they believe to be a
first-century fragment of Mark’s Gospel.
LiveScience.com has a report today verifying Wallace’s claims about work being done on a
fragment of Mark’s Gospel that appears to be from the late first century. There
are also some more details about the nature of the discovery.
If this is verified,
this would prove to be a momentous find. It turns out the papyrus fragment in
question was a part of an ancient mummy mask discovered in Egypt. Through a
complicated process, the manuscript fragment has been identified and dated to
the latter part of the first century.
There are a number
of masks that are currently being studied, and the masks in question could
yield a treasure-trove of historical data. In a report for LiveScience.com, Craig Evans explains:
We’re recovering ancient documents from the first, second and third
centuries. Not just Christian documents, not just biblical documents, but
classical Greek texts, business papers, various mundane papers, personal letters.
Evans also explains
why there has been so much secrecy about the discovery.
Of course, all of
this is subject to the peer-review process. But if it all pans out, I can’t
tell you how important this discovery would be. To have a first-century witness
to the text of the New Testament is unprecedented. That a fragment of Mark was
found in Egypt is even more astonishing. That would seem to require that the
original was probably penned decades before. I will resist speculating further
until the book comes out, but this really is a remarkable discovery. I am
looking forward to the volume from Brill.
Peter Williams is encouraging everyone to be skeptical about claims that this is a
first century document. He says the LiveScience.com report is flawed, and he
questions whether it even quotes Evans accurately. I think the video below
indicates that the report does represent Evans’s views accurately. But of
course that doesn’t mean that the issue is settled. Again, once the document is
published, scholars will put it through the paces. Obviously, all judgments
should be provisional until then.
I have heard from Daniel Wallace privately, and he
stands by his original claims from the debate with Ehrman. As for the
suggestion that he hasn’t seen the fragment, he says those claims are
uninformed. He is in a difficult position because many critics have judged his
remarks negatively without having all the facts, yet he is not allowed to
reveal them yet.
Joe Carter has a nice summary of the issue on The Gospel Coalition website. Carter
includes a video from Craig Evans that looks like it may be the source for the
LiveScience.com report. See below
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