Tuesday, December 30, 2014

30 December 1678 A.D. William Croft Born—Church of England Musician & Author of “O God Our Help in Ages Past” (Played at Handel’s Funeral)

30 December 1678 A.D.  William Croft Born—Church of England Musician & Author of “O God Our Help in Ages Past” (Played at Handel’s Funeral)

William Croft (1678 to 1727)


Devoted to Sacred Music in Old Age

William Croft, organist and composer, was born at Nether Eatington, Warwickshire, England. In his early life he composed music for the theater, as well as other secular music. However, in later life he devoted himself entirely to sacred music and became one of the greatest names in English sacred music history. Of particular significance are his psalm tunes, which are the earliest examples of the English psalm tune, as distinguished from the Genevan and French psalm tunes. Two of his outstanding compositions include "Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim" and "0 God, Our Help In Ages Past."

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