Tuesday, December 30, 2014

30 December 1558 A.D. John Jewel, Queen Elizabeth, & Liturgical Alterations

30 December 1558 A.D.  John Jewel, Queen Elizabeth, & Liturgical Alterations

See:  http://reformationanglicanism.blogspot.com/2013/08/mr-rtrev-john-jewel-bishop-of-salisbury.html  He [John Jewell] found England, by his own account, in a worse state than he expected: the Pope not yet expelled: no part of religion restored: the mass everywhere predominant: the pomp and insolence of the bishops the same as before the reformation. Yet all this beginning to change, and displaying indications of a rapid downfall.  Of the queen's disposition he speaks favorably, as prudent, courageous, and pious, though impeded by her counselors, and still more by the pertinacious adherence of the bishops to their old faith.  The queen's proclamation of Dec. 30th, 1558, had forbidden any immediate alteration in the state of religion, or innovation in rites or ceremonies; sanctioning only, for the present, the use of the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Epistle and Gospel, in the English language—which was accordingly commenced on the ensuing Sunday, Jan. 1, 1558-9; and had made provision for a revision of the Liturgy.”

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