Sunday, December 28, 2014

28 December 2001 A.D. 26th MEU—U.S. Marines Secure and Command Kandahar Airport, Afghanistan: OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM

28 December 2001 A.D.  26th MEU—U.S. Marines Secure and Command Kandahar Airport, Afghanistan: OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM

Editors. “Missions: 2001: Operation Enduring Freedom.” N.d.  Accessed 27 Dec 2014.


After the attack on our nation on September 11, 2001, the entire American military focused its might on defeating Al-Qaeda. Two months later, Marines were the first major ground forces in Afghanistan. In mid-December, 2001, Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit captured Kandahar Airport and converted it into one of the first coalition command centers in the country.

Since the initial invasion, much progress has been made. The threat of violence has been greatly reduced, hundreds of schools have been constructed and millions in aid have been distributed. In October of 2004, Afghanistan held its first direct elections, and one year later, they conducted the first Afghan parliamentary election.

At the start of 2010, Marines lead Operation Moshtarak, the largest military operation since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan and reclaimed cities across southern Afghanistan, including the Taliban stronghold of Marjah. The War in Afghanistan officially became the longest war in U.S. history in June of 2010. Marines continue to fight the Taliban and train Afghan soldiers to eventually shoulder the burden of Afghanistan's national security.

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