December 1520 A.D.
Leo X (Giovanni De Medici) Dies—Rome’s 217th; Numerous Benefices & Abbeys Held; Trains in Canon Law at Pisa; Takes Office at Age 38; Sponsor & Patron of Arts, Music, Poetry, Drama, Theatre, Lavish Banquets & “The Chase;” Lurid Corruptions in Other Dioceses; Depletes Papal Treasury; “Our family has profited from Christ;” Issues “Indulgences for the Dead;” Encounters Luther and the German Problem; Ex Surge Domine in 1520; Buggerer?
Löffler, Klemens. "Pope Leo X." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 16 Apr. 2014.
Leo X (Giovanni De Medici) Dies—Rome’s 217th; Numerous Benefices & Abbeys Held; Trains in Canon Law at Pisa; Takes Office at Age 38; Sponsor & Patron of Arts, Music, Poetry, Drama, Theatre, Lavish Banquets & “The Chase;” Lurid Corruptions in Other Dioceses; Depletes Papal Treasury; “Our family has profited from Christ;” Issues “Indulgences for the Dead;” Encounters Luther and the German Problem; Ex Surge Domine in 1520; Buggerer?
Löffler, Klemens. "Pope Leo X." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 16 Apr. 2014
at Florence, 11 December, 1475;
died at Rome, 1 December, 1521, was the second son
of Lorenzo the Magnificent (1449-1492) and Clarice Orsini, and from his
earliest youth was destined for the Church. He received tonsure in 1482 and in 1483
was made Abbot of Font Douce in the French Diocese of
Saintes and appointed Apostolic prothonotary by Sixtus IV. All the benefices which the Medici could obtain were at
his disposal; he consequently became possessed of the rich Abbey of Passignano
in 1484 and in 1486 of Monte Cassino. Owing to the constant
pressure brought to bear by Lorenzo and his envoys, Innocent VIII in 1489, created the
thirteen year-old child a cardinal, on condition that he
should dispense with the insignia and the privilege of his office for three
years. Meanwhile his education was completed by the
most distinguished Humanists and scholars, Angelo
Poliziano, Marsilio Ficino, and Bernardo Dovizi (later Cardinal
Bibbiena). From 1489 to 1491 Giovanni de' Medici studied theology and canon law, at Pisa, under Filippo Decio
and Bartolomeo Sozzini. On 9 March, 1492, at Fiesole, he was invested with
the insignia of a cardinal and on 22 March
entered Rome. The next day the pope received him in
consistory with the customary ceremonies. The Romans found the youthful cardinal more mature than his
age might warrant them to expect. His father sent him an impressive letter of
advice marked by good sense and knowledge of human nature, besides bearing
witness to the high and virtuous sentiments to which the elder Lorenzo returned
towards the end of his life. In this letter he enjoins upon his son certain
rules of conduct, and admonishes him to be honourable, virtuous, and exemplary,
the more so as the College of Cardinals at that time was
deficient in these good qualities.
the very next month Lorenzo's death recalled the cardinal to Florence. He returned once more
to Rome for the papal election, which resulted, very
much against his approval, in the elevation of the unworthy Alexander VI, after which Giovanni
remained in Florence from August, 1492,
until the expulsion of the Medici in 1494, when he fled from his native
city in the habit of a Franciscan monk. After several
fruitless attempts to restore the supremacy of his family, he led the life of a
literary and artistic amateur. Patronage, liberality, and poor financial
administration frequently reduced him even then to distressing straits; indeed,
he remained a bad manager to the last. But though his manner of life was quite
worldly he excelled in dignity, propriety, and irreproachable conduct most of
the cardinals. Towards the end of
the pontificate of Julius II (1503-1513), fortune
once more smiled on Giovanni de' Medici. In August, 1511, the pope was dangerously ill
and the Medici cardinal already aspired to the
succession. In October, 1511, he became legate in Bologna and Romagna, and cherished
the hope that his family would again rule in Florence. The Florentines had taken the part of
the schismatic Pisans (see JULIUS II) for which reason the pope supported the Medici. Meanwhile the cardinal suffered another
reverse. The army, Spanish and papal, with which he was sojourning, was
defeated in 1512 at Ravenna by the French and he
was taken prisoner. But it was a Pyrrhic
victory, for the French soon lost all their possessions in Italy, and the cardinal, who was to have been
taken to France, succeeded in making his escape. The
supremacy of the Medici in Florence was re-established in
September, 1512, and this unexpected change in the fortunes of his family was only the prelude
to higher honours.
Julius II died on 21 February,
1513, and on 11 March Giovanni de' Medici, then but thirty-eight years old, was
elected pope. In the first scrutiny he received only one
vote. His adherents, the younger cardinals, held back his
candidacy until the proper moment. The election met with approval even
in France, although here and there a natural
misgiving was felt as to whether the youthful pope would prove equal to
his burden. In many quarters high hopes were placed in him by politicians who
relied on his pliancy, by scholars and artists of whom he was already a patron,
and by theologians who looked for
energetic church reforms under a pacific ruler. Unfortunately he realized the
hopes only of the artists, literati, and worldlings who looked upon the papal court as a centre of
personal appearance has been perpetuated for us in Raphael's celebrated picture at
the Pitti Gallery in Florence, which represents him
with Cardinals Medici and Rossi. He was not a handsome man. His fat, shiny,
effeminate countenance with weak eyes protrudes in the picture from under a
close-fitting cap. The unwieldy body is supported by thin legs. His movements
were sluggish and during ecclesiastical functions his
corpulence made him constantly wipe the perspiration from his face and hands,
to the distress of the bystanders. But when he laughed or spoke the unpleasant
impression vanished. He had an agreeable voice, knew how to express himself
with elegance and vivacity, and his manner was easy and gracious. "Let us
enjoy the papacy since God has given it to us", he is said to have
remarked after his election. The Venetian ambassador who related
this of him was not unbiased, nor was he in Rome at the time, nevertheless the phrase
illustrates fairly the pope's pleasure-loving nature and the lack of
seriousness that characterized him. He paid no attention to the dangers
threatening the papacy, and gave himself up unrestrainedly to
amusements, that were provided in lavish abundance. He was possessed by an
insatiable love of pleasure, that distinctive trait of his family. Music, the theatre,
art, and poetry appealed to him as to any pampered worldling. Though temperate
himself, he loved to give banquets and expensive
entertainments, accompanied by revelry and carousing; and notwithstanding his
indolence he had a strong passion for the chase, which he conducted every year
on the largest scale. From his youth he was an enthusiastic lover of music and
attracted to his court the most distinguished musicians. At table he enjoyed
hearing improvisations and though it is hard to believe, in view of his dignity
and his artistic tastes, the fact remains that he enjoyed also the flat and
absurd jokes of buffoons. Their loose speech and incredible appetites delighted him. In
ridicule and caricature he was himself a master. Pageantry, dear to the
pleasure-seeking Romans, bull-fights, and the like, were not neglected. Every
year he amused himself during the carnival with masques, music, theatrical
performances, dances, and races. Even during the troubled years of 1520 he took
part in unusually brilliant festivities. Theatrical representations, with
agreeable music and graceful dancing, were his favourite diversions. The papal palace became a
theatre and the pope did not hesitate to attend such
improper plays as the immoral "Calendra" by Bibbiena and Ariosto's indecent
"Suppositi". His contemporaries all praised and admired Leo's
unfailing good temper, which he never entirely lost even in adversity and
trouble. Himself cheerful, he wished to see others cheerful. He was
good-natured and liberal and never refused a favour either to his relatives and
fellow Florentines, who flooded Rome and seized upon all
official positions, or to the numerous other petitioners, artists and poets.
His generosity was boundless, nor was his pleasure in giving a pose or desire
for vainglory; it came from the heart. He never was ostentatious and attached
no importance to ceremonial. He was lavish in works of charity; convents, hospitals, discharged soldiers,
poor students, pilgrims, exiles, cripples, the
blind, the sick, the unfortunate of every description were generously
remembered, and more than 6000 ducats were annually distributed in alms.
such circumstances, it is not surprising that the large treasure left by Julius II was entirely
dissipated in two years. In the spring of 1515 the exchequer was empty and Leo
never after recovered from his financial embarrassment. Various doubtful and reprehensible
methods were resorted to for raising money. He created new offices and
dignities, and the most exalted places were put up for sale. Jubilees and indulgences were degraded almost
entirely into financial transactions, yet without avail, as the treasury was ruined.
The pope's income amounted to between 500,000 and
600,000 ducats. The papal household alone, which Julius II had maintained on
48,000 ducats, now cost double that sum. In all, Leo spent about four and a
half million ducats during his pontificate and left a debt amounting to 400,000
ducats. On his unexpected death his creditors faced financial ruin. A lampoon
proclaimed that "Leo X had consumed three pontificates; the treasure of Julius II, the revenues of his own
reign, and those of his successor." It is proper, however, to pay full
credit to the good qualities of Leo. He was highly cultivated, susceptible to
all that was beautiful, a polished orator and a clever writer, possessed of
good memory and judgment, in manner dignified and majestic. It was generally
acknowledged, even by those who were unfriendly towards him, that he was
unfeignedly religious and strictly fulfilled his spiritual duties. He heard Mass and
read his Breviary daily and fasted three times a week.
His piety cannot truly be described as deep or
spiritual, but that does not justify the continued repetition of his alleged
remark: "How much we and our family have profited by the legend of Christ, is sufficiently
evident to all ages." John Bale, the apostate English Carmelite, the first to give
currency to these words in the time of Queen Elizabeth, was not even a
contemporary of Leo. Among the many sayings of Leo X that have come down to us,
there is not one of a sceptical nature. In his private life he preserved as pope the irreproachable
reputation that he had borne when a cardinal. His character shows a
remarkable mingling of good and bad traits.
fame of Leo X is due to his promotion of literature, science, and art. Under him Rome became more than ever
the centre of the literary world. "From all parts", wrote Cardinal
Riario in 1515 to Erasmus at Rotterdam,
"men of letters are hurrying to the Eternal City, their common country,
their support, and their patroness." Poets were especially numerous in Rome and few princes have
been so lauded in verse as Leo X. He lavished gifts, favours, positions,
titles, not only on real poets and scholars, but often on poetasters and
commonplace jesters. He esteemed particularly the papal secretaries Bembo and Sadoleto, both celebrated poets
and prose writers. Bembo charmed everyone by his polish and wit.
His classic Ciceronian letters exhibit a remarkably varied intercourse with
almost all the celebrities of his day. Among other things, he prepared a
critical edition of Dante's works and was a zealous collector of manuscripts, books, and works of
art. His conduct was not in accord with his position as papal notary, count
palatine, and incumbent of numerous benefices, for he was worldly
and self-indulgent. Sadoleto was quite another man.
He led a pure and spotless life, was a model priest, united in himself the
different phases of ancient and modern culture and was an ardent enthusiast for
antiquity. In elegance and polish he was in no way inferior to Bembo. Among the Latin poets
of Medicean Rome we may briefly mention Vida, who
composed a poem of great merit, the "Christiade" and was extolled by
his contemporaries as the Christian Virgil; Sannazaro,
author of an epic poem on the birth of Christ which is a model of style; the Carmelite Spagnolo Mantovano
with his "Calendar of Feasts"; Ferreri, who in the most naïve way
recast the hymns in the Breviary with heathen terms, images, and
allusions. The total number of these poets exceeds one hundred; and a lampoon
of 1521 says they were more numerous than the stars in heaven. Most of them have
fallen into well-deserved oblivion.
is equally true of the contemporary Italian poetry—more
prolific than notable. Among the Italian poets Trissino wrote a tragedy,
"Sophonisba", and an epic "L'Italia liberata dai Gothi",
but had no real success with either in spite of earnest purpose and beauty of
language. Rucellai, a relative of the pope, whose clever and sympathetic didactic
poem on bees met with great approval from his contemporaries, owed his reputation chiefly to an inferior
work, the tragedy of "Rosmonda". The celebrated improvisatore, Tebaldeo wrote in both Latin
and Italian. Towards Ariosto the pope was remarkably harsh.
Archæology received great encouragement. One of its most distinguished
representatives was Manetti. In 1521 the first collection of Roman
topographical inscriptions appeared and introduced a new era. Important
progress was due to the works of the learned antiquary, Fulvio. Fulvio, Calvo, Castiglione, and Raphael had planned an
archæological survey of ancient Rome with accompanying text. Raphael's early death abruptly
interrupted the work which was carried on by Fulvio and Calvo. The Greek
language also found favour and encouragement; Aldus Manutius, the Venetian publisher, whose
excellent and correct editions of Greek classics became so popular, was one of
Leo's protégés. Andreas Johannes Lascaris and Musurus were
summoned from Greece to Rome and founded a Greek college, the
"Medicean Academy". Moreover, the pope encouraged the collection of manuscripts and books. He
recovered his family library which had been sold by
the Florentines in 1494 to the monks of San Marco, had it
brought to Rome, and enforced the regulations of Sixtus IV for the Vatican
Library. The most distinguished of his librarians was Inghirami, less indeed
through any learned works than for his gift of eloquence. He was called the
Cicero of his age and played an important rôle at court. In 1516 he was succeeded
by the Bolognese Humanist Beroaldo. Leo tried,
as Nicholas V had formerly done, to
increase the treasures of the Vatican Library, and with this object sent
emissaries in all directions, even to Scandinavia and the Orient, to discover
literary treasures and either obtain them, or borrow them for the purpose of
making copies. The results, however, were unimportant. The Roman university, which had entered on
decay, was reformed, but did not long flourish. On the whole, Leo, as a
literary Mæcenas, has been overrated by his biographer Giovio and later
panegyrists. Relatively little was accomplished, partly on account of the
constant lack of money and partly because of the thoughtlessness and haste
which the pope often showed in distributing his
favours. He was in reality only a dilettante. Yet he gave an important stimulus
to scientific and literary life, and was a potent factor in the cultural
development of the West.
important results ensued from his promotion of art, though he was
unquestionably inferior in taste and judgment to his predecessor Julius II. Leo encouraged painting beyond all other
branches of art; pre-eminent in this class stand the immortal productions of Raphael. In 1508 he had come
to Rome, summoned by Julius II, and remained there
until his death in 1520. The protection extended to this master genius is Leo's
most enduring claim on posterity. Raphael's achievements, already
numerous and important, took on more dignity and grandeur under Leo. He painted, sketched, and
engraved from antique works of art, modeled in clay, made designs for palaces,
directed the work of others by order of the pope, gave advice and assistance alike to
supervisors and workmen. "Everything pertaining to art the pope turns over
to Raphael", wrote an ambassador in 1518. This is not, of course, the
place to treat Raphael's prodigious activity.
We limit ourselves to brief mention of a few of his works. He finished the
decoration of the Vatican halls or "Stanze" begun under Julius II, and in the third hall
cleverly referred to Leo X by introducing scenes from the pontificates of Leo III and Leo IV. A more important
commission was given him to paint the cartoons for the tapestries of the
Sistine Chapel, the highest of Raphael's achievements, the most
magnificent of them being "St. Peter's miraculous draught of fishes"
and "St. Paul preaching in Athens". A third famous enterprise was the
decoration of the Vatican Loggia done by Raphael's pupils under his
direction, and mostly from his designs. The most exquisite of his paintings are the wonderful
Sistine Madonna and the "Transfiguration". Sculpture showed a marked
decline under Leo X. Michaelangelo offered his services
and worked from 1516 to 1520 on a marble façade for the church of San Lorenzo
in Florence, but did not finish
it. On the other hand the pope gave especial attention and
encouragement to the minor arts, e.g. decorative carving, and furthered the
industrial arts. The greatest and most difficult task of Leo was in the field
of architecture and was inherited from his predecessor, viz., the continuation
of the new St. Peter's. Bramante remained its chief
architect until his death in 1514. Raphael succeeded him, but in
his six years of office little was done, much to his regret, through lack of
may now turn to the political and religious events of Leo's pontificate. Here
the bright splendour that diffuses itself over his literary and artistic
patronage, is soon changed to deepest gloom. His well-known peaceable
inclinations made the political situation a disagreeable heritage, and he tried
to maintain tranquillity by exhortations, to which, however, no one listened. France desired to wreak
vengeance for the defeat of 1512 and to reconquer Milan. Venice entered into an
alliance with her, whereupon Emperor Maximilian, Spain, and England in 1513 concluded a
Holy League against France. The pope wished at first to
remain neutral but such a course would have isolated him, so he decided to be
faithful to the policy of his predecessors and sought accordingly to oppose the
designs of France, but in doing so, to avoid severity. In
1513 the French were decisively routed at Novara and were forced to effect a
reconciliation with Rome. The schismatic cardinals (see JULIUS II) submitted and were
pardoned, and France then took part in the Lateran Council
which Leo had continued.
success was soon clouded by uncertainty. France endeavoured to form an alliance with Spain and to obtain Milan and Genoa by a matrimonial
alliance. Leo feared for the independence of the Papal States and for the so-called
freedom of Italy. He negotiated on all sides without
committing himself, and in 1514 succeeded in bringing about an Anglo-French alliance.
The fear of Spain now gave way to the bugbear of French
supremacy and the pope began negotiating in a deceitful and
disloyal manner with France and her enemies simultaneously. Before
he had decided to bind himself in one way or the other, Louis XII died and the
young and ardent Francis I succeeded him. Once
more Leo sought delay. He supported the League against France, but until the last
moment hoped for an arrangement with Francis. But the latter
shortly after his descent upon Italy, won the great victory of Marignano,
13-14 September, 1515, and the pope now made up his mind to throw himself
into the arms of the Most Christian King and beg for mercy. He was obliged to alter his policy
completely and to abandon to the French king Parma and Piacenza, which had been
reunited with Milan. An interview with King Francis at Bologna resulted in
the French Concordat (1516), that brought with it such important consequences
for the Church. The Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges (1438), deeply
inimical to the papacy, was revoked, but the pope paid a high price for
this concession, when he granted to the king the right of nomination to all the sees, abbeys, and priories of France. Through this and
other concessions, e.g. that pertaining to ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the royal influence
over the French Church was assured. Great discontent resulted in France among the clergy and in the
parliaments. The abolition of the Pragmatic Sanction, drawn up in
compliance with the decrees of the Council of Basle, affected the adherents of
the conciliar system of church
government. The abolition of free ecclesiastical elections affected
grievously the interests of many and opposition to the Concordat was maintained
for centuries. The advantage to the Church and the pope of such a great
sacrifice was that France, hitherto schismatical in attitude, now stood
firmly bound to the Holy See, which thus turned
aside the danger of complete estrangement. However, the way in which the French
crown abused its control over the Church led at a later period to great evils.
the Lateran Council, continued by Leo after his elevation to the papacy, was nearing its
close, having issued numerous and very timely decrees, e.g. against the false philosophical teachings of the
Paduan professor, Pietro Pompanazzi, who denied the immortality of the soul. The encroachments of pagan Humanism on the spiritual life
were met by the simultaneous rise of a new order of philosophical and theological studies. In the ninth
session was promulgated a Bull that treated
exhaustively of reforms in the Curia and the Church. Abbeys and benefices were henceforth to be
bestowed only on persons of merit and according
to canon law. Provisions of benefices and consistorial
proceedings were regulated; ecclesiastical depositions and
transfers made more difficult; commendatory benefices were forbidden; and
unions and reservations of benefices, also dispensations for obtaining them,
were restricted. Measures were also taken for reforming the curial
administration and the lives of cardinals, clerics, and the faithful. The religious
instruction of children was declared a duty. Blasphemers and incontinent,
negligent, or simoniac ecclesiastics were to be severely
punished. Church revenues were no longer to be turned to secular uses. The immunities of the clergy must be respected, and
all kinds of superstition abolished. The
eleventh session dealt with the cure of souls, particularly with
preaching. These measures, unhappily, were not thoroughly enforced, and
therefore the much-needed genuine reform was not realized. Towards the close of
the council (1517) the noble and highly cultured layman, Gianfrancesco Pico
della Mirandola, delivered a remarkable speech on the necessity of a reform of morals; his account of the
moral condition of the clergy is saddening, and reveals the many and
great difficulties that stood in the way of a genuine reform. He concluded with
the warning that if Leo X left such offences longer unpunished and refused to
apply healing remedies to these wounds of the Church, it was to be feared
that God Himself would cut off the rotten limbs
and destroy them with fire and sword. That very year this prophetic warning was
verified. The salutary reforms of the Lateran Council found no practical
acceptance. Pluralism, commendatory benefices, and the granting of ecclesiastical dignities to children remained
customary. Leo himself did not scruple to set aside repeatedly the decrees of
the council. The Roman Curia, then much despised
and against which so many inveighed with violence, remained as worldly
as ever. The pope was either unwilling or not in a
position to regulate the unworthy and immoral conduct of many of the Roman
courtiers. The political situation absorbed his attention and was largely
responsible for the premature close of the council.
March, 1516, Emperor Maximilian crossed the Alps to make war on the French and Venetians. The pope followed his usual
course of shifting and dissimulation. At first, when events seemed favourable
for the French, he supported Francis. But his former
double-dealing had left Francis in such ill-humour
that he now adhered to an antipapal policy, whereupon Leo adopted an unfriendly
attitude towards the king. Their relations were further strained apropos of the
Duchy of Urbino. During the French invasion the Duke of
Urbino had withheld the assistance which he
was in duty bound to render the pope, who now exiled him
and gave the title to his nephew, Lorenzo de' Medici. The French king was
highly displeased with the papal policy, and when Francis I and Maximilian formed
the alliance of Cambrai in 1517 and agreed on
a partition of Upper and Central Italy, Pope Leo found himself in a
disagreeable position. In part by reason of his constant vacillation he had
drifted into a dangerous isolation, added to which the Duke of Urbino reconquered his duchy;
to crown all other calamities came a conspiracy of cardinals against the pope's life. The ringleader,
Cardinal Petrucci, was a young worldly ecclesiastic who thought only of money
and pleasure. He and the other cardinals who had brought about
Leo's selection, made afterwards such numerous and insistent demands that the pope could not yield to
them. Other causes for discontent were found in the unfortunate war with Urbino and in the abolition
of the election capitulations and the excessive privileges of the cardinals. Petrucci bore
personal ill-will towards the "ungrateful pope", who had removed
his brother from the government of Siena. He tried to have the pope poisoned by a
physician, but suspicion was aroused and the plot was betrayed through a
letter. The investigation implicated Cardinals Sauli, Riario, Soderini, and
Castellesi; they had been guilty at least of listening to Petrucci, and perhaps
had desired his success, though their full complicity was not actually proved. Petrucci was executed
and the others punished by fines; Riario paid the enormous sum of 150,000
affair throws a lurid light on the degree of corruption in the highest ecclesiastical circles. Unconcerned by
the scandal he was giving, Leo
took advantage of the proceeding to create thirty-one new cardinals, thereby obtaining an
entirely submissive college and also money to carry on the unlucky war with Urbino. Not a few of these cardinals were chosen on account
of the large sums they advanced. But this wholesale appointment also brought
several virtuous and distinguished men into the Sacred College, and it was further
important because it definitively established the superiority of the pope over the cardinals. The war with Urbino, encouraged by Francis I and Maximilian for the
purpose of increasing Leo's difficulties, was finally brought to a close, after
having cost enormous sums and emptied the papal treasury. Lorenzo de' Medici remained
in possession of the duchy (1517). Faithful to the ancient tradition of the Holy See, from the very
beginning of his reign, Leo zealously advocated a crusade against the Turks, and at the close of
the war with Urbino took up the cause with
renewed determination. In November, 1517, he submitted an exhaustive memorial
to all the princes of Europe, and endeavored to unite them in a
common effort, but in vain. The replies of the powers proved widely dissimilar.
They were suspicious of one another and each sought naturally to realize
various secondary purposes of its own. Leo answered a threatening letter from
the sultan by active exertions. Religious processions were held, a truce of
five years was proclaimed throughout Christendom and the Crusade was preached (1518).
The pope showed real earnestness, but his great
plan miscarried through lack of cooperation on the part of the powers.
Moreover, Cardinal Wolsey, Lord Chancellor of England, thwarted the pope's peaceful efforts and
thus dealt a grievous blow to the international prestige of the papacy. When the Crusade was preached in Germany, it found a large
section of the people strongly predisposed against the Curia, and furnished them
with an occasion to express their views in plain terms. It was believed that
the Curia merely sought to obtain more money. One
of the numerous spiteful pamphlets issued declared that the real Turks were in Italy and that these demons
could only be pacified by streams of gold. The good cause was gradually merged
with an important political question, the succession to the imperial throne.
Maximilian sought the election for his grandson, Charles of Spain. A rival appeared in
the person of Francis I, and both he and Charles vied with each other
in seeking to win the pope's favour by repeated assurances of their
willingness to move against the Turks. The event of the election relegated
the crusade to the background. In
1519 the pope realized that there was no longer any
prospect of carrying out his design.
attitude towards the imperial succession was influenced primarily by his
anxiety concerning the power and independence of the Holy See and the so-called
freedom of Italy. Neither candidate was acceptable to
him, Charles, if possible, less
than Francis, owing to the
preponderance of power that must result from his accession. The pope would have preferred a
German electoral prince, that of Saxony or later, the Elector of Brandenburg.
He "sailed", as usual, "with two compasses", held both
rivals at bay by a double game played with matchless skill, and even succeeded
in concluding simultaneously an alliance with both. The deceitfulness and
insincerity of his political dealings cannot be entirely excused, either by the
difficult position in which he was placed or by the example of his secular
contemporaries. Maximilian's death (January, 1519) ended the pope's irresolution. First he
tried to defeat both candidates by raising up a German elector. Then he worked zealously for Francis I in the endeavour to
secure his firm friendship in case Charles became emperor, an
event which grew daily more likely. Only at the last moment when the election
of Charles was certain and
unavoidable did Leo come over to his side; after the election he watched in
great anxiety the attitude the new emperor might assume.
most important occurrence of Leo's pontificate and that of gravest consequence
to the Church was the Reformation, which began in 1517.
We cannot enter into a minute account of this movement, the remote cause of
which lay in the religious, political, and social conditions of Germany. It is certain, however, that the
seeds of discontent amid which Luther threw his firebrand had been
germinating for centuries. The immediate cause was bound up with the odious greed for money displayed by
the Roman Curia, and shows how far
short all efforts at reform had hitherto fallen. Albert of Brandenburg, already Archbishop of Magdeburg, received in addition
the Archbishopric of Mainz and the Bishopric of Hallerstadt, but
in return was obliged to collect 10,000
ducats, which he was taxed over and above the usual confirmation fees. To indemnify
hiim, and to make it possible to discharge these obligations Rome permitted him to have
preached in his territory the plenary indulgence promised all those who
contributed to the new St. Peter's; he was allowed to keep one half the
returns, a transaction which brought dishonour on all concerned in it. Added to
this, abuses occurred during the preaching of the Indulgence. The money
contributions, a mere accessory, were frequently the chief object, and the
"Indulgences for the Dead" became a vehicle of inadmissible teachings.
That Leo X, in the most serious of all the crises which threatened the Church, should fail to prove
the proper guide for her, is clear enough from what has been related above. He
recognized neither the gravity of the situation nor the underlying causes of
the revolt. Vigorous measures of reform might have proved an efficacious
antidote, but the pope was deeply entangled in political
affairs and allowed the imperial election to overshadow the revolt of Luther; moreover, he gave
himself up unrestrainedly to his pleasures and failed to grasp fully the duties of his high office.
pope's last political efforts were directed to
expanding the States of the Church, establishing a
dominating power in central Italy by means of the acquisition of Ferrara. In 1519 he concluded
a treaty with Francis I against Emperor Charles V. But the selfishness
and encroachments of the French and the struggle against the Lutheran movement, induced him soon to
unite with Charles, after he had again
resorted to his double-faced method of treating with both rivals. In 1521 pope and emperor signed a defensive
alliance for the purpose of driving the French out of Italy. After some
difficulty, the allies occupied Milan and Lombardy. Amid the rejoicings
over these successes, the pope died suddenly of a malignant malaria.
His enemies are wrongly accused of having poisoned him. The magnificent pope was given a simple
funeral and not until the reign of Paul III was a monument erected
to his memory in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. It is
cold, prosaic, and quite unworthy of such a connoisseur as Leo.
only possible verdict on the pontificate of Leo X is that it was unfortunate
for the Church. Sigismondo Tizio, whose devotion to
the Holy See is undoubted, writes
truthfully: "In the general opinion it was injurious to the Church that her Head should
delight in plays, music, the chase and nonsense, instead of paying serious
attention to the needs of his flock and mourning over their misfortunes". Von Reumont says
pertinently—"Leo X is in great measure to blame for the fact that faith in the integrity and
merit of the papacy, in its moral and regenerating powers,
and even in its good intentions, should have sunk so low that men could declare
extinct the old true spirit of the Church."
PASTOR, History of the Popes, VII (St. Louis, 1908);
X. P. M. Regesta,
ed. HERGENRNRÖTHER, Fasc. I-VIII (to 16 October, 1515), (Freiburg, 1884-91);
vita Leonis X
(Florence, 1548, 1551); FABRONIUS, Leonis X. P. M. vita (Pisa, 1707); ROSCOE, Life and Pontificate of
Leo X
(Liverpool, 1805, London, 1883); Italian tr. with new materials by BOSSI
(Milan, 1816); AUDIN, Histoire de Léon X. et de son siècle (Paris, 1844); NITTI, Leone X et la sua
(Florence, 1892); CONFORTI, Leone X ed il suo secolo (Parma, 1896); VON
REUMONT, Geschichte
der Stadt Rom,
III (Berlin, 1870), part ii; GREGOROVIUS, Geschichte der Stadt Rom, VIII (Stuttgart,
1896); GEIGER, Renaissance
und Humanismus in Deutschland und Italien (Berlin, 1882).
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