November. 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Clement of Rome.
Presiding Presbyter and Bishop (of Rome) in the first
century. According to Irenæus, he was the third after the death of Peter and
Paul. Eusebius places Clement’s death in A.D. 95 or 100. The old tradition,
from Origen downwards (uncertain but not improbable), makes him the
"Clement the fellow labourer" of St. Paul (Phil.
iv. 3). His Epistle to the
Corinthians, written late in the first century (and at one time read as of
almost canonical authority), is of deep interest and historical value in
relation to the Scriptural Epistles. One
will discern very obvious affinities with Paul’s theology of sin,
justification, predestination. Clement sounds nearwise like Paul. This cannot be good news to Semi-Pelagians,
Arminians, Tractoes and Costalizers. It ends with a noble prayer, perhaps the
first specimen of a Christian liturgy. Of his life and death little is known.
Varied introductions are given in the online resources below.
Range of Dating: 80-140 A.D.
Text for First Clement
Online Resources for First Clement
Offline Resources for First Clement
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