Thursday, October 30, 2014

30 October 2014 A.D. Research & Statistics—10-Year Decline by 24% for The Episcopal Church

30 October 2014 A.D.  Research & Statistics—10-Year Decline by 24% for The Episcopal Church

--2012 Table of Statistics of the Episcopal Church
--Domestic Fast Facts: 2012
--Episcopal Domestic Fast Facts Trends: 2009-2013
--Statistical Totals for the Episcopal Church by Province: 2012-2013
--Statistical Totals for the Episcopal Church by Province and Diocese: 2012-2013
--Membership and Attendance Totals for the Episcopal Church: 2013

The most significant measure remains average Sunday attendance, and you can see the Ten Year % Change in ASA has gone from -23% in 2011 to -24% in 2012. This does not reflect the completely fallacious way in which the diocese of South Carolina's majority membership is still included in these figures; if it were the decline would be even greater.

No author.  “Research and Statistics.”  The Episcopal Church.  N.d.  Accessed 30 Oct 2014.

Research and Statistics

"Transforming Churches" Case Studies
"Transforming Churches" is a series of case studies, prepared by the Episcopal Church's Office of Research, that offers in-depth analyses of Episcopal parishes in many different contexts and geographical locations that were able to either reverse decline or continue substantial growth and find ways to thrive in the 21st century.
>> Go to Case Studies.

“We’re Just Glad You Joined Us: St. Ann’s Episcopal Church, Windham, Maine” tells the story of a welcoming and friendly, yet once struggling, New England parish. Find out how St. Ann's dedicated laypeople and their new rector were able to re-energize the parish. How they did it may be unique to St. Ann's, but where they started is a situation all too common among small churches in America.

The Office of Research examines local trends and demographics, which can help Episcopal congregations grow and better respond to the needs of their communities. Congregations that are more welcoming to newcomers offer more opportunities for transformation and mission. The "Studying Your Congregation and Community" charts break down social and demographic characteristics of Episcopal churches and their communities by geographical location. Trends in membership, average worship attendance, and financial giving can be used to indicate growth, decline, or stability. The community demographic profile provides an overview of a one-mile radius of a congregation’s physical location. 

CONTACT: Kirk Hadaway, officer for Research


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Hope and Action: Abundant Small Congregations: A Small Church Growth Strategies Handbook

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Vitality: Learn More in the Library

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