Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Anglican Connection Conference 2014


Anglican Connection Conference 2014

Anglican Connection Conference - October 28-30 - THEME: Word-Centric Anglicanism

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Conference Schedule

 Tuesday, October 28

  * Pre-conference:

    11:00AM -  ‘Thomas Cranmer and the Holy Scriptures: Preaching the Holy Scriptures’
- Chapel (Dr. Peter Adam)
    12:30PM – Lunch is available

  * Conference

      1:30PM – Arrival and sign-in
      2:00PM – Welcome and worship (John Mason)
      2:15PM – God is a speaking God (Dr. Peter Adam)
     3:00PM – Effective Ministry: a theology of a ‘hearing’ (spoken and sung), Word ministry vs a ‘seeing’ ministry (John Mason)
      4:15PM – Coffee
      4:45PM – Effective Ministry: Making disciple-making disciples (Tim Sims)
      6:00PM – Dinner
      7:00PM – Gospel ministry networks (John Mason)
      7:30PM – Film: ‘Freedom’ – a new release about the 19th century Underground Railway

Wednesday, October 29

      8:15AM  – Worship and Bible talk (Dr. Marc Robertson, Christ Church, Savannah, GA)
      9:00AM – Word-Centric Ministry in the 16th century English Church (Dr. G. Bray)
    11:00AM – ‘Thomas Cranmer and the Holy Scriptures: Reading the Holy Scriptures’
                                – Chapel (Dr. Peter Adam)
    12:30PM – Lunch
       1:30PM – Gospel Compassion: ‘Hands at Work’ (Toby Kurth, Christ Church, Park Presidio, San Francisco, CA)
       2:10PM – The Power of the Word – a critical comparison between liberal anglo-
                           catholic evangelism and gospel-centric Anglican evangelism  (G.A. Cole)
      3:00PM – Music and the ministry of the Word (Or other title)
4:15PM – Coffee
      4:45PM – Preach the Word (Dr. Peter Adam)     
      6:00PM – Dinner
      7:00PM – Conference Communion

Thursday, October 30

      8:15AM  – Worship and Bible talk (Keith Paulus, Christ Church New York City)
      9:00AM – The practice of preaching (Dr. Peter Adam)
    11:00AM -  ‘Thomas Cranmer and the Holy Scriptures: Praying the Holy Scriptures’
                                – Chapel (Dr. Peter Adam)
    12:30PM – Close (Lunch is available)

Anglican Connection Conference – October 2014: Speakers

Peter Adam is the former Principal of Ridley College, University of Melbourne and Vicar Emeritus of St Jude’s Anglican Church, Carlton, Melbourne. A respected theologian, he is also a gifted preacher. His books include, Speaking God’s Words: A Practical Theology of Preaching. In 2011, a Festschrift was published in his honor, Serving God’s Words: Windows on preaching and ministry; this included articles by Gerald Bray, Don Carson, Peter Jensen, and Vaughan Roberts.

Gerald Bray is Research Professor of Divinity, History and Doctrine at Beeson Divinity School. As well as his teaching in this field he has published numerous scholarly articles and books, including The Doctrine of God in the Contours of Christian Theology series. His systematic theology, God is Love, was released in 2012, and his historical theology, God has Spoken,will be published in 2014. An Anglican Minister, he is the editor of the Anglican journal, Churchman.

Graham Cole is the Anglican Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School. An Anglican Minister he has been a lecturer in Christian Thought at Moore Theological College and in Philosophy of Religion at Sydney University; he was the Principal of Ridley College, University of Melbourne. His writings include, God the Peacemaker: How Atonement Brings Shalom, and The God Who Became Human: A Biblical Theology of Incarnation.

Toby Kurth is the Senior Minister of Christ Church at Park Presidio in San Francisco, CA. After a number of years in the marketplace, Toby pursued a Masters degree at Westminster Seminary in California and a PhD at Stony Brook University in New York. During his time in New York, Toby helped plant a church in Brooklyn. God used that experience to give him a passion for advancing God’s gospel in cities through church planting. As well as assisting with church plants in the San Francisco Bay Area, Christ Church is supporting gospel ministry in Barcelona and Malawi.

John Mason is currently directing the work of the Anglican Connection as well as preaching and writing. The Founding Rector of Christ Church NYC, his ministry experience includes lecturing in New Testament theology, establishing a new church in Canberra, Australia, and being the senior minister of one of Sydney’s larger Anglican churches. His published works include, Luke: An Unexpected God, in the ‘Reading the Bible Today’ series, edited by Paul Barnett.

Garrett Keith Paulus II is the Senior Minister of Christ Church NYC; a graduate of Yale and Regent College, Vancouver, Keith was ordained in the Diocese of the Rio Grande and, before his appointment in New York, ministered in churches in Albuquerque, NM as well as in England. He is committed to the ministry of disciple-making through expository preaching and the proclamation of the gospel.

Marcus Robertson is the Rector of Christ Church Anglican, Savannah, GA. A graduate of the College of William and Mary, he studied theology at St. Mary’s Divinity School in St. Andrews, Scotland; he holds masters degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary and St. Luke’s School of Theology (Sewanee, TN), and a doctorate (D. Min.) from Fuller Theological Seminary. Marc has taught pastoral theology and is committed to the priority of the gospel in his ministry.

Tim Sims is a committed Christian and a highly respected, successful business leader. He and his wife are involved at one of Sydney’s largest churches. Two years ago he provided a report for Dr. Peter Jensen (then archbishop of Sydney) on church life and its interface with the wider culture based on thorough research conducted at that time. In the course of his research he found a significant correlation with church life and culture in the USA. Since that time he has initiated a strategic program, ‘Effective Ministry’ (www.effectiveministry.org).

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