24 September. Prof. Machen on Secrecy in Trials & Church Administration
“September 24: Machen on Secret Trials.”
This Day in Presbyterian
History. 24 Sept 2014. http://www.thisday.pcahistory.org/2014/09/november-24-2/.
Accessed 24 Sept 2014.
September 24: Machen on Secret Trials
judicatories of the church shall ordinarily sit with open doors. In every case
involving a charge of heresy the judicatory shall be without power to sit with
closed doors. In other cases, where the ends of the discipline seem to require
it, the trial judicatory at any stage of the trial may determine by a vote of
three-fourths of the members present to sit with closed doors.”
—Chapter IV, The Trial of Judicial Cases, The Book of Church Order of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church. 2011 edition, Section A.1.b., page 102.
—Chapter IV, The Trial of Judicial Cases, The Book of Church Order of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church. 2011 edition, Section A.1.b., page 102.
As it turns out, the OPC has
had this provision in their Book of Church Order ever since that document
was first approved in 1938. Three denominations in fact, the OPC, the BPC and
the RPCES—each looking back in common heritage to the modernist controversy of
the 1930s—retain or retained virtually identical wording in their
respective Books of Discipline.
But where did this otherwise
unique stipulation come from? It appears to have been a response to an
ecclesiastical trial, one in which two lay people, Mary W. Steward and Murray
Forst Thompson, were tried in secret, behind closed doors, for their refusal to
step away from their participation in the ministry of the Independent Board for
Presbyterian Foreign Missions. This event led Dr. J. Gresham Machen to write at
some length opposing secrecy in the courts of the church. To my knowledge, this
particular work by Dr. Machen has never before been reprinted.
The Bible bids us walk
honestly as in the day; it bids us commend ourselves to every man’s conscience
in the sight of God.
These commands are very broad
in their application, but whatever else they require, they certainly require
great openness in our relationship with one another and in the conduct of the
affairs of the Church.
The Discouragement of Public
In marked contradiction to
these Biblical commands, the ecclesiastical bureaucracy in the Presbyterian
Church in the U. S. A. discourages open discussion and seeks to withhold from
the laity and the public what is really going on in the Church.
“If you do not like what the
General Assembly does,” we are told in one form or another again and again,
“use the ‘constitutional’ means of redress, but do not use the pulpit and the
radio and the public press to air your criticisms; do not in that fashion
disturb the peace of the Church.”
I think the appeal by the
advocates of this policy of secrecy and bureaucratic tyranny to the
Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. is one of the strangest
things among all the strange things that are happening just at the present
time. As a matter of fact, such a policy is abhorrent to the very heart and
core of that Constitution.
There are many reasons why
that is so. But one reason has sometimes escaped notice. It is the reason found
in the democratic character of the government of our Church.
The Standards of the
Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. require absolute subjection of all to God;
but, so far as the human instruments of church government are concerned, they
place the power and the responsibility—always subject in all things to the Word
of God—in the hands of the rank and file.
The commissioners to the
General Assembly are elected by the Presbyteries; the elders in the
Presbyteries are elected by the sessions of the several churches; and the
sessions of the several churches are elected by the rank and file. Even in the
case of the ministers, a little reflection will show that the rank and file of
the Church, so far as the human instruments in the choice of them are
concerned, has a decisive voice.
Suppose, then, the General
Assembly does wrong. How can that wrong be righted? Merely by an appeal in
private to the commissioners to the next General Assembly? Not at all. But by
the election of a different sort of commissioners.
But who chooses the
commissioners? As we have just observed, the rank and file of the Church
chooses them. Very well then; the reasons for choosing a different sort of
commissioners must be presented to the rank and file.
How must they be presented?
Obviously by the only means in which the rank and file can be reached—by the
pulpit, the press, and every other means that may be used in communication
among men.
Let it never be forgotten. The
government of our Church is, on the human side, a government by the people. For
that reason, therefore, if for no other and still more important reasons, the
people should not be kept in ignorance. If the General Assembly does something
that is wrong—if, for example, it establishes a Modernist board of foreign
missions—that is not the business merely of committees or boards, but it is the
business of every man, woman and child in the Church.
In asking us to keep the facts
from the laity, and to reserve our criticisms of the General Assembly or the
Boards for the privacy of committee rooms, the present ecclesiastical
bureaucracy is asking us to do something that is against the inmost heart of
the Constitution of our Church and is profoundly contrary to the Word of God.
The Disgrace of Secret Courts
At one point the policy of secrecy
in ecclesiastical affairs becomes an offence to all fair-minded people whether
in the Church or outside of it.
That point is found in the
secrecy of church courts. In several of the “trials” of members of The
Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions, the first decision of the
court—reversed only after the appearance of a rising tide of public
disapproval—was to close the doors; and this policy of secrecy has again been
decided upon by a vote of the session of the Hollond Memorial Presbyterian
Church of Philadelphia in the trial of Murray Forst Thompson, Esq., and Miss
Mary W. Stewart.
The session seemed to lay
great stress upon that vote. It was put through, by an alleged majority of 6 to
3, in the most hasty and illegal manner. Apparently great stress was laid upon
keeping the public in ignorance of what was going on.
What will be the result? The
result will be that the findings of such a court will utterly fail to win the
respect of fair-minded people either within the Church or outside of it. Court
proceedings certainly ought to be open and above-board; and the general public
has a pretty shrewd notion that a thing which is not open is not very apt to be
That notion may be right or it
may be wrong; but at any rate people generally will hold to it. Our Form of
Government says that one of the things that give ecclesiastical discipline its
force is “the approval of an impartial public.” Well, it is perfectly clear
that no impartial public is going to have much respect for courts that deprive
an accused person of the right of an open hearing.
That right is accorded the
most degraded criminal under our civil laws. If men are deprived of it in
church courts, that means that the Church is standing on a lower moral plane
than the world at large. Religion will seem to many people to be little more
than a delusion and a sham when it is made a cloak for tyranny such as that.
The Remedy for Secrecy
What is the remedy for the
bureaucratic secrecy that now prevails so widely in the Presbyterian Church in
the U. S. A.? What is the remedy for this vicious notion that “constitutional”
means of purifying the Church do not include the public denunciation of
ecclesiastical unbelief and sin? What is the reason for the abomination of
secret ecclesiastical courts?
The answer is very simple. The
remedy for darkness is light.
It is the duty of every man in
the Church to let the light of day into the dark places of ecclesiastical
bureaucracy. It is the duty of every man to present the facts as he knows them.
Specious arguments are
sometimes used to commend a contrary policy. The Church, it is said, ought to
discuss her affairs quietly and not make a spectacle of her quarrels in the
presence of a hostile world.
But such arguments are
miserable half-truths. The Church cannot conceal her faults, even if she should
desire to do so. The very attempt at concealment will make her seem all the
more contemptible to those who are without.
Instead, she ought to stand
forth openly in the light of day. She has never claimed to be perfect. God
knows, and the world knows, that she has sin within her walls. But at least she
ought not to claim to be better than she is. Light is sometimes very painful
when it shines into dark places, but it is beneficent in the end.
So the long policy of
concealment ought now to cease. We ought to break away from it resolutely and
radically. We ought to present the full facts about the Presbyterian Church in
the U. S. A., so that they may be known to all.
But how may the facts be made
There are many ways of making
them known—the pulpit, the public press, the spread of information from man to
But the best way of all to
make them known is to have a journal that shall present them fully and
fearlessly and connectedly to all who will read. There is now great need of
such a journal, but we are soon to have the need supplied by the appearance of
THE PRESBYTERIAN GUARDIAN. AS is announced elsewhere in this issue of THE
INDEPENDENT BOARD BULLETIN, the new paper is to be the organ of The Presbyterian
Constitutional Covenant Union. It is to be under the editorship of the Rev. H.
McAllister Griffiths. It will satisfy many needs of Christian people. It will
appeal to young and old. But a very important part of its function will be the
presentation of the facts about the condition of the Church.
The time has gone by, if there
ever was such a time, when Christian people, particularly in the Presbyterian
Church in the U. S. A., could afford to be in ignorance of the facts. We must
know the facts in order that we may lay them before our God in prayer and ask
Him to give us courage to act in view of them as Christian men and women ought
to act.
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