July 734 A.D. Tatwin
Dies—9th of 105 Archbishops of Canterbury
G. M. “St. Tatwin (Died AD 734).”
Brittania.com. N.d. http://www.britannia.com/bios/abofc/tatwin.html.
Accessed 7 May 2014.
Portraits of the Archbishops of
Canterbury. Toronto, ONT: University
of Toronto Libraries, 2011. Available here: http://www.amazon.com/Portraits-Archbishops-Canterbury-Gladys-Bevan/dp/B005HI57FS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399493248&sr=8-1&keywords=bevans+portraits+of+archbishops+of+canterbury
St. Tatwin
(Died AD 734)
Archbishop of Canterbury
Died: 30th July AD 734
(Died AD 734)
Archbishop of Canterbury
Died: 30th July AD 734
Tatwin, by birth a Mercian, entered the Monastery of
Breedon-on-the-Hill in Leicestershire.
In AD 731, Tatwin was promoted to the See of Canterbury, through
the influence of King Aethelbald of Mercia, and was consecrated on 10th June.
Bede concluded his Ecclesiastical History in the same year. Of Tatwin, he says
that he was vir religione et Prudentia insignis, sacris quoque literis
nobiliter instructus (a man notable for his prudence, devotion and learning).
This is clearing shown in the two surviving manuscripts of his Riddles and four
of his Grammar. The former deal with such diverse topics as philosophy &
charity, the five senses & the alphabet and a book & a pen.
His short archiepiscopate of three years seems to have been
uneventful. Though he is known to have consecrated Bishops of Lindsey and of
Selsey in AD 733. He died the following year.
Edited from G.M. Bevan's "Portraits of the Archbishops of
Canterbury" (1908).
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