July 664 A.D. Deusdedit
Dies—6th of 105 Archbishops of Canterbury—1st Saxon in
the See.
G. M. “St. Deusdedit (Died AD 664).”
Brittania.com. N.d. http://www.britannia.com/bios/abofc/deusdedit.html.
Accessed 7 May 2014.
Portraits of the Archbishops of
Canterbury. Toronto, ONT: University
of Toronto Libraries, 2011. Available here: http://www.amazon.com/Portraits-Archbishops-Canterbury-Gladys-Bevan/dp/B005HI57FS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399493248&sr=8-1&keywords=bevans+portraits+of+archbishops+of+canterbury
St. Deusdedit
(Died AD 664)
Archbishop of Canterbury
Died: 14th July AD 664
(Died AD 664)
Archbishop of Canterbury
Died: 14th July AD 664
Deusdedit was the first Saxon Archbishop of
Canterbury. He was known as Frithona until his consecration by Ithamar, Bishop
of Rochester, in AD 655.
The See of Canterbury seems, at this time, to have
been passing through a period of comparative obscurity; for during the nine
years of the pontificate of Deusdedit, all the new English Bishops, with one
exception, were consecrated by Celtic or foreign Bishops. Deusdedit, however,
did found a nunnery in the Isle of Thanet and had some share in the foundation
of Medshamstead Abbey (Peterborough Cathedral) in AD 657.
The Synod of Whitby which debated whether the
Northumbrian Church should follow the Roman or Celtic Irish Church was held in
AD 664. Due to his affliction with the plague, Deusdedit does not appear to
have been present for the victorious Romanist party and his death took place
only a few months later.
Edited from G.M. Bevan's "Portraits of the
Archbishops of Canterbury" (1908).
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