Thursday, June 19, 2014

Boehner: "Can't Help But Get The Sense That the Wheels Are Coming Off" This Presidency

JOHN BOEHNER: At least one of the five Taliban commanders that was released played a key role in al Qaeda's plans leading up to the attacks of 9/11. The White House thought the American people were going to cheer when the president released these terrorists. I think his misreadings of the American people are fairly shocking. And with terrorists marching toward Baghdad, we asked the president for a strategy to reverse the momentum and spread of terrorism. I heard a little bit about Iraq yesterday, but the White House has known for months about the situation in Iraq, and when you look, it's not just Iraq. It's Libya, It's Egypt, It's Syria. The spread of terrorism has increased exponentially under this president's leadership. And, as you may recall after the last election I said that I hope that the president would seize this moment and take the lead. And here we are a year and a half later, you look at this presidency and you can't help but get the sense that the wheels are coming off.

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