June 431 A.D. Council of Ephesus Meets
Graves, Dan. ‘Painful
Council Met at Ephesus.” Christianity.com.
Apr 2007. http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/301-600/painful-council-met-at-ephesus-11629696.html. Accessed 3 May 2014.
The Third
Ecumenical Council opened on this day June 22, 431 in the city of Ephesus in Asia Minor. It was
called to resolve a dogmatic controversy that had divided the church into two
main camps. Theodore of Mopsuestia, supported by Nestorius, Archbishop of
Constantinople, held to what has become known as the Nestorian heresy. The
opposite camp was represented by Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, the pope, and
emperor Theodosius the Younger. Theodosius, who called the Council, believed
that the strength of his empire depended upon true worship of God without the
intermingling of falsehood. Two hundred fathers attended.
The Nestorian
teaching originated in the school of Antioch, and was taught by Diodorus and by
Theodore, bishop of Mopsuestia. What was the heresy? These men did not accept
the Orthodox belief that the human and divine natures of Christ were united
from the instant of the Word's conception in the womb of Mary. A symbol of this
controversy was the acceptance or non-acceptance of the title,
"Theotokos," or "God Bearer," translated in the West to
"Mother of God," for the Virgin Mary. Of course that did not mean
that Mary was the Mother of the eternal and indivisible Trinity, but that she
was the mother, not just of the man Christ, but of the complete God-man. It was
and remains in the Orthodox world as a title intended to emphasize the union of
the two natures. But the term "God-bearer" is also used for saints in
the Orthodox church, such as the "God-bearing Fathers," meaning those
who lived Christ-like lives.
verbally and in writing refused to accept the title Theotokos (God-bearer) for
Mary, the mother of Jesus. In doing so, the rest of the church felt he he was
proclaiming his refusal to accept the two natures of Christ. He was embittered
by the refusal of the "other side" to agree with his teaching.
It has been
pointed out many times that there was competition -- sometimes fierce --
between Alexandria and Constantinople. Alexandria wanted a Patriarch who would
understand the needs of the African Church and listen to her theologians. They
were very unhappy with Nestorius.
The Council
opened under Cyril, a thoroughly unsympathetic figure, and a master of
political intrigue. He had the agreement of Pope Celestine (who was deceased by
the time the council began). Cyril was no believer in fair play. He opened the
proceedings before Nestorius and his supporters arrived. For this and other
actions, historians criticize Cyril of high-handedness; and of serving as both
accuser and judge. But Cyril seems to have truly believed Nestorius was
teaching heresy. In response he adopted a position of his own which was close
to the monophysite heresy.
A careful
reading of Nestorius has led some scholars to say he was no heretic. Certainly
he set out to ensure that the manhood of Christ was not lost in his deity, and
eventually, grudgingly allowed the term "Theotokos" to be used as
long as it was understood Mary did not thereby become a deity. Whatever the
faults of Cyril's approach, he and his camp believed that Nestorianism attacked
a basic dogma of the Church -- the very nature of Christ himself. They reacted
fiercely, in the strongest way they knew how.
1. Baring-Gould, S. Lives of the Saints. Edinburgh: John
Grant, 1914. Source of the image.
2. Chapman, John. "Nestorius and Nestorianism." The Catholic
Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1914.
3. Durant, Will. The Age of Faith. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1950; especially pp. 48 - 49.
4. Harvey, Susan Ashbrook. "Nestorianism" and
"Nestorius." Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. Editor, Everett Ferguson; associate editors,
Michael P. McHugh, Frederick W. Norris. New York: Garland, 1997.
5. Mackintosh, H.R. The Person of Jesus Christ. Edinburgh:
T&T Clark, 1948.
6. "Nestorius." The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church.
Editors F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford University Press, 1997.
7. Prestige, G. L. Fathers and Heretics: six studies in dogmatic faith
with prologue and epilogue. London : S.P.C.K., 1958.
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