June 209 A.D. Alban,
England’s 1st Known Martyr.
(Note this date conflicts with that given elsehwere)
Graves, Dan. “Alban, 1st Martyr
in Britain.” Christianity.com. Jul 2007. http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1-300/alban-1st-martyr-in-britain-11629616.html. Accessed 3 May 2014.
A fugitive's praise of God
won Alban to Christ. The Roman emperor Septimus Severus hated Christianity. When he came to Britain in 208,
he found Christians living there. In a fury, he
ordered them put to the sword. A Christian priest, who is often given the name
Amphibalus, fled before the imperial wrath. In the town of Veralum (now named
St. Albans) lived Alban, a high ranking Roman soldier.
Something about Amphibalus' behavior
led Alban to offer him shelter. In spite of his status as a hunted refugee,
Amphibalus never ceased to praise God. His joy was so real that Alban was
moved. He asked how that could be, was told about Christ and converted to
The governor learned that Alban
was harboring a Christian fugitive. He sent soldiers to haul in the priest.
They were met by a man in a priestly robe. It was none other than Alban. When
the governor saw this, he was furious. Since Alban had helped Amphibalus to
escape, he said, Alban must bear the punishment due the priest. At the moment,
the governor was preparing to pour out a libation (drink offering) to his gods.
Now he ordered Alban to do so, saying he would spare him only on condition that
he show his loyalty to the old gods by doing that.
Alban refused. "I worship
and adore the true and living God, who created all things," he said.
After flogging Alban, the
governor again asked him to renounce Christianity. Once more Alban refused. And
so the governor ordered his execution. According to one legend, the place of
execution was across a swollen river. The townsfolk, not wanting to see him
die, tore down the bridge. But Alban, desiring to go to God, prayed to be able
to cross--and the river dried up. According to another legend, Alban was
thirsty and a spring welled up to quench his thirst.
Whatever actually happened, the
soldier who was to behead Alban was so awed that he refused to do the job,
becoming a Christian himself on the spot. A second soldier was found who cut
off both of their heads. Legend says that the eyes of the soldier who struck
the deadly blow immediately fell out.
Meanwhile, Amphibalus the priest,
hearing that Alban was to die in his place, hurried to the place of execution
and offered himself up. He, too, was killed. Modern research indicates that
these deaths took place on this day, June
22, 209.
Impressed by these events,
Alban's judge ordered the persecution to stop. Although the date and other
details of Alban's martyrdom are shaky, there is not much doubt among scholars
that he actually existed. His story was known around Veralum in the century
after his death and he was mentioned in early writings. Churches were built in
his honor. The British historian Gildas and the Saxon historian Bede both mention
him in their histories.
1. "Alban, First Martyr of
Britain." http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bio/189.html
2. "Alban, First Martyr of
Britain." http://people.smu.edu/canterbury/about/alban.html
3. "Alban, St." Dictionary
of National Biography. Oxford, 1956.
4. Butler, Alban. "June 22: St.
Alban." Lives of the Saints. Various editions.
5. Orthodox America.
"Orthodoxy's Western Heritage: St. Alban the Martyr."
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