Thursday, February 20, 2014

St. Paul's, London: Schori Scores Preaching Gig

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Scores a Triple Winner
By David W. Virtue
February 19, 2014

First came the news that Katharine Jefferts Schori is to receive an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Oxford University.

The announcement produced scorn, outrage and disbelief from differing academics. An Oxford Don and Anglican sociologist described the announcement as "disastrous and derisory...I'm ashamed of my alma mater." Episcopal liberals and progressives rejoiced in the announcement while one blogger described it as scandalum magnum.

Archbishop Justin Welby welcomed the news saying the award was "richly deserved, and reaffirmed Bishop Katharine's remarkable gifts of intellect and compassion, which she has dedicated to the service of Christ."

The surprise announcement left many in the Anglican world, other than the Archbishop of Canterbury, scratching their heads in wonderment and disbelief, considering the American Presiding Bishop's well known and thoroughly documented trail of unChristian and anti-Christian actions and theological stances bordering on heresy and apostasy.

Then we learned that the Episcopal Presiding Bishop would give the annual C.S. Lewis Legacy Lecture at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. One blogger observed that Jefferts Schori exemplifies just about everything C.S. Lewis mocked and deplored in the Anglican Church.

"I wonder if she will take Lewis's famous essay, Priestesses in the Church? for her topic, or maybe she will speak on the apostate bishop Lewis caricatured in The Great Divorce."

In a laughable press release about this travesty, professor Cliff Cain (as in Cain killed Abel) says, "Her divinity degree combined with her bachelor's degree in biology and two graduate degrees in oceanography make her uniquely qualified to offer remarks on this subject.

"I mean, if they were really looking for an unqualified, female celebrity whose whole life is a repudiation of everything C.S. Lewis stands for, why didn't they ask Paris Hilton or Lindsey Lohan?"

To cap the insanity, the announcement was made today that the Presiding Bishop would preach at St. Paul's in London at the invitation of the Very Rev. Dr. David Ison on March 7 at the 11:30 am GMT service.
"I look forward to joining the St. Paul's community again and meeting the new Dean," the Presiding Bishop said. "I give thanks for the remarkable witness and ministry of this cathedral, and pray that its faithful leadership may continue to bless the people of London and far beyond." Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori previously preached at St. Paul's on July 25, 2010.

"The Presiding Bishop is the Chief Ecumenical Officer of the Church and the pastor and primate of this national church with over 4.6 million members in America alone," added the Dean. NOTE: This figure is blatantly false. TEC has less than 2 million members on the books and less than 700,000 in Average Sunday Attendance.

"The Presiding Bishop is charged with responsibility for leadership in initiating, developing, and articulating policy and strategy, overseeing the administration of the national church staff, and speaking for the church on issues of concern and interest," noted the Dean.

And Jesus wept.


And now, for our standard response to the Church of England.

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