Thursday, February 13, 2014

Rev. Ladson Mills Attempts to Process Oxford U, TEC, & Canterbury Welby

Oxford University, the Episcopal Church and an Iron Lady
By Ladson F. Mills III
Special to virtueonline
February 13, 2014

Oxford University finds itself the subject of rare scrutiny resulting from its controversial decision to grant an honorary degree to the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. It can also claim credit for the new joke circulating; what do HarryTruman and Katharine Jefferts Schori have in common? Both have honorary degrees from Oxford and signs for their desk. Harry's read "the Buck stops here." Katharine's says "the Bucks stop here."

Honorary degrees are often the source of controversy. Other than Jefferts Schori's supporters suggesting this honor is a reflection of her credibility within the wider Anglican Communion and in spite of the mortification by many with legitimate Oxford credentials the University could have done worse than choosing such a polarizing figure.

The ruthless Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe received honorary degrees from The University of Edinburgh as well as Michigan State University. While Oxford's decision may seem mystifying granting a degree to a murderous thug like Mugabe defies rationality. One can only hope that humiliated alumni demanded mass resignations and removal of those responsible for that disastrous faux pas.

Having spent the previous year attempting to secure an honorary degree from my own college for a clergyman recognized as one of the Episcopal Church's most talented two things have become apparent. These degrees are awarded in order to bring prestige to an institution or in hope of receiving substantial financial support from the recipient.

It is difficult to find any prestige which might result from awarding a degree to Jefferts Schori. During her stewardship as presiding bishop a declining church has accelerated in its decline. There can be no claim of success in modeling tolerance and inclusion because she is only tolerant and inclusive of those with whom she is like minded. If her degree was amended from Doctor of Divinity to Doctor of Laws it could be defended as legitimate. There are numerous law firms receiving lucrative renumeration as the result of her leadership. If I were an investigative reporter I would follow the money.

The true loser might be the office of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Justin Welby is being criticized for allowing this to happen as well as for speaking in support of this degree. Like his predecessors he is discovering the very limited cards he has to play. If he had objected and was ignored then his declining influence could no longer be politely overlooked. Politeness aside any meaning his office once held is now limited to those of us from past generations who remember that it once mattered. The Church of England now joins The Episcopal Church in being regarded as a declining institution left mostly with memories of better days gone by.

The growth and vitality of Anglicanism now belong to the Southern Cone. The moral authority resides with our brothers and sisters of the global south. While we debate the baubles from our glorious past they flourish even at the risk of their lives by following Jesus Christ.

I recently spoke with a priest returning from a visit to Africa who was astounded by his experience The clergy he met were hungry for Christian knowledge often serving fifteen or more congregations. In America there are dioceses such as Eau Claire and Northern Michigan numbering less than one of these African parishes yet insisting on remaining separate with their own bishop and all of the trappings that go with it. The Christian World marvels at what they perceive as disconnect from reality while we seem astounded to be held in such poor regard.

C.S. Lewis observed that "we laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst." In many ways there is a debt of gratitude owed to Oxford for its decision. After years of living without standards or accountability it is comforting to know there are still those who are able to recognize something freakish when they we see it.

In 1985 Margaret Thatcher an alumna of Oxford became the only serving British Prime Minister in recent history not selected to receive an honorary degree from the University. Although sometimes described as the most faithful practicing Christian Prime Minister since Gladstone her governments decision to cut financial support to higher education was cited as the reason for this snub One can only imagine if she were still alive what she might say regarding her alma mater's decision to award an honorary degree to the presiding bishop. It is not difficult to visualize Britain's "Iron Lady" facing the cameras and stating that she wished to apologize for her actions of thirty years ago and adding; 'had I any idea this venerable university would someday reach the level where it would make such a decision, I would have never allowed such deep cuts to have taken place. No indeed, I would have made sure the cuts went far deeper."

Ladson F. Mills III is a priest with over thirty years pastoral experience. He is retired and lives with his wife in South Carolina. He currently serves as Scholar in Residence at the church of our Saviour, Johns Island. He is a regular contributor to "Virtueonline".

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