Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What?!? Second Sunday in Advent on 17 Nov 2013?

We love our little parish, our Rector and people at St. Peter's-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church.  Yet, most oddly, last week...the Sabbath service...17 Nov 2013...the Collect for the Day, the lections and the hymns were for the Second Sunday in Advent.  I suspect it happened with a Secretary and was caught too late to be reversed by the Rector.  We proceeded without missing a beat; this is comforting since I sing Easter hymns in Advent, Lent hymns during Trinity Sundays, and Advent hymns during Lent and more; seasonal confusions are common; ergo, it was good to see it happen once in an institutional setting.  We never missed the beat but methinks no one else noticed except the Rector. The sermon was fairly good:  Second Coming, Resurrection and Final Judgment.  Not profoundly so, in the sense of the old systemeticians, but surely in the orthodox direction. 

St. Peter's-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church

And we sang this good Advent hymn too.

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