Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Mr. (Rev. Dr. Prof.) Adolph Schlatter: Three Recommended NT Volumes

A well-known name in NT circles, Adolph Schlatter. However, he was untranslated in my time and not easily accessible. He allegedly took our old friend, Rudolph Bultmann, to the academic shed. Alas, lo and behold, Mr. Schlatter has been recovered by Baker Academic Press in the late 90s. We really must get these and review them. Mr. Schlatter wouldn't get much traction in the liberal circles we would suppose, but he had a bigger voice in European and British circles rather than US circles. When Mr. (Rev. Dr. Prof.) Donald Guthrie makes book recommendations, we listen.

A word from wiki on Mr. (Rev. Dr. Prof.) Adolph Schlatter. 

"Adolf Schlatter (16 August 1852 – 19 May 1938) was a world-leading Evangelical theologian and professor specialising in the New Testament and systematics at Greifswald, Berlin and Tübingen. Oxford scholar Robert Morgan suggests that Schlatter is the only "conservative" that ranks among the likes of F.C. Baur, William Wrede and Rudolph Bultmann in terms of genius and academic output. Schlatter has published more than 400 scholarly and popular pieces during his academic career. In his work "The Nature of New Testament Theology. The Contribution of William Wrede and Adolf Schlatter", Robert Morgan writes: "Schlatter ... was considered a conservative, and is perhaps the only 'conservative' New Testament scholar since Bengel who can be rated in the same class as Baur, Wrede, Bousset and Bultmann" p. 27. There has been a Schlatter Renaissance in the English-speaking world since the second half of the 20th century with scholars like Andreas Köstenberger and Robert Yarbrough taking the lead. Yarbrough rediscovered Schlatter, the latter being one of the leading evangelical voices in Germany, at a time when classical liberalism literally swept through large section of the Lutheran theological faculties of Germany."

Three volumes on the market:

Schlatter, Adolph. The History of Christ: The Foundation of New Testament Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 1997. Again, recommended by Donald Guthrie.

--------New Testament Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 1999. Highly recommended by Donald Guthrie. Not currently available.

-------The Theology of the Apostles. The Development of New Testament Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 1999. Again, recommended by Donald Guthrie.

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