Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christianity: An Outline

Varied Authors.  Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed. “Christianity.” Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.

Given the interest in orbital learning, divine providence (WCF, 5), and the implications of catechesis, learning is a corollary concern in life; it’s natural to Reformed theology and praxis. Here's EB's outline.

1.      The Essence of Christianity

A.    Theological Developments of the Concept

1.      Early views

2.      Medieval and Reformation views

3.      Early modern and modern views

B.    Ethical and other developments of this concept

1.      Ethical and ecumenical views

2.      Eschatological views

2. The history of Christianity

A. The primitive church

     1. The relation of the primitive church to Judaism

     2. The relation of the early church to the career and intentions of Jesus

     3. The Gentile mission and St. Paul

     4. The contemporary social, religious and intellectual world

B. The internal development of the early Christian church

     1. The problem of jurisdictional authority

     2. The problem of Scriptural authority

     3. The problem of theological authority

     4. Early heretical movements

C. Relations between Christianity and the Roman government and the Hellenistic culture

     1. Church-state relations

     2. Christianity and classical literature

     3. Apologetics

D. The early liturgy, the calendar and the arts

E. The alliance between church and empire

F. Theological controversies of the 4th and 5th centuries

    1. Western controversies

    2. Eastern controversies

G. Popular Christianity in the late empire

H. Liturgy and the arts after Constantine

I. Political relations between the East and West

J. Literature and the “Dark Ages”

K. Missions and monasticism

L. From the Schism to the Reformation

    1. Differences between the Eastern and Western churches

    2. Papacy and the Empire

    3. Medieval thought

    4. Reformation

M. Modern Christianity

N. The Modern Denominations

     1. Roman Catholicism

     2. The Eastern churches

     3. Protestantism
3. The history of Christian missions
     A. Early history
         1. First advance to AD 500
         2. Losses and gains to AD 950
         3. Later Middle Ages: advance in Europe and Asia
         4. Losses from 1350 to 1500
         5. Roman Catholic advance, 1500-1750
         6. Missionary cooperation
     B. Protestant missions
         1. The founding of missionary activities
         2. Protestant missionary advance, 19th and 20th centuries
         3. Growth of the churches
         4. Missionary cooperation
4. The Roles of Christianity
     A. Church and state
          1. The history of church and state
          2. Church and state in Eastern and Western theology
     B. Church and society
          1. The problem of slavery and persecution
          2. Theological and humanitarian motivations
          3. Interest in political activities
     C. Church and education
          1. Intellectualism versus anti-intellectualism
          2. Forms of Christian education
     D. Church and social welfare
          1. Healing and the sick
          2. Care for the sick
          3. Care for the poor, widows and orphans
          4. Pastoral care
    E. Church and the arts
    F. Church and minorities
    G. Church and family
         1. The tendency to spiritual and individualize marriage
         2. The tendency toward asceticism
    H. The Church and the individual
    I. Church and the missionary
        1. The triumphant type of mission
        2. The heroic type of mission
        3. Educational and medical missions
     J. Church and church: ecumenism
        1. History of ecumenism
        2. Modern agencies and exponents of ecumenism
     K. Christian Church and non-Christian churches
         1. Conflicting Christian attitudes
         2. Modern views
 5. Canon law
       A. Nature and significance
            1. Historical and cultural importance of canon law
            2. Problems in the study of canon law and its sources
        B. History
            1. The formative period: origins to Gratian (c. 1140)
            2. The Corpus Juris Canonici (c. 1140—c.1500)
            3. From the Council of Trent (1545—1563) to the Codex Juris Canonici (1917)
            4. The Codex Juris Canonici (1917)
            5. The Eastern churches in union with Rome
         C. Vatican 11 and post-conciliar canon law
         D. Vatican 11
         E. Post-conciliar legislation
         F. Revision of the Code of Canon Law
         G. The New Code of Canon Law
          H. Anglican canon law
6. Christian thought and doctrine
     A. The issue of the church’s identity
          1. Views on the unity of the church
          2. Views on the history of the church
     B. The heritage of the Church Fathers: patristic literature
          1. The ante-Nicene period
          2. The post-Nicene period
          3. The character of the heritage
     C. Christian philosophy
          1. Meaning of Christian philosophy
          2. Distinctive themes in Christian philosophy
          3. History of Christian philosophy
          4. Problems confronting Christian philosophy
          5. Implications of Christian philosophy
     D. Christian doctrine
          1. The meaning of dogma
          2. God the Father
          3. God the Son
          4. God the Holy Spirit
          5. The Holy Trinity
          6. Man
          7. The Church
          8. Last Things
      E. Christian Mysticism
          1. History of Christian mysticism
          2. Phases of Christian mysticism
          3. Forms of Christian mysticism
          4. The significance of Christian mysticism
7. Christian myth and legend
      A. Characteristics of myth and legend
      B. History of Christian myth and legend
          1. 1st and 2nd centuries
          2. 2nd to 5th centuries
          3. The Middle Ages
          4. Modern developments
8. Church year
      A. Origins of the church year
          1. Religious times and seasons
          2. Jewish background
          3. Formation of the church year
          4. Agreements and differences of the churches
      B. History of the church year
          1. Sunday
          2. Advent
          3. Christmas
         4. Epiphany
         5. Pre-Lent
         6. Lent
         7. Easter
         8. Ascension
         9. Pentecost
         10. Pentecost or Trinity Season
         11. Saints’ days and other holy days
     C. Liturgical colours

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