Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Attitude re-adjustments for ACNA-multistreamists, Anglicostals, devotees of saints’ invocations, Lady of Walsingham, TBN, & Pentecostals

Lee, Francis Nigel. Miracles and Pseudo-Miracles—What and When and Why?http://www.dr-fnlee.org/docs8/mapm/mapm.pdf. Accessed 30 Sept 2013.

Attitude re-adjustments for ACNA-multistreamists, Anglicostals, devotees of saints’ invocations, Lady of Walsingham, TBN, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Montanists, the Charisma Mag-Rag and other enthusiasts: Mr. (Rev. Dr. Prof.) F.N. Lee. Costals aggressively pushed themselves forward; the pushback is long overdue and is undertaken.

(And, a special word for ACNA’s catechetical efforts at
Reformation amnesia:

Proverbs 12. 1: “Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.”

A theological study about the nature of miracles and their cessation at inscripturation but the continuation of pseudo-miracles according to revealed religion from the fall of the first Adam till the second coming of the Second Adam.)

And now, for rebukes from F. Nigel Lee:

18. William Shedd: on the role and goal of miracles

Rev. Dr. William G.T. Shedd was sometime Professor of Theology at Union Seminary in New York. He has an instructive chapter on 'Miracles' in his textbook Dogmatic Theology.

Said Shedd:40 "The miracle is an extraordinary act of God. It does not differ from the ordinary course of nature because it requires a greater exertion of Divine power, but because it requires a different exertion of it.

"To cause the sun to rise, and to cause Lazarus to rise, both alike demand Omnipotence.

But the manner in which Omnipotence works in one instance, is unlike the manner in the other...."Whenever the ordinary method by natural means is inadequate to accomplish the Divine purpose in the government of the universe or any part of it, God employs the extraordinary method by miracle.... The miracle occurs only when there is an occasion requiring it.... The miracle is a part of a great whole, which is supernatural: namely, the Person of the Redeemer and the work of redemption...."The Old Testament miracles are connected with the Jehovah-Angel or the redeeming God. Those of the New Testament are connected with the Jehovah-Logos or Jesus Christ...."In the future history of the world, certain events are to be brought about miraculously -- because they cannot be by ordinary physical laws. The resurrection of the bodies of all men, is one of them.

"The sudden dissolution and reconstruction of this material world at the end of the redemptive economy (First Corinthians 15:24 & Matthew 25:31-46), cannot be effected by the present slow and gradual operation of natural laws. There must, therefore, be a miraculous interference [then], similar to that by which the world was first created."

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