Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Is Mr. (D.D.) David Virtue a Schismatic?

VirtueOnline - News

Who is schismatic?
Facebook posting announces David Virtue's planned visit to Virginia Theological Seminary

By Mary Ann Mueller
VOL Special Correspondent
Sept. 17, 2013

                                  This bubbled up on Facebook recently. " David Virtue, one of the leading and loudest voices in the blogosphere supporting the 'orthodox Anglican' 'realignment' movement in North America and Africa, has been invited by Dean Ian Markham of Virginia Seminary for a deanery event in October.

"If you don't know David Virtue, check out his website, his readership/comments and his connection to encouraging schism in the Episcopal Church.

"The goal of the evening is to meet face to face, to establish relationships and to see God in the other. Should be an interesting evening."


If anyone would care to check the history of the Anglican Communion, it would be quickly determined that the Church of England, the foundation of Anglicanism, and the mother church of The Episcopal Church, was birthed through schism.


The XIX Article of Religion concerning Of the Church reads: "The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in which the pure Word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly ministered according to Christ's ordinance, in all those things that of necessity are requisite of the same.

"As the Church of Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Antioch, have erred, so also the Church of Rome hath erred, not only in their living and manner of Ceremonies, but also in matters of Faith."


A group of Episcopalians separate from "First Episcopal Church" to form "Second Episcopal Church" across town over the use of the Rite I, women priests, transgendered clergy, the authority of Scripture, or the color scheme of the parlor.


When someone agrees with the ideology behind of the separation it's called reformation-the English Reformation. When they disagree it's called schism. The same thing goes in politics. When the act of separating happens within a city, county or state, it's called secession-the Confederate States seceded from the Union. When it happens in the Church it's called schism.


When the realignment of the Catholic Church occurred in 16th century England and continental Europe, it was called The Reformation. When the realignment of The Episcopal Church happens in 21 century America, it's called schism.


The Dean's event is slated to occur on Oct. 3. It is an intimate by-invitation-only affair for 25 students, faculty and staff members. The evening coffee and tea party at Dean Markham's on-campus home is coupled with lively discussion featuring the evening's special guest - David Virtue.



Mary Ann Mueller is a journalist living in Texas. She is a regular contributor to VirtueOnline.

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